(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([ ["chunk-ed495fa0"], { "014b": function (e, t, s) { "use strict"; var i = s("e53d"), n = s("07e3"), a = s("8e60"), r = s("63b6"), o = s("9138"), l = s("ebfd").KEY, c = s("294c"), u = s("dbdb"), p = s("45f2"), m = s("62a0"), h = s("5168"), g = s("ccb9"), d = s("6718"), f = s("47ee"), y = s("9003"), v = s("e4ae"), b = s("f772"), w = s("241e"), C = s("36c3"), k = s("1bc3"), x = s("aebd"), S = s("a159"), _ = s("0395"), $ = s("bf0b"), M = s("9aa9"), P = s("d9f6"), L = s("c3a1"), T = $.f, j = P.f, A = _.f, E = i.Symbol, U = i.JSON, D = U && U.stringify, O = "prototype", I = h("_hidden"), B = h("toPrimitive"), N = {}.propertyIsEnumerable, H = u("symbol-registry"), W = u("symbols"), q = u("op-symbols"), R = Object[O], F = "function" == typeof E && !!M.f, z = i.QObject, V = !z || !z[O] || !z[O].findChild, G = a && c(function () { return ( 7 != S( j({}, "a", { get: function () { return j(this, "a", { value: 7, }).a; }, }) ).a ); }) ? function (e, t, s) { var i = T(R, t); i && delete R[t], j(e, t, s), i && e !== R && j(R, t, i); } : j, Y = function (e) { var t = (W[e] = S(E[O])); return (t._k = e), t; }, X = F && "symbol" == typeof E.iterator ? function (e) { return "symbol" == typeof e; } : function (e) { return e instanceof E; }, K = function (e, t, s) { return ( e === R && K(q, t, s), v(e), (t = k(t, !0)), v(s), n(W, t) ? (s.enumerable ? (n(e, I) && e[I][t] && (e[I][t] = !1), (s = S(s, { enumerable: x(0, !1), }))) : (n(e, I) || j(e, I, x(1, {})), (e[I][t] = !0)), G(e, t, s)) : j(e, t, s) ); }, J = function (e, t) { v(e); var s, i = f((t = C(t))), n = 0, a = i.length; while (a > n) K(e, (s = i[n++]), t[s]); return e; }, Q = function (e, t) { return void 0 === t ? S(e) : J(S(e), t); }, Z = function (e) { var t = N.call(this, (e = k(e, !0))); return !(this === R && n(W, e) && !n(q, e)) && (!(t || !n(this, e) || !n(W, e) || (n(this, I) && this[I][e])) || t); }, ee = function (e, t) { if (((e = C(e)), (t = k(t, !0)), e !== R || !n(W, t) || n(q, t))) { var s = T(e, t); return !s || !n(W, t) || (n(e, I) && e[I][t]) || (s.enumerable = !0), s; } }, te = function (e) { var t, s = A(C(e)), i = [], a = 0; while (s.length > a) n(W, (t = s[a++])) || t == I || t == l || i.push(t); return i; }, se = function (e) { var t, s = e === R, i = A(s ? q : C(e)), a = [], r = 0; while (i.length > r) !n(W, (t = i[r++])) || (s && !n(R, t)) || a.push(W[t]); return a; }; F || ((E = function () { if (this instanceof E) throw TypeError("Symbol is not a constructor!"); var e = m(arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : void 0), t = function (s) { this === R && t.call(q, s), n(this, I) && n(this[I], e) && (this[I][e] = !1), G(this, e, x(1, s)); }; return ( a && V && G(R, e, { configurable: !0, set: t, }), Y(e) ); }), o(E[O], "toString", function () { return this._k; }), ($.f = ee), (P.f = K), (s("6abf").f = _.f = te), (s("355d").f = Z), (M.f = se), a && !s("b8e3") && o(R, "propertyIsEnumerable", Z, !0), (g.f = function (e) { return Y(h(e)); })), r(r.G + r.W + r.F * !F, { Symbol: E, }); for (var ie = "hasInstance,isConcatSpreadable,iterator,match,replace,search,species,split,toPrimitive,toStringTag,unscopables".split(","), ne = 0; ie.length > ne; ) h(ie[ne++]); for (var ae = L(h.store), re = 0; ae.length > re; ) d(ae[re++]); r(r.S + r.F * !F, "Symbol", { for: function (e) { return n(H, (e += "")) ? H[e] : (H[e] = E(e)); }, keyFor: function (e) { if (!X(e)) throw TypeError(e + " is not a symbol!"); for (var t in H) if (H[t] === e) return t; }, useSetter: function () { V = !0; }, useSimple: function () { V = !1; }, }), r(r.S + r.F * !F, "Object", { create: Q, defineProperty: K, defineProperties: J, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: ee, getOwnPropertyNames: te, getOwnPropertySymbols: se, }); var oe = c(function () { M.f(1); }); r(r.S + r.F * oe, "Object", { getOwnPropertySymbols: function (e) { return M.f(w(e)); }, }), U && r( r.S + r.F * (!F || c(function () { var e = E(); return ( "[null]" != D([e]) || "{}" != D({ a: e, }) || "{}" != D(Object(e)) ); })), "JSON", { stringify: function (e) { var t, s, i = [e], n = 1; while (arguments.length > n) i.push(arguments[n++]); if (((s = t = i[1]), (b(t) || void 0 !== e) && !X(e))) return ( y(t) || (t = function (e, t) { if (("function" == typeof s && (t = s.call(this, e, t)), !X(t))) return t; }), (i[1] = t), D.apply(U, i) ); }, } ), E[O][B] || s("35e8")(E[O], B, E[O].valueOf), p(E, "Symbol"), p(Math, "Math", !0), p(i.JSON, "JSON", !0); }, "0395": function (e, t, s) { var i = s("36c3"), n = s("6abf").f, a = {}.toString, r = "object" == typeof window && window && Object.getOwnPropertyNames ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) : [], o = function (e) { try { return n(e); } catch (t) { return r.slice(); } }; e.exports.f = function (e) { return r && "[object Window]" == a.call(e) ? o(e) : n(i(e)); }; }, "0fc9": function (e, t, s) { var i = s("3a38"), n = Math.max, a = Math.min; e.exports = function (e, t) { return (e = i(e)), e < 0 ? n(e + t, 0) : a(e, t); }; }, 1654: function (e, t, s) { "use strict"; var i = s("71c1")(!0); s("30f1")( String, "String", function (e) { (this._t = String(e)), (this._i = 0); }, function () { var e, t = this._t, s = this._i; return s >= t.length ? { value: void 0, done: !0, } : ((e = i(t, s)), (this._i += e.length), { value: e, done: !1, }); } ); }, 1691: function (e, t) { e.exports = "constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf".split(","); }, "241e": function (e, t, s) { var i = s("25eb"); e.exports = function (e) { return Object(i(e)); }; }, "25eb": function (e, t) { e.exports = function (e) { if (void 0 == e) throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + e); return e; }; }, "2fd1": function (e, t, s) { e.exports = s.p + "img/alfa1.4471d107.jpg"; }, "30f1": function (e, t, s) { "use strict"; var i = s("b8e3"), n = s("63b6"), a = s("9138"), r = s("35e8"), o = s("481b"), l = s("8f60"), c = s("45f2"), u = s("53e2"), p = s("5168")("iterator"), m = !([].keys && "next" in [].keys()), h = "@@iterator", g = "keys", d = "values", f = function () { return this; }; e.exports = function (e, t, s, y, v, b, w) { l(s, t, y); var C, k, x, S = function (e) { if (!m && e in P) return P[e]; switch (e) { case g: return function () { return new s(this, e); }; case d: return function () { return new s(this, e); }; } return function () { return new s(this, e); }; }, _ = t + " Iterator", $ = v == d, M = !1, P = e.prototype, L = P[p] || P[h] || (v && P[v]), T = L || S(v), j = v ? ($ ? S("entries") : T) : void 0, A = ("Array" == t && P.entries) || L; if ( (A && ((x = u(A.call(new e()))), x !== Object.prototype && x.next && (c(x, _, !0), i || "function" == typeof x[p] || r(x, p, f))), $ && L && L.name !== d && ((M = !0), (T = function () { return L.call(this); })), (i && !w) || (!m && !M && P[p]) || r(P, p, T), (o[t] = T), (o[_] = f), v) ) if ( ((C = { values: $ ? T : S(d), keys: b ? T : S(g), entries: j, }), w) ) for (k in C) k in P || a(P, k, C[k]); else n(n.P + n.F * (m || M), t, C); return C; }; }, "32fc": function (e, t, s) { var i = s("e53d").document; e.exports = i && i.documentElement; }, "335c": function (e, t, s) { var i = s("6b4c"); e.exports = Object("z").propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function (e) { return "String" == i(e) ? e.split("") : Object(e); }; }, "33bd": function (e, t, s) { "use strict"; s("4d6c"); }, "355d": function (e, t) { t.f = {}.propertyIsEnumerable; }, "36c3": function (e, t, s) { var i = s("335c"), n = s("25eb"); e.exports = function (e) { return i(n(e)); }; }, "386b": function (e, t, s) { var i = s("5ca1"), n = s("79e5"), a = s("be13"), r = /"/g, o = function (e, t, s, i) { var n = String(a(e)), o = "<" + t; return "" !== s && (o += " " + s + '="' + String(i).replace(r, """) + '"'), o + ">" + n + ""; }; e.exports = function (e, t) { var s = {}; (s[e] = t(o)), i( i.P + i.F * n(function () { var t = ""[e]('"'); return t !== t.toLowerCase() || t.split('"').length > 3; }), "String", s ); }; }, "3a38": function (e, t) { var s = Math.ceil, i = Math.floor; e.exports = function (e) { return isNaN((e = +e)) ? 0 : (e > 0 ? i : s)(e); }; }, "3aa2": function (e, t, s) { e.exports = s.p + "img/qiwi3.61d672ed.jpg"; }, "3e26": function (e, t, s) {}, "45f2": function (e, t, s) { var i = s("d9f6").f, n = s("07e3"), a = s("5168")("toStringTag"); e.exports = function (e, t, s) { e && !n((e = s ? e : e.prototype), a) && i(e, a, { configurable: !0, value: t, }); }; }, "46ba": function (e, t, s) { "use strict"; s.r(t); var i = function () { var e = this, t = e.$createElement, s = e._self._c || t; return s("div", [s("account-content")], 1); }, n = [], a = function () { var e = this, t = e.$createElement, s = e._self._c || t; return s( "div", [ s( "div", { style: e.loadingStyle, }, [ s("loading-bar", { ref: "loadbar", attrs: { message: e.loadingMessage, }, }), ], 1 ), "swift" === e.$route.params.product ? s("swift-item", { directives: [ { name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: !e.isLoading, expression: "!isLoading", }, ], attrs: { upsell: e.upsell, publicPath: e.publicPath, isEpayUpsell: e.isEpayUpsell, redirectingClass: e.redirectingClass, psAlias: e.psAlias, }, }) : s( "section", { staticClass: "calc pt-2", attrs: { id: "block", }, }, [ s( "div", { directives: [ { name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: !e.isLoading && "chat" == e.upsell.upsellType, expression: "!isLoading && upsell.upsellType=='chat'", }, ], }, [ s( "div", { staticClass: "container comments-area", }, [ s( "div", { staticClass: "alert shadow alert-success alert-status font-2r", class: e.isError ? "alert-red" : "", staticStyle: { display: "block", }, }, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.statusMessage) + "\n ")] ), ] ), e.upsell.chat ? s("ChatManager", { attrs: { upsell: e.upsell, publicPath: e.publicPath, isEpayUpsell: e.isEpayUpsell, redirectingClass: e.redirectingClass, }, }) : e._e(), ], 1 ), s( "div", { directives: [ { name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: !e.isLoading && "text" == e.upsell.upsellType, expression: "!isLoading && upsell.upsellType=='text'", }, ], staticClass: "container shadow-lg bg-white", }, [ s( "div", { staticClass: "container calculate", }, [ s( "div", { staticClass: "alert alert-success alert-status", class: e.isError ? "alert-red" : "", staticStyle: { display: "block", }, }, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.statusMessage) + "\n ")] ), s( "div", { directives: [ { name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: !e.isAccountFin, expression: "!isAccountFin", }, ], staticClass: "calculate_wrap mb-2", }, [ s( "div", { staticClass: "calculate_total", }, [ s( "p", { staticClass: "total_head text-center mb-2", staticStyle: { "font-size": "28px", }, }, [e._v("Your payout is:")] ), s( "div", { staticClass: "text-success-highlight text-center mx-auto font-weight-normal text-numbers mb-0", staticStyle: { "line-height": "1", }, style: e.$afterExchange(this.$options.name) ? "font-size:3rem" : "font-size:6.2rem", }, [ s("span", { directives: [ { name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: !e.$afterExchange(this.$options.name), expression: "!$afterExchange(this.$options.name)", }, ], staticClass: "h1 font-weight-normal", staticStyle: { opacity: "0.8", }, domProps: { innerHTML: e._s(" " + e.$usermoney().curName), }, }), s("span", { domProps: { innerHTML: e._s(e.$usermoney().value), }, }), s("span", { directives: [ { name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: e.$afterExchange(this.$options.name), expression: "$afterExchange(this.$options.name)", }, ], staticClass: "font-weight-normal", staticStyle: { opacity: "0.8", }, domProps: { innerHTML: e._s(" " + e.$usermoney().curName), }, }), ] ), s( "p", { staticClass: "total_txt text-center mb-0", staticStyle: { padding: "0 20px", }, }, [ e._v("You need to withdraw money within "), s( "span", { staticClass: "text-numbers font-weight-lighter", }, [e._v("24")] ), e._v(" hours!\n "), ] ), ] ), ] ), ] ), s( "div", { staticClass: "row", }, [ s( "div", { staticClass: "form-wrap mx-auto pt-0", }, [ s( "div", { staticClass: "form px-1 px-sm-3", }, [ s("h2", { staticClass: "form-title text-center text-dark mb-0 text-numbers", staticStyle: { "font-size": "26px", "font-weight": "600", }, domProps: { innerHTML: e._s(e.upsell.title.replace(/{{converting_geoCur}}/gi, e.converting_geoCur)), }, }), e.upsell.description ? s( "div", e._l(e.upsell.description, function (t, i) { return s( "div", { key: i, }, [ s("p", { staticClass: "text-left text-sm-justify text-md-left", domProps: { innerHTML: e._s( t .replace(/{{geoMoneyHalfLimit}}/gi, e.geoMoneyHalfLimit) .replace(/{{geoMoney10Percent}}/gi, e.geoMoney10Percent) .replace(/{{upsellPrice}}/gm, e.upsell.amount[e.psAlias]) .replace(/{{geoUpsellPrice}}/gm, e.geoUpsellPrice) .replace(/{{usernamePlaceholder}}/gm, e.usernamePlaceholder) .replace(/{{useremailPlaceholder}}/gm, e.useremailPlaceholder) .replace(/{{moneyUSDorEUR}}/gi, e.moneyUSDorEUR) .replace(/{{moneyBTC}}/gi, e.moneyBTC) .replace(/{{convertedAmountRUB}}/gi, e.convertedAmountRUB) .replace(/{{convertedAmountUSD}}/gi, e.convertedAmountUSD) .replace(/{{converted_USD_or_EUR}}/gi, e.converted_USD_or_EUR) .replace(/{{converting_geoCur_or_USD}}/gi, e.converting_geoCur_or_USD) .replace(/{{converting_geoCur}}/gi, e.converting_geoCur) .replace(/{{geoCurrency}}/gi, e.$store.getters.geoCurrency.toUpperCase()) .replace(/{{geoAmount}}/gi, e.$numberWithSpaces(e.$geoUpsellPrice(e.upsell.amount[e.psAlias]))) .replace(/{{geoMoney}}/gi, e.$numberWithSpaces(e.$geoUpsellPrice(e.$store.getters.rescueMoney))) .replace(/{{moneyPageBased}}/gi, e.moneyPageBased) .replace(/{{firstPart}}/gi, e.$numberWithSpaces(e.$geoNum(Math.floor(e.$store.getters.rescueMoney / 2), "usd"))) .replace(/{{secondPart}}/gi, e.$numberWithSpaces(e.$geoNum(Math.ceil(e.$store.getters.rescueMoney / 2), "usd"))) .replace(/{{geoFirstPart}}/gi, e.$numberWithSpaces(e.$geoUpsellPrice(Math.floor(e.$store.getters.rescueMoney / 2), "usd"))) .replace(/{{geoSecondPart}}/gi, e.$numberWithSpaces(e.$geoUpsellPrice(Math.ceil(e.$store.getters.rescueMoney / 2), "usd"))) ), }, }), ] ); }), 0 ) : e._e(), e.upsell.product ? s("p", { staticClass: "text-left" }, [ s("span", { domProps: { innerHTML: e._s( e.upsell.product .replace(/{{moneyUSDorEUR}}/gi, e.moneyUSDorEUR) .replace(/{{moneyBTC}}/gi, e.moneyBTC) .replace(/{{converting_geoCur_or_USD}}/gi, e.converting_geoCur_or_USD) .replace(/{{converting_geoCur}}/gi, e.converting_geoCur) .replace(/{{geoCurrency}}/gi, e.$store.getters.geoCurrency.toUpperCase()) .replace(/{{firstPart}}/gi, e.$numberWithSpaces(e.$geoNum(Math.floor(e.$store.getters.rescueMoney / 2), "usd"))) .replace(/{{secondPart}}/gi, e.$numberWithSpaces(e.$geoNum(Math.ceil(e.$store.getters.rescueMoney / 2), "usd"))) .replace(/{{geoFirstPart}}/gi, e.$numberWithSpaces(e.$geoUpsellPrice(Math.floor(e.$store.getters.rescueMoney / 2)), "usd")) .replace(/{{geoSecondPart}}/gi, e.$numberWithSpaces(e.$geoUpsellPrice(Math.ceil(e.$store.getters.rescueMoney / 2)), "usd")) ), }, }), e._v(" \n "), e.upsell.amount[e.psAlias] > 0 ? s("", { staticClass: "", class: e.sale ? "" : "" }, [e._v()]) : e._e(), e._v("\n \n "), e.upsell.amount[e.psAlias] > 0 && e.sale ? s("", { staticClass: "" }, [e._v()]) : e._e(), ]) : e._e(), e.upsell.amount[e.psAlias] > 0 && !e.sale ? s( "div", { staticClass: "text-justify text-md-center mb-2 font-weight-bold", on: { click: function (t) { return t.preventDefault(), e.saleOn.apply(null, arguments); }, }, }, [s("a", { staticClass: "", attrs: { href: "" } }, [])] ) : e._e(), e.upsell.customItem ? s("div", { domProps: { innerHTML: e._s( e .customItem() .replace(/{{geoMoneyHalfLimit}}/gi, e.geoMoneyHalfLimit) .replace(/{{moneyUSDorEUR}}/gi, e.moneyUSDorEUR) .replace(/{{moneyUSDorEUR}}/gi, e.moneyUSDorEUR) .replace(/{{moneyBTC}}/gi, e.moneyBTC) .replace(/{{convertedAmountRUB}}/gi, e.convertedAmountRUB) .replace(/{{convertedAmountUSD}}/gi, e.convertedAmountUSD) .replace(/{{converting_geoCur_or_USD}}/gi, e.converting_geoCur_or_USD) .replace(/{{converted_USD_or_EUR}}/gi, e.converted_USD_or_EUR) .replace(/{{usernamePlaceholder}}/gm, e.usernamePlaceholder) .replace(/{{useremailPlaceholder}}/gm, e.useremailPlaceholder) .replace(/{{userphonePlaceholder}}/gm, e.userphonePlaceholder) .replace(/{{paymentMethod}}/gm, e.paymentMethod) .replace(/{{paymentNumberPlaceholder}}/gm, e.paymentNumberPlaceholder) .replace(/{{geoAmount}}/gi, e.geoAmount) .replace(/{{geoMoney}}/gi, e.$numberWithSpaces(e.$geoUpsellPrice(e.$store.getters.rescueMoney))) .replace(/{{moneyPageBased}}/gi, e.moneyPageBased) .replace(/{receiptAmount}/gi, e.getReceiptAmount) .replace(/{{geoReceiptAmount}}/gi, e.$numberWithSpaces(e.$geoUpsellPrice(e.getReceiptAmount))) .replace(/{{todayFull}}/gi, e.todayFull) .replace(/{{sitename}}/gm, this.$store.getters.sitename) ), }, }) : e._e(), s( "ul", { staticClass: "list-unstyled list_ok", }, e._l(e.upsell.instructions, function (t, i) { return s( "li", { key: i, staticClass: "mb-1", }, [ s("svg", { directives: [ { name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg", }, ], staticClass: "text-success", staticStyle: { "font-size": "21px", }, attrs: { symbol: "check-circle", size: "0 0 21 21", }, }), s("span", { staticClass: "ml-2", domProps: { innerHTML: e._s(t.replace(/{{converting_geoCur}}/gi, e.converting_geoCur)), }, }), ] ); }), 0 ), e.isError ? s( "div", { staticStyle: { color: "#f93c3c", "font-size": "15px", }, }, [s("b", [e._v("*If you can’t pay with bitcoin, use another cryptocurrency")])] ) : e._e(), s( "div", { staticClass: "w-100 text-center", }, [ s( "a", { staticClass: "button_outer-blue text-center upsell-btn p-3 btn btn-success dependent-on-consent pulse-button pre-wrap position-relative", attrs: { "data-href": e.isEpayUpsell ? e.upsell.paymentLinks.e : "", href: "javascript:void(0);", }, on: { click: function (t) { return e.goPay(t); }, }, }, [ s("span", { domProps: { innerHTML: e._s(e.upsell.buttonText.replace(/{{converting_geoCur}}/gi, e.converting_geoCur)), }, }), s("span", { class: e.redirectingClass, }), ] ), ] ), s( "center", { staticStyle: { "padding-top": "25px", opacity: "0.3", }, }, [ s("img", { attrs: { src: e.publicPath + "img/sps.png", alt: "", }, }), ] ), ], 1 ), ] ), ] ), ] ), ] ), s("comments-item", { directives: [ { name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: !e.isLoading, expression: "!isLoading", }, ], }), s( "b-modal", { ref: "modal-fail", attrs: { "hide-footer": "", "modal-class": "spin-modal-welcome", "header-class": "text-center p-0 mb-1 text-uppercase close-right bg-close position-absolute", }, on: { hide: e.scrollToUpsellBtn, }, }, [ s( "div", { staticClass: "w-100 m-auto pt-2 pb-0 text-center", }, [ s("svg", { directives: [ { name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg", }, ], staticStyle: { width: "90px", height: "90px", }, attrs: { symbol: "warning-sign", size: "0 0 90 90", }, }), ] ), s( "h1", { staticClass: "text-center mb-2", staticStyle: { "line-height": "1.0", }, }, [e._v("Complete the withdrawal of funds")] ), s( "div", { staticClass: "d-block text-center spin-description", staticStyle: { "line-height": "1.2", }, }, [ s("p", [e._v("The withdrawal of funds for you will be available after payment of services.")]), s("p", [e._v("Your payment has not arrived, try again!")]), s( "p", { staticClass: "mb-0", }, [e._v("The funds will go to the details that you indicated in the receipt.")] ), ] ), s( "b-button", { staticClass: "mt-1 btn-success text-uppercase w-100", attrs: { variant: "primary", block: "", }, on: { click: function (t) { return e.tryToPayUpsell("modal-fail"); }, }, }, [e._v("Try again")] ), s("div", { directives: [ { name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: e.isReceiptAvailable, expression: "isReceiptAvailable", }, ], domProps: { innerHTML: e._s( this.upsells[this.lang]["receipt"].customItem .replace(/{{moneyPageBased}}/gi, e.moneyPageBased) .replace(/{{geoAmount}}/gi, this.geoAmount) .replace(/{{d-none}}/gi, "d-none") .replace(/{{sitename}}/gm, this.$store.getters.sitename) .replace(/{{usernamePlaceholder}}/gm, e.usernamePlaceholder) .replace(/{{paymentMethod}}/gm, e.paymentMethod) .replace(/{{paymentNumberPlaceholder}}/gm, e.paymentNumberPlaceholder) ), }, }), ], 1 ), ], 1 ); }, r = [], o = (s("4917"), s("7f7f"), s("28a5"), s("67bb")), l = s.n(o), c = s("5d58"), u = s.n(c); function p(e) { return ( (p = "function" === typeof l.a && "symbol" === typeof u.a ? function (e) { return typeof e; } : function (e) { return e && "function" === typeof l.a && e.constructor === l.a && e !== l.a.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e; }), p(e) ); } s("a481"), s("6762"), s("2fdb"), s("6b54"); var m = function () { var e = this, t = e.$createElement, s = e._self._c || t; return s("div", {}, [ s( "div", { staticClass: "chat mx-auto position-relative", }, [ s( "div", { directives: [ { name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: e.isOverlayLoading, expression: "isOverlayLoading", }, ], staticClass: "chatoverlay position-fixed w-100 h-100 overflow-hidden", }, [ s( "div", { staticClass: "h-100 d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center", }, [ e._m(0), s( "p", { staticClass: "my-0 text-center text-light", }, [e._v(e._s(e.overlayLoadingText))] ), ] ), ] ), s( "div", { staticClass: "bg-insta chat-title bg-primary-chat", }, [ s( "h1", { staticClass: "text-light", }, [e._v(e._s(e.upsell.chat.name))] ), s( "div", { directives: [ { name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: e.isTyping, expression: "isTyping", }, ], }, [e._m(1)] ), s("h2", { directives: [ { name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: !e.isTyping, expression: "!isTyping", }, ], staticClass: "text-light mt-1 text-capitalize", domProps: { innerHTML: e._s(e.upsell.chat.job), }, }), s( "figure", { staticClass: "avatar", }, [ s("img", { staticClass: "lazyload", attrs: { "data-src": e.publicPath + "img/" + e.upsell.chat.avatar, }, }), ] ), ] ), s( "div", { ref: "chatMessages", staticClass: "messages bg-secondary pr-1 h-100 position-relative", staticStyle: { "box-sizing": "border-box", }, attrs: { id: "chatMessages", }, on: { scroll: function (t) { return e.scrollMessages(t); }, }, }, e._l(e.insertMessages, function (t, i) { return t.managerMsg ? s( "div", { directives: [ { name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: null == t.managerMsg.match(/^{{loading.*}}$/gm), expression: "message.managerMsg.match(/^{{loading.*}}$/gm)==null", }, ], key: i, staticClass: "new bg-light shadow text-dark", class: t.managerMsg.includes("{{answerBtn:") ? "answerMsgBtn text-right message-personal" : "message", }, [ s( "figure", { staticClass: "avatar", }, [ s("img", { staticClass: "lazyload", attrs: { "data-src": e.publicPath + "img/" + e.upsell.chat.avatar, }, }), ] ), s("span", { staticClass: "font-2r", domProps: { innerHTML: e._s( t.managerMsg .replace(/{{geoMoneyHalfLimit}}/gi, e.geoMoneyHalfLimit) .replace(/{{secondPart}}/gi, e.$numberWithSpaces(e.$geoNum(Math.ceil(e.$store.getters.rescueMoney / 2), "usd"))) .replace(/{{converting_geoCur}}/gi, e.converting_geoCur.toUpperCase()) .replace(/{{prevDayYear}}/gi, e.prevDayYear) .replace(/{{moneyPageBased}}/gi, e.moneyPageBased) .replace(/{{upsellbtn}}/gi, "") .replace(/{{nextbtn.*}}/gi, "") .replace(/{{answerBtn.*}}/gi, "") .replace(/{{waitfor.*}}/gi, "") .replace(/{{next}}/gi, "") .replace(/{{wait}}/gi, "") .replace(/{{geoMoney}}/gi, e.$numberWithSpaces(e.$geoUpsellPrice(e.$store.getters.getNumberFromMoney))) .replace(/{{geoMoneyHard}}/gi, e.$numberWithSpaces(e.$geoUpsellPriceOnlyNum(e.$store.getters.rescueMoney, "usd"))) .replace(/({{loading:.*}})/gi, "") .replace(/{{greetingTime}}/gi, e.greetingOnTime) .replace(/{{nextDay}}/gi, e.nextDay) .replace(/{{userName}}/gi, e.getUserName) .replace(/{{paymentMethod}}/gi, e.paymentMethod) .replace(/{{geoAmountChat}}/gi, e.$numberWithSpaces(e.$geoUpsellPrice(e.upsell.amount[e.psAlias]))) ), }, }), t.managerMsg.includes("{{nextbtn") ? s( "span", { staticClass: "d-inline font-2r", on: { "~click": function (t) { return e.goNextMsg.apply(null, arguments); }, }, }, [ s( "a", { staticClass: "btn btn-success rounded", attrs: { href: "javascript:void(0);", }, }, [e._v(e._s(t.managerMsg.match(/".*"/gm)[0].replace(/"/g, "")))] ), ] ) : e._e(), t.managerMsg.includes("{{answerBtn:") ? s( "span", e._l(JSON.parse(t.managerMsg.match(/\[.*\]/gm)[0]), function (t, i) { return s( "span", { key: i, staticClass: "d-inline font-2r message-personal", on: { "~click": function (s) { return e.goNextMsg(t); }, }, }, [ s( "a", { staticClass: "py-3 mx-2 my-1", attrs: { href: "javascript:void(0);", }, }, [e._v(e._s(t))] ), ] ); }), 0 ) : e._e(), t.managerMsg.includes("{{upsellbtn}}") ? s( "span", { staticClass: "d-inline font-2r", on: { click: function (t) { return e.goPayEmit(t); }, }, }, [ s( "a", { staticClass: "btn btn-success rounded p-1 position-relative upsell-btn", attrs: { "data-href": e.isEpayUpsell ? e.upsell.paymentLinks.e : "", href: "javascript:void(0);", }, }, [ s("span", { class: e.redirectingClass, }), s("span", { domProps: { innerHTML: e._s( e.upsell.buttonText .replace(/{{amountChat}}/gi, e.upsell.amount[e.psAlias]) .replace(/{{geoAmountChat}}/gi, e.$numberWithSpaces(e.$geoUpsellPrice(e.upsell.amount[e.psAlias]))) ), }, }), ] ), ] ) : e._e(), ] ) : t.myMsg ? s( "div", { staticClass: "message message-personal new text-light shadow", }, [ s("span", { staticClass: "font-2r", domProps: { innerHTML: e._s(t.myMsg.replace("{{answered:", "")), }, }), ] ) : t.managerTyping ? s( "div", { staticClass: "message new bg-light shadow text-dark", }, [ s( "figure", { staticClass: "avatar", }, [ s("img", { staticClass: "lazyload", attrs: { "data-src": e.publicPath + "img/" + e.upsell.chat.avatar, }, }), ] ), e._m(2), ] ) : e._e(); }), 0 ), s( "div", { staticClass: "position-absolute bg-light border rounded-circle shadow scroll-down cursor-pointer", class: e.btnToBottomClass, style: e.disableSend ? "bottom:10px;" : "bottom:55px;", on: { click: e.scrollChatToEnd, }, }, [ s( "div", { directives: [ { name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: e.unreadCount > 0, expression: "unreadCount>0", }, ], staticClass: "position-absolute rounded-circle text-center text-white font-weight-light new-msg-count", }, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.unreadCount) + "\n ")] ), s( "div", { staticClass: "w-100 h-100 position-relative", }, [ s( "svg", { staticClass: "position-absolute", staticStyle: { height: "60%", top: "29%", }, attrs: { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", width: "38", height: "38", viewBox: "0 0 240.835 240.835", }, }, [ s("path", { attrs: { d: "M129.007 57.819c-4.68-4.68-12.499-4.68-17.191 0L3.555 165.803c-4.74 4.74-4.74 12.427 0 17.155 4.74 4.74 12.439 4.74 17.179 0l99.683-99.406 99.671 99.418a12.17 12.17 0 0 0 17.191 0c4.74-4.74 4.74-12.427 0-17.155L129.007 57.819z", fill: "#b1b1b1", transform: "matrix(-.75 0 0 -.75 210.72975 210.72975)", }, }), ] ), ] ), ] ), s( "div", { staticClass: "message-box bg-light d-none", }, [ s("input", { ref: "messageInput", staticClass: "message-input text-dark border", class: e.messageInputClass, attrs: { type: "text", placeholder: "Answer the question", maxlength: "60", disabled: e.disableSend, }, on: { keydown: function (t) { return t.type.indexOf("key") || 13 === t.keyCode ? (t.preventDefault(), e.insertMessage()) : null; }, }, }), s( "button", { staticClass: "message-submit bg-primary-chat text-light shadow px-4 py-3", attrs: { type: "submit", disabled: e.disableSend, }, on: { click: function (t) { return e.insertMessage(); }, }, }, [e._v("Send")] ), ] ), ] ), e.showUpsellbtnUnderChat ? s( "div", { staticClass: "text-center", }, [ s( "div", { staticClass: "font-2r mt-5 m-1", }, [ s( "a", { staticClass: "d-inline-block mx-auto btn-success rounded blob-pulse green py-3 px-5 upsell-btn position-relative cursor-pointer", attrs: { "data-href": e.isEpayUpsell ? e.upsell.paymentLinks.e : "", href: "javascript:void(0);", }, on: { click: function (t) { return e.goPayEmit(t); }, }, }, [ s("span", { class: e.redirectingClass, }), s("span", { domProps: { innerHTML: e._s( e.upsell.buttonText.replace(/{{amountChat}}/gi, e.upsell.amount[e.psAlias]).replace(/{{geoAmountChat}}/gi, e.$numberWithSpaces(e.$geoUpsellPrice(e.upsell.amount[e.psAlias]))) ), }, }), ] ), ] ), ] ) : e._e(), ]); }, h = [ function () { var e = this, t = e.$createElement, s = e._self._c || t; return s( "div", { staticClass: "no-click", }, [ s( "div", { staticClass: "spinner", }, [ s("div", { staticClass: "bar1", }), s("div", { staticClass: "bar2", }), s("div", { staticClass: "bar3", }), s("div", { staticClass: "bar4", }), s("div", { staticClass: "bar5", }), s("div", { staticClass: "bar6", }), s("div", { staticClass: "bar7", }), s("div", { staticClass: "bar8", }), s("div", { staticClass: "bar9", }), s("div", { staticClass: "bar10", }), s("div", { staticClass: "bar11", }), s("div", { staticClass: "bar12", }), ] ), ] ); }, function () { var e = this, t = e.$createElement, s = e._self._c || t; return s( "div", { staticClass: "d-flex", }, [ s( "span", { staticClass: "text-lowercase font-weight-light", }, [e._v("typing")] ), s( "div", { staticClass: "ml-1 ", attrs: { id: "typing-wave", }, }, [ s("span", { staticClass: "dot bg-white", }), s("span", { staticClass: "dot bg-white", }), s("span", { staticClass: "dot bg-white", }), ] ), ] ); }, function () { var e = this, t = e.$createElement, s = e._self._c || t; return s( "div", { staticClass: "d-flex", }, [ s("span", [e._v("typing")]), s( "div", { staticClass: "ml-1", attrs: { id: "typing-wave", }, }, [ s("span", { staticClass: "dot", }), s("span", { staticClass: "dot", }), s("span", { staticClass: "dot", }), ] ), ] ); }, ], g = s("7707"), d = s.n(g); d.a.polyfill(); var f, y = { data: function () { return { unreadCount: 0, isScrollBottom: !1, messageInputClass: "", isTyping: !1, isOverlayLoading: !1, overlayLoadingText: "", disableSend: localStorage.getItem("/offbitbonus/disableSend") || !1, insertMessages: this.chatPullStore() || new Array(), d: null, h: null, m: null, date: new Date(), i: (!!this.chatPullStore() && this.chatPullStore().length - 1) || 0, msg: "", nextDay: "tomorrow", greetingOnTime: "Good day", months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], showUpsellbtnUnderChat: !1, paymentMethod: localStorage.getItem("/offbitbonus/paymentMethod") || "Bank card (USA)", }; }, computed: { geoMoneyHalfLimit: function () { for (var e = Math.ceil(this.$geoNum(this.$store.getters.rescueMoney / 2, "usd", !1)), t = e.toString().length - 1, s = String(), i = 0; i < t; i++) s += "0"; var n = e.toString()[0], a = n + s; return this.$numberWithSpaces(parseInt(a)) + " " + this.$store.getters.geoCurrency.toUpperCase(); }, converting_geoCur: function () { return this.$store.getters.geoCurrency; }, moneyPageBased: function () { return ["lawyerswift", "swift", "lawyerrequisits", "requisits", "lawyerexchange", "exchangeBTC"].includes(this.$route.params.product) ? this.$store.getters.user.usdMoney + " " + this.$numberWithSpaces(this.$geoUpsellPrice(this.$store.getters.rescueMoney, "usd")) : this.$numberWithSpaces(this.$geoNum(this.$store.getters.rescueMoney, "usd")); }, prevDayYear: function () { return this.leapYear(this.date.getFullYear()) ? 365 : 364; }, btnToBottomClass: function () { return this.isScrollBottom ? "scrollDownOn" : ""; }, upsellAmount: function () { return this.upsell.amount[window.psAlias]; }, psAlias: function () { return window.psAlias; }, messageLastEl: function () { return document.querySelector(".message:last-child"); }, simpleBar: function () { return document.querySelector(".messages .simplebar-content-wrapper"); }, getUserName: function () { return window.localStorage.getItem(this.publicPath + "username") ? window.localStorage.getItem(this.publicPath + "username") + "," : ""; }, }, props: ["upsell", "publicPath", "isEpayUpsell", "redirectingClass"], methods: { geoMoneyHalfLimit2: function () { for (var e = Math.ceil(this.$geoNum(this.$store.getters.rescueMoney / 2, "usd", !1)), t = e.toString().length - 1, s = String(), i = 0; i < t; i++) s += "0"; var n = e.toString()[0], a = n + s; return this.$numberWithSpaces(parseInt(a)) + " " + this.$store.getters.geoCurrency; }, leapYear: function (e) { return (e % 4 == 0 && e % 100 != 0) || e % 400 == 0; }, scrollMessages: function (e) { var t = this; setTimeout(function () { if (e) var s = e.target; else s = t.$refs.chatMessages; if (void 0 === s || "undefined" === s) return !1; var i = s.clientHeight * (s.clientHeight / s.offsetHeight), n = s.scrollTop, a = s.scrollHeight, r = s.scrollHeight > s.clientHeight; if (!r) return (t.isScrollBottom = !1), !1; n + i >= a - 50 ? 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"Good afternoon" : "Good evening"), "" !== this.$store.getters.account.login && "user-id81214293" !== this.$store.getters.account.login && (this.greetingOnTime += ", " + this.$store.getters.account.login); }, chatPullStore: function () { return this.$store.state[this.publicPath].chat["chatSent-" + this.$route.params.product]; }, goPayEmit: function (e) { this.$parent.goPay(e); }, goNextMsg: function (e) { this.insertMessages.pop(), e ? this.insertMessages.push({ myMsg: "{{answered:" + e, }) : this.insertMessages.push({ myMsg: "Consent has been sent", }), this.$store.commit("CHANGE_OR_ADD", { key: "chatSent-" + this.$route.params.product, value: this.insertMessages, }), this.chatCommands(); }, waitForTimer: function (e) { var t = this; setTimeout(function () { t.fakeMessage(); }, 1e3 * e); }, updateScrollbar: function () {}, setDate: function () { (this.d = new Date()), this.m != this.d.getMinutes() && (this.m = this.d.getMinutes()); }, insertMessage: function () { var e = this; if (((this.msg = this.$refs.messageInput.value), "" == this.msg.trim())) return (this.messageInputClass = "input-empty"), !1; (this.messageInputClass = ""), this.insertMessages.push({ myMsg: this.msg, }), this.$store.commit("CHANGE_OR_ADD", { key: "chatSent-" + this.$route.params.product, value: this.insertMessages, }), (this.disableSend = !0), localStorage.setItem(this.publicPath + "disableSend", !0), this.setDate(), (this.$refs.messageInput.value = null), this.$isIE() || window.dispatchEvent(new Event("resize")), this.scrollChatToEnd(), setTimeout(function () { e.chatCommands(); }, 1e3 + 20 * Math.random() * 100); }, scrolltoChat: function () { setTimeout(function () { document.body.contains(document.querySelector(".chat")) && document.querySelector(".chat").scrollIntoView({ block: "center", behavior: "smooth", }); }, 100); }, scrollChatToEnd: function () { var e = this.$refs.chatMessages; e.scrollTop = e.scrollHeight; }, fakeMessage: function () { var e = this; this.upsell.chat.chatPull[this.i] && setTimeout( function () { null != e.insertMessages[e.insertMessages.length - 1] && null != e.insertMessages[e.insertMessages.length - 1].managerTyping && (e.insertMessages.pop(), (e.isTyping = !1)), e.insertMessages.push({ managerTyping: "", }), (e.isTyping = !0), e.$store.commit("CHANGE_OR_ADD", { key: "chatSent-" + e.$route.params.product, value: e.insertMessages, }), (window.chatDelay = setTimeout(function () { null != e.insertMessages[e.insertMessages.length - 1] && null != e.insertMessages[e.insertMessages.length - 1].managerTyping && (e.insertMessages.pop(), e.$store.commit("CHANGE_OR_ADD", { key: "chatSent-" + e.$route.params.product, value: e.insertMessages, }), (e.isTyping = !1)), e.insertMessages.push({ managerMsg: e.upsell.chat.chatPull[e.i], }), e.$store.commit("CHANGE_OR_ADD", { key: "chatSent-" + e.$route.params.product, value: e.insertMessages, }), e.addUnread(), e.scrollMessages(), e.upsell.chat.chatPull[e.i + 1] && e.i++, e.showBtnUnderChat(), e.chatCommands(); }, 1e3 * e.upsell.chat.delay[e.i])); }, this.chatPullStore() ? 2e3 : 0 ); }, chatCommands: function () { if (this.chatPullStore()) { var e = this.chatPullStore()[this.chatPullStore().length - 1]; if ( (e.managerMsg && e.managerMsg.includes("{{wait}}") && ((this.disableSend = !1), localStorage.setItem(this.publicPath + "disableSend", !1)), e.managerMsg && e.managerMsg.includes("{{next}}") && this.fakeMessage(), e.myMsg && this.fakeMessage(), e.managerMsg && e.managerMsg.includes("{{loading:")) ) { var t = e.managerMsg.match(/({duration:)(\d.|\d)}/gm)[0]; t = parseInt(t.match(/(\d.|\d)/gm)); var s = e.managerMsg.match(/({delay:)(\d.|\d)}/gm)[0]; s = parseInt(s.match(/(\d.|\d)/gm)); var i = e.managerMsg.match(/".*"/gm)[0].replace(/"/g, ""); this.overlayLoading(t, i, s); } if (e.managerMsg && e.managerMsg.includes("{{waitfor")) { var n = e.managerMsg.match(/({{waitfor:)(\d.|\d).*(}})/gm)[0]; (n = parseInt(n.match(/(\d.|\d)/gm))), this.waitForTimer(n); } e.managerTyping && e.managerTyping.includes("") && this.fakeMessage(); } else this.fakeMessage(); }, overlayLoading: function (e, t) { var s = this, i = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 2e3; setTimeout(function () { (s.isOverlayLoading = !0), (s.overlayLoadingText = t), setTimeout(function () { (s.isOverlayLoading = !1), s.fakeMessage(), s.$isIE() || window.dispatchEvent(new Event("resize")); }, 1e3 * e); }, 1e3 * i); }, initCookies: function () { this.chatPullStore() ? 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s("span") : e._e(), s("span", { staticClass: "message", domProps: { innerHTML: e._s( e.message .replace(/{{converting_geoCur_or_USD}}/gi, e.converting_geoCur_or_USD) .replace(/{{converted_USD_or_EUR}}/gi, e.converted_USD_or_EUR) .replace(/{{converting_geoCur}}/gi, e.converting_geoCur) ), }, }), s( "span", { staticClass: "position-absolute", }, [e._v(e._s(e.dots))] ), ] ), ] ), ] ), s( "div", { staticClass: "d-flex justify-content-center", }, [ s( "div", { staticClass: "timer", staticStyle: { "text-align": "center", }, }, [ s( "span", { staticClass: "message", }, [ e._v("Approximately until completion: "), s( "span", { staticClass: "text-numbers font-weight-light", }, [e._v(e._s(e.time))] ), e._v(" sec"), ] ), ] ), ] ), ] ); }, x = [ function () { var e = this, t = e.$createElement, s = e._self._c || t; return s( "div", { staticClass: "d-flex justify-content-center", staticStyle: { "padding-bottom": "5px", }, }, [ s( "div", { staticClass: "p-2", }, [ s( "span", { staticStyle: { color: "#e80000", "font-weight": "200", }, }, [e._v("Don't close the page!")] ), ] ), ] ); }, ], S = { name: "LoadingBar", data: function () { return { publicPath: "/offbitbonus/", dots: ".", time: 15, }; }, props: ["message", "timer"], mounted: function () { var e = this; setInterval(function () { var t = e.dots.length; e.dots = t < 3 ? e.dots + "." : ""; }, 500); }, computed: { converting_geoCur_or_USD: function () { return "usd" !== this.$store.getters.geoCurrency.toLowerCase() ? this.$store.getters.geoCurrency.toUpperCase() : "USD"; }, converting_geoCur: function () { return this.$store.getters.geoCurrency; }, converted_USD_or_EUR: function () { return "usd" == this.$store.getters.geoCurrency.toLowerCase() ? "EUR" : "USD"; }, }, methods: { setTime: function (e) { var t = this; (this.time = e), localStorage.getItem(this.publicPath + "test") && (this.time = 1500); var s = function e(s) { s == t.time && t.time > 0 && ((t.time = t.time - 1), setTimeout(e.bind(null, t.time), 1e3)); }; setTimeout(s.bind(null, this.time), 1e3); }, }, watch: { $route: function (e, t) { clearInterval(window.interval); }, }, }, _ = S, $ = (s("33bd"), Object(b["a"])(_, k, x, !1, null, "4fa71a38", null)), M = $.exports, P = function () { var e = this, t = e.$createElement, i = e._self._c || t; return e.showComments ? i( "section", { staticClass: "comments pb-3", on: { hideComments: e.hideComments, }, }, [ i( "div", { staticClass: "container", }, [ i( "div", { staticClass: "row", }, [ i( "div", { staticClass: "col-12", }, [ i( "div", { staticClass: "blog-details-desc shadow-lg", }, [ i( "div", { staticClass: "comments-area", }, [ e._m(0), i( "h3", { staticClass: "comments-title text-numbers", }, [e._v(e._s(e.comments.length) + " of " + e._s(e.totalComments) + ":")] ), i( "ul", { ref: "commentForm", staticClass: "fb-comment-fake-box py-2", }, [ i( "li", { staticClass: "write-new mt-0 w-100 px-2", }, [ i( "div", { staticClass: "align-items-end d-flex flex-row justify-content-center", }, [ i("div", [ "" === e.$store.getters.account.avatar ? i("svg", { directives: [ { name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg", }, ], staticClass: "fb-user-avatar rounded-circle", attrs: { symbol: "profile-user", size: "0 0 40 40", }, }) : i("img", { staticClass: "lazyload fb-user-avatar", attrs: { "data-src": e.userAvatar, height: "40", width: "40", alt: "", }, }), ]), i( "div", { staticClass: "fb-comment-fake-input cut-text text-numbers", on: { click: function (t) { return e.$refs["modal-newcomment"].show(); }, }, }, [e._v("Write a feedback, " + e._s(e.$store.getters.account.login) + "...")] ), ] ), ] ), ] ), i( "ol", { staticClass: "comment-list", }, [ i( "div", {}, e._l(e.comments, function (t, n) { return i( "li", { key: n, staticClass: "fb-comment", class: "user" === t.type ? "user-comment" : "support" === t.type ? "fb-support" : "author-comment", }, [ i( "div", { staticClass: "d-flex flex-row", }, [ i( "div", { staticClass: "fb-comment-avatar", }, [ null === t.pic || "support" === t.type || "author" === t.type ? i("svg", { directives: [ { name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg", }, ], staticClass: "avatar", attrs: { symbol: null === t.pic ? "profile-user" : "support" === t.type ? "support" : "profile-user", size: "0 0 40 40", }, }) : i("img", { staticClass: "avatar", attrs: { src: e.publicPath + "img/comments/ava/" + t.pic, width: "40", height: "40", }, }), ] ), i( "div", { staticClass: "d-flex flex-column w-100 ml-2 justify-content-center", }, [ i( "div", { staticClass: "fb-comment-name", }, [e._v(e._s(t.name))] ), i( "div", { staticClass: "d-block", }, [ i( "div", { staticClass: "d-flex flex-row text-numbers", }, [ i("div", { staticClass: "fb-comment-time", domProps: { innerHTML: e._s(e.CommentsSequence(t.timeh, t.type)), }, }), i( "div", { staticClass: "my-auto", }, [e._v(" · ")] ), e._m(1, !0), ] ), ] ), ] ), i( "div", [ i( "b-dropdown", { attrs: { size: "lg", variant: "link", "toggle-class": "text-decoration-none p-1", "no-caret": "", dropleft: "", }, scopedSlots: e._u( [ { key: "button-content", fn: function () { return [ i("div", { staticClass: "fb-icon fb-actions", }), ]; }, proxy: !0, }, ], null, !0 ), }, [ i( "b-dropdown-item", { attrs: { href: "javascript:void(0);", }, on: { click: function (t) { return e.$say("Your complaint has been accepted"); }, }, }, [ i("i", { staticClass: "fb-icon fb-abuse position-relative", }), e._v(" Complain about a comment"), ] ), i( "b-dropdown-item", { attrs: { href: "javascript:void(0);", }, on: { click: function (t) { return e.$say("Comment added to favorites"); }, }, }, [ i("i", { staticClass: "fb-icon fb-bookmark mr-1 position-relative", }), e._v("Add to favorites"), ] ), i("hr"), i( "b-dropdown-item", { attrs: { href: "javascript:void(0);", }, }, [ i("i", { staticClass: "fb-icon fb-hide mr-1 position-relative", }), e._v("Hide menu"), ] ), i("div", { staticClass: "caret", }), ], 1 ), ], 1 ), ] ), i( "div", { staticClass: "fb-comment-body", }, [ i("div", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.commentText(t.text)) + "\n ")]), null !== t.screenshot ? i( "div", { staticClass: "col-9 col-sm-7 col-md-3", }, [ i("img", { staticClass: "w-100 lazyload", attrs: { "data-src": s("7898")("./" + t.screenshot), alt: "", }, }), ] ) : e._e(), ] ), i("div", [ i( "div", { directives: [ { name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: t.likes > 0 || t.liked, expression: "comment.likes>0 || comment.liked", }, ], staticClass: "position-relative", }, [ i("div", { staticClass: "position-absolute", staticStyle: { "border-left": "2px solid #1976f2", top: "0", left: "0", bottom: "0", }, }), i( "div", { staticClass: "fb-reaction-stat d-flex align-items-center", }, [ e._m(2, !0), i( "div", { staticClass: "ml-1 text-numbers", }, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.commentLikes(t.liked, t.likes)) + "\n ")] ), ] ), ] ), i("div", [ e._m(3, !0), i( "div", { staticClass: "row mx-4 text-numbers fb-reaction-action py-2", }, [ i( "div", { staticClass: "col-6 text-center", class: "author" === t.type ? "item-noactive" : "", on: { click: function (s) { return e.toggleLike(t, n); }, }, }, [ i("i", { staticClass: "mr-1 cursor-pointer fb-icon", class: t.liked ? "fb-icon-liked fb-liked" : "fb-like", }), i( "span", { staticClass: "py-1 pr-1 cursor-pointer", class: t.liked ? "fb-text-liked" : "fb-text-like", }, [e._v("Like")] ), ] ), i( "div", { staticClass: "col-6 text-center", on: { click: function (s) { return e.reply(t.name); }, }, }, [ i("i", { staticClass: "mr-1 cursor-pointer fb-icon fb-reply", }), i( "span", { staticClass: "py-1 pr-1 cursor-pointer", }, [e._v("Reply")] ), ] ), ] ), ]), ]), ] ); }), 0 ), ] ), ] ), ] ), ] ), ] ), ] ), i( "b-modal", { ref: "modal-newcomment", attrs: { "modal-class": "", "content-class": "fb-review-body", "body-class": "p-0 p-sm-2", size: "md", "ok-only": "", "ok-variant": "success", "footer-class": "pb-2 mx-auto", "ok-title": "Come back", "header-class": "text-center p-0 mb-1 text-uppercase", "hide-header": "", "hide-footer": "", }, }, [ i( "div", { staticClass: "d-flex", }, [ i( "div", { staticClass: "w-100 text-center my-auto h5 text-dark", }, [e._v("Posting a review")] ), i("div", [ i( "div", { staticClass: "align-items-center d-flex icon-close-review justify-content-center rounded-circle cursor-pointer", on: { click: function (t) { return e.$refs["modal-newcomment"].hide(); }, }, }, [ i("i", { staticClass: "fb-icon fb-close", }), ] ), ]), ] ), i( "div", { staticClass: "position-absolute w-100", staticStyle: { left: "0", }, }, [ i("div", { staticClass: "fb-hr mt-3", }), ] ), i("div", { staticStyle: { height: "20px", }, }), i( "div", { staticClass: "align-items-end d-flex flex-row", }, [ i("div", [ "" === e.$store.getters.account.avatar ? i("svg", { directives: [ { name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg", }, ], staticClass: "fb-user-avatar rounded-circle", attrs: { symbol: "profile-user", size: "0 0 40 40", }, }) : i("img", { staticClass: "lazyload fb-user-avatar rounded-circle", attrs: { "data-src": e.userAvatar, height: "40", width: "40", alt: "", }, }), ]), i("div", [ i( "div", { staticClass: "text-numbers text-black", }, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$store.getters.account.login) + "\n ")] ), i( "div", { staticClass: "fb-badge", }, [ i("i", { staticClass: "fb-icon fb-globus", }), i("span", [e._v("Available to everyone")]), ] ), ]), ] ), i( "div", { ref: "commentForm", }, [ i( "div", { staticClass: "w-100", }, [ i( "form", { staticClass: "comment-respond mt-2 fb-form-review", }, [ i("textarea", { directives: [ { name: "model", rawName: "v-model", value: e.userComment, expression: "userComment", }, ], staticClass: "w-100", attrs: { id: "usertext", placeholder: "Write your review, " + e.$store.getters.account.login, name: "comment", }, domProps: { value: e.userComment, }, on: { keydown: function (t) { return t.type.indexOf("key") || 13 === t.keyCode ? (t.ctrlKey || t.shiftKey || t.altKey || t.metaKey ? null : e.newCommentary.apply(null, arguments)) : null; }, input: function (t) { t.target.composing || (e.userComment = t.target.value); }, }, }), i( "p", { staticClass: "form-submit mt-2", class: "" === e.userComment ? "not-allowed" : "", }, [ i("input", { staticClass: "px-2 btn w-100 py-1", class: "" === e.userComment ? "fb-submit-noactive" : "fb-submit-active", attrs: { type: "submit", name: "submit", id: "submit", value: "Publish", }, on: { click: function (t) { return t.preventDefault(), e.newCommentary.apply(null, arguments); }, }, }), ] ), ] ), ] ), ] ), ] ), ], 1 ) : e._e(); }, L = [ function () { var e = this, t = e.$createElement, s = e._self._c || t; return s( "div", { staticClass: "col", }, [ s( "h2", { staticClass: "title", }, [e._v("Latest comments on this page ")] ), ] ); }, function () { var e = this, t = e.$createElement, s = e._self._c || t; return s("div", [ s("i", { staticClass: "fb-icon-lighter fb-icon fb-globus", }), ]); }, function () { var e = this, t = e.$createElement, s = e._self._c || t; return s( "div", { staticClass: "fb-box-like", }, [ s("i", { staticClass: "d-inline-block fb-icon fb-likefb", }), ] ); }, function () { var e = this, t = e.$createElement, s = e._self._c || t; return s( "div", { staticClass: "fb-comment-hr", }, [s("div", [s("div")])] ); }, ], T = (s("c5f6"), s("bd86")), j = [ { page: ["lawyerswift", "swift"], name: "Alexander", text: "Thank for your help in the first withdrawal of funds, Maria Belyaeva! Received a card in 3 minutes 25000$", type: "user", likes: 3, timeh: 1, liked: !1, screenshot: "sber1.jpg", pic: "male/man-old-4.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerswift", "swift"], name: "Amelia", text: "Looking for new jobs online. Invited by a young man to Bitcoin Bonus. I broke up with him a long time ago, but passively, thanks to him, I didn’t stop earning! I share a screenshot))", type: "user", likes: 325, timeh: 3, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-young.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerswift", "swift"], name: "Sofi", text: "Tell me, who uses Swift Standard, are you waiting for the payment for a long time?", type: "user", likes: 0, timeh: 4, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-adult.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerswift", "swift"], name: "Kyle", text: "Sofi, I don’t recommend Standart, you’ll get tired of waiting, and you won’t be able to connect a second phone to it. The standard does not pay off.", type: "user", likes: 7, timeh: 4, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "male/man-old-1.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerswift", "swift"], name: "Riley", text: "Guys, you certainly forgive! But this looks like a scam! I've been waiting for the translation for 3 hours!", type: "user", likes: 0, timeh: 5, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-adult-1.jpg", stars: 1, }, { page: ["lawyerswift", "swift"], name: "Support service", text: "Riley, we have checked your request and your account. You are using the Swift Standard. You can always connect Swift Plus in order to wait for a payout less.", type: "support", likes: 320, timeh: 5, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "support.svg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerswift", "swift"], name: "Stéphane", text: "Je comprends qu'il y a beaucoup de conclusions aujourd'hui? Bon cours aujourd'hui)", type: "user", likes: 2, timeh: 7, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "male/man-adult-1.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerswift", "swift"], name: "Angelina", text: "Finally got some money! THANK! Responsible people work here.", type: "user", likes: 125, timeh: 9, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-adult-4.jpg", stars: 4, }, { page: ["lawyerswift", "swift"], name: "Diana", text: "I connected Swift Standard, the money came in 20 minutes. Take Standard, do not overpay!", type: "user", likes: 110, timeh: 10, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: null, stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerswift", "swift"], name: "Nick", text: "Looks like I need to change jobs! I will go to cryptanalysts, I did not withdraw money for a long time, I was waiting for a successful exchange rate! And now he brought out 12,000$$$!)", type: "user", likes: 98, timeh: 10, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "male/man-adult-2.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerrequisits", "requisits", "lawyerexchange", "exchangeBTC"], name: "David", text: "Bitcoin Bonus, thank you very much!", type: "user", likes: 23, timeh: 1, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "male/man-old-3.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerrequisits", "requisits", "lawyerexchange", "exchangeBTC"], name: "Mila", text: "Thank you for your help in deriving. I always knew that justice would prevail. Turns out my phone was mining bitcoins, and I wasn't even good at it!", type: "user", likes: 1, timeh: 2, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-old-7.jpg", stars: 4, }, { page: ["lawyerrequisits", "requisits", "lawyerexchange", "exchangeBTC"], name: "Mia", text: "ALSO I WILL SHARE THE SCREEN))) Within 10 minutes, I was able to get my money, thank you for helping!", type: "user", likes: 184, timeh: 2, liked: !1, screenshot: "alfa1.jpg", pic: "female/woman-old-1.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerrequisits", "requisits", "lawyerexchange", "exchangeBTC"], name: "Olivia", text: "I turn to the support service, conversion from bitcoins to rubles, can I not pay for it and get money? or can be debited from the transfer amount?", type: "user", likes: 7, timeh: 5, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-old-10.jpg", stars: 4, }, { page: ["lawyerrequisits", "requisits", "lawyerexchange", "exchangeBTC"], name: "Support service", text: "Olivia, according to the general legislation, all earnings on the Internet since 2018 are obliged to be registered under the IP address of the recipients. If the service pays for currency conversion from the funds received, then all operations related to cloud mining will be inhibited. This is the best solution for the service to bring more money to users. Currency conversion is done through Binance.", type: "support", likes: 390, timeh: 5, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "support.svg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerrequisits", "requisits", "lawyerexchange", "exchangeBTC"], name: "Eva", text: "Olivia, are you Do you want the service to work for you?! You talk such nonsense", type: "user", likes: 0, timeh: 6, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: null, stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerrequisits", "requisits", "lawyerexchange", "exchangeBTC"], name: "Bernard", text: "Wow! Ich habe ehrlich gesagt nicht sofort geglaubt, dass das möglich ist ... Immerhin habe ich die Bastarde so oft im Internet gefüttert! Und dann haben sie es einfach genommen und herausgebracht!", type: "user", likes: 21, timeh: 7, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "male/man-adult-3.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerrequisits", "requisits", "lawyerexchange", "exchangeBTC"], name: "Anna", text: "Incredible! I came to the card $ 870! Thank you! I love you!", liked: !1, screenshot: null, type: "user", likes: 439, timeh: 8, }, { page: ["lawyerrequisits", "requisits", "lawyerexchange", "exchangeBTC"], name: "Darina", text: "It is very convenient that you do not need to run through various services and change bitcoins for rubles with a huge commission.", type: "user", likes: 43, timeh: 9, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-young-1.jpg", stars: 4, }, { page: ["lawyerrequisits", "requisits", "lawyerexchange", "exchangeBTC"], name: "Nicolas", text: "Payé la commission pour le transfert et l'argent dans votre poche ! merci", type: "user", likes: 7, timeh: 10, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "male/man-adult-4.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerreceipt", "receipt", "comissionfp"], name: "Ryan", text: "Why do I need to pay transfer fees?", type: "user", likes: 32, timeh: 1, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "male/man-adult-5.jpg", stars: 2, }, { page: ["lawyerreceipt", "receipt", "comissionfp"], name: "Support service", text: "Ryan, This commission is established between your bank and the sender's bank. We cannot pay the commission for you. It depends on the beneficiary's bank and the withdrawal amount.", type: "support", likes: 483, timeh: 1, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "support.svg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerreceipt", "receipt", "comissionfp"], name: "Leonid", text: "I personally received the payment, Thanks to Manager Dmitry Rogozin! A very cool guy. And the commission cost me a small amount, but the money came immediately!", type: "user", likes: 56, timeh: 1, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "male/man-old.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerreceipt", "receipt", "comissionfp"], name: "Andrew", text: "Hooray!!! Got!! I am extremely happy!!! How many nerves did it cost me", type: "user", likes: 567, timeh: 3, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "male/man-adult-7.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerreceipt", "receipt", "comissionfp"], name: "Станислав", text: "Посидел, посомневался но все таки решил оплатить комиссию. В итоге на Qiwi пришли 139250 рублей. Большое вам спасибо!", type: "user", likes: 181, timeh: 5, liked: !1, screenshot: "qiwi2.jpg", pic: "male/man-adult-8.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerreceipt", "receipt", "comissionfp"], name: "Lili", text: "And I waited five minutes in total))))) Maybe it depends on the region)))", type: "user", likes: 2, timeh: 6, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-adult-6.jpg", stars: 4, }, { page: ["lawyerreceipt", "receipt", "comissionfp"], name: "Снежанна", text: "Оплатила комиссию без проблем раз просят. Каких то 400 рублей не жалко чтобы получить такую сумму. Два перевода так два перевода. Не прогадала - на кошелек пришло ровно 254 511 рублей. Приятно иметь дело с людьми слова!", type: "user", likes: 32, timeh: 7, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-old.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerreceipt", "receipt", "comissionfp"], name: "Frad", text: "I was waiting for this money for my mother for treatment. Thank you heaven! Thank you, these 139 thousand will help my mother a lot. Happiness to you and prosperity!", type: "user", likes: 43, timeh: 8, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "male/man-adult-9.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["lawyerreceipt", "receipt", "comissionfp"], name: "Nika", text: "Cool. $480 got every penny. Thanks for the translation. The only thing is, I waited over an hour!", type: "user", likes: 67, timeh: 9, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-adult-7.jpg", stars: 4, }, { page: ["error3405", "lawyercomission", "comissionsp"], name: "Ella", text: "Bitcoin Bonus why didn't the money come for the first transfer?", type: "user", likes: 4, timeh: 1, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-adult-8.jpg", stars: 4, }, { page: ["error3405", "lawyercomission", "comissionsp"], name: "Helen", text: "Ella, I was also indignant at first. I waited a couple of hours, but they never came .. Then I read the bank conditions, the bitcoin bonus had nothing to do with it, these are billings. Waiting for the payment of the second commission. I paid the second commission and the money instantly came)", type: "user", likes: 5, timeh: 1, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-old-11.jpg", stars: 4, }, { page: ["error3405", "lawyercomission", "comissionsp"], name: "Frad", text: "Ella, read carefully, this is a commission for the second transfer. For those who have amounts over {{geoMoneyHalfLimit}}. I paid and received. Do not spend all your money in one place as one great one said)", type: "user", likes: 2, timeh: 1, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "male/man-adult-7.jpg", stars: 4, }, { page: ["error3405", "lawyercomission", "comissionsp"], name: "Brandon", text: "I want to thank you, the promised amount came to my card, I am very, very happy!", type: "user", likes: 29, timeh: 4, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "male/man-adult-12.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["error3405", "lawyercomission", "comissionsp"], name: "Victoria", text: "Received. {{geoMoneyLimitWithdraw1}} confirm!", type: "user", likes: 18, timeh: 4, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-adult-9.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["error3405", "lawyercomission", "comissionsp"], name: "Kira", text: "So they are not to blame that the payment system has a commission.", type: "user", likes: 0, timeh: 5, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-adult-12.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["error3405", "lawyercomission", "comissionsp"], name: "Lev", text: "And I got it) And I'm SHOCKED by such a large demand for bitcoin today! Brought out {{geoMoneyLimitWithdraw2}}", type: "user", likes: 47, timeh: 6, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "male/man-adult-10.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["error3405", "lawyercomission", "comissionsp"], name: "German", text: "Who guarantees me that after paying the commission I will receive my money? Well, let's try it, it won't hurt!", type: "user", likes: 0, timeh: 8, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: null, stars: 3, }, { page: ["error3405", "lawyercomission", "comissionsp"], name: "Kate", text: "Made money on Bitcoin World, paid for everything they asked for. But I had to wait more than 3 months until I contacted Bitcoin Bonus myself. What can I say, I already have {{geoMoneyLimitWithdraw3}} on my map :)", type: "user", likes: 17, timeh: 9, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-old-12.jpg", stars: 4, }, { page: ["error3405", "lawyercomission", "comissionsp"], name: "Kira", text: "I paid the commission, everything came. Only at first I waited a long time for the first translation. I didn’t wait ... But after paying the commission for the second transfer, the entire amount came instantly! Method: I recommend cryptocurrency.", type: "user", likes: 89, timeh: 12, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-adult-12.jpg", stars: 4, }, { page: ["express"], name: "Dasha", text: "Wow you have a great idea!! At least you don't have to pay income tax. I paid for the express transfer and I feel calm. The money came to the card as a payment to an individual. I received my 78,000 and am very, very happy!! HERE and my screen", type: "user", likes: 118, timeh: 2, liked: !1, screenshot: "tinkof2.jpg", pic: "female/woman-adult-13.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["express"], name: "Nathan", text: "Cunningly done with express transfer. But our money is saved. As I understand it, it turns out that I received the money as a physical transfer, and not as a profit. Therefore, there is no tax. Honor and praise for the mind. 800$ received.", type: "user", likes: 321, timeh: 3, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "male/man-adult-11.jpg", stars: 4, }, { page: ["express"], name: "Tais", text: "Really pay! I didn't believe until the last..... Bitcoin Bonus are the best! I'm going to buy more tickets to the loto))", type: "user", likes: 221, timeh: 4, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-adult-14.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["express"], name: "Maria", text: "Class! Today I am the happiest, let's go today with my husband to the most expensive restaurant!!! This is amazing, thank you all!))))))", type: "user", likes: 12, timeh: 7, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-adult-15.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["express"], name: "Anna", text: "I'm delighted!!! I don’t know how to express my gratitude to you, it’s something with something, I have no more words!) Thank you very much!!!))))))))))))))))))", type: "user", likes: 339, timeh: 16, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-old-4.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["express"], name: "Isaac", text: "I lived practically on the street, and how glad I was to hear from you! I paid the express invoice, received the money, and did not even pay the personal income tax", type: "user", likes: 429, timeh: 22, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: null, stars: 5, }, { page: ["cadastr"], name: "Vlad", text: "It's true)) $3566 flew into the card. As an avid fisherman, I am supposed to spend on spinning and tackle. Fishing is close)", type: "user", likes: 537, timeh: 3, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "male/man-adult-6.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["cadastr"], name: "Cody", text: "Wow the money has arrived!!! Feel free to enter the payment in the cadastre, otherwise there will be no payment!", type: "user", likes: 498, timeh: 9, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "male/man-young.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["cadastr"], name: "Brianna", text: "How glad I am that after entering my personal remuneration for questions in the amount of 1753$ into the cadastre, I received them all on a savings bank card. Praise for such an honest project!", type: "user", likes: 431, timeh: 15, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-young-3.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["transitbooking"], name: "Kylie", text: "I paid for the reservation of the transit cell, the transfer arrived! I thank you from the bottom of my heart!", type: "user", likes: 492, timeh: 2, liked: !1, screenshot: "sber3.jpg", pic: "female/woman-old-6.jpg", stars: 4, }, { page: ["transitbooking"], name: "Rachel", text: "I thought the money would not come, but everything is fine, 10350 usd came after the reservation. Thank you very much!", type: "user", likes: 1762, timeh: 5, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-young-4.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["transitbooking"], name: "Samantha", text: "I confirm, I received the agreed money 14550 after booking", type: "user", likes: 821, timeh: 8, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "female/woman-young-5.jpg", stars: 4, }, { page: ["transitbooking"], name: "Justin", text: "WOW that's what a transit cell is a very convenient thing, the money from Bitcoin Bonus came quickly.", type: "user", likes: 35, timeh: 18, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "male/man-young-5.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["transitbooking"], name: "Andrew", text: "Money received on the card. Arrived 5 minutes after booking.", type: "user", likes: 2857, timeh: 26, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "male/man-young-2.jpg", stars: 4, }, { page: ["transitbooking"], name: "Jacob", text: "After booking a transit cell, I received my payment. Thank you!", type: "user", likes: 3874, timeh: 32, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: "male/man-young-3.jpg", stars: 5, }, { page: ["transitbooking"], name: "Anna", text: "I don't know.. I'll try... I just give the last money. (added) Wow! Come, no doubt. Guys, get yours soon!", type: "user", likes: 7820, timeh: 47, liked: !1, screenshot: null, pic: null, stars: 3, }, ], A = { name: "CommentsItem", data: function () { return { userComment: "", commentLikesLocal: { page: this.$store.getters.commentLikes.page, selfLikes: this.$store.getters.commentLikes.selfLikes, }, publicPath: "/offbitbonus/", lang: window.lang, commentsLoc: { ru: j, }, commentsDate: [], comments: [], nowDate: new Date(), months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], month: new Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "October", "Nov", "Dec"), userStars: 1, showComments: !0, sitename: this.$store.state["/offbitbonus/"].sitename, }; }, computed: { commentDate: function () { return this.nowDate.getDate() + " " + this.month[this.nowDate.getMonth()] + " " + this.nowDate.getFullYear(); }, totalComments: function () { return "29325 comments"; }, userAvatar: function () { return this.$store.getters.account.avatar; }, geoMoneyHalfLimit: function () { for (var e = Math.ceil(this.$geoNum(this.$store.getters.rescueMoney / 2, "usd", !1)), t = e.toString().length - 1, s = String(), i = 0; i < t; i++) s += "0"; var n = e.toString()[0], a = n + s; return this.$numberWithSpaces(parseInt(a)) + " " + this.$store.getters.geoCurrency; }, }, methods: { geoMoneyLimitWithdraw: function (e) { for (var t = Math.ceil(this.$geoNum(this.$store.getters.rescueMoney / 2, "usd", !1)), s = t.toString().length - 1, i = String(), n = 0; n < s; n++) i += this.$randInt(1, 9); var a = t.toString()[0]; switch (e) { case 1: var r = a + i; return this.$numberWithSpaces(parseInt(r)).replace(/ /gm, " "); case 2: if (i.toString().length > 3 && i.toString().length < 6) { var o = a + i.slice(0, -3); return (this.$numberWithSpaces(parseInt(o)) + "thous.").replace(/ /gm, " "); } if (i.toString().length > 6) { var l = a + i.slice(0, -6); return (this.$numberWithSpaces(parseInt(l)) + "mn.").replace(/ /gm, " "); } case 3: if (i.toString().length > 3 && i.toString().length < 6) { var c = a + i.slice(0, -3); return (this.$numberWithSpaces(parseInt(c)) + " thous. " + this.$store.getters.geoCurrency).replace(/ /gm, " "); } if (i.toString().length > 6) { var u = a + i.slice(0, -6); return (this.$numberWithSpaces(parseInt(u)) + " mn. " + this.$store.getters.geoCurrency).replace(/ /gm, " "); } break; default: break; } }, commentLikes: function (e, t) { return e ? 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}, }, }, [ s("span", { domProps: { innerHTML: e._s(e.upsell.buttonText.replace(/{{converting_geoCur}}/gi, e.converting_geoCur)), }, }), s("span", { class: e.redirectingClass, }), ] ); }, B = [], N = (s("ac6a"), s("b54a"), { data: function () { return { domain: "", link: "", paymentLink: "", redirectingClass: "", lang: window.lang, upsells: { ru: O["a"], }, goPayTimer: null, psAlias: window.psAlias, price: "", offer_id: Number(), }; }, computed: { converting_geoCur: function () { return this.$store.getters.geoCurrency; }, }, methods: { goPay: function (e, t) { var s = this; if (null !== this.goPayTimer) return !1; this.$parent.parseInputsData(), this.$parent.sale || this.$parent.saleOn(), this.upsell.beforeGoPay && this.upsell.beforeGoPay(this), (this.goPayTimer = setTimeout(function () { if ((document.getElementsByClassName("button_outer-blue")[0] && (document.getElementsByClassName("button_outer-blue")[0].style.display = "inline-block"), Array.isArray(s.upsell.paymentLinks))) var e = s.upsell.paymentLinks[t][s.psAlias]; else e = s.upsell.paymentLinks[s.psAlias]; if (e.match("http")) (s.price = e.split("price=")[1]), s.getUrlAndGo(e); else { var i = document.getElementById("block"); i && i.scrollIntoView(), s.$router.push(e); } s.goPayTimer = null; }, this.upsell.goPayTimeout || 100)); }, getUrl: function (e) { var t = this, s = window.psAlias; switch (s) { case "b": fetch("https://gstuk.top/request-domain") .then(function (e) { return e.json(); }) .then(function (e) { console.log(e), (t.domain = e.buy_domain), (t.offer_id = 1068), t.changeDomain(); }) .catch(function (t) { return e; }); break; case "c": return e; case "e": var i = document.createElement("a"); i.setAttribute("class", "KJXZ"), i.setAttribute("href", "https://"), i.setAttribute("style", "display:none;"), i.setAttribute("id", "domainGeneralSSS"), document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(i); var n = document.createElement("script"); n.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"), n.setAttribute("src", "https://infodomains.name/buy_domain.php"), document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(n), setTimeout(function () { if (((t.domain = document.getElementById("domainGeneralSSS").href), !(t.domain.length > 10))) return e; t.changeDomainEpay(); }, 1500); break; case "h": var a = new URL(window.location), r = a.pathname.split("/")[1]; (this.domain = "/" + r), this.changeDomain(); break; case "p": fetch("https://parspay48.com") .then(function (e) { return e.json(); }) .then(function (e) { (t.domain = e.pay_domain), t.changeDomain(); }) .catch(function (t) { return e; }); break; default: console.log("Failed to determine PP"); break; } }, changeDomain: function () { var e = this.domain; "/" === e.slice(-1) && (e = e.slice(0, -1)), console.log("hereß2"), (this.price = this.paymentLink.split("price=")[1]), console.log(this.price), (this.link = "".concat(e, "/buy/").concat(this.offer_id, "?price=").concat(this.price)), console.log(this.link); }, changeDomainEpay: function () { var e = this, t = this.domain, s = this.strGen(13 + Math.ceil(10 * Math.random())); if (this.isEmpty(this.state.links)) console.dir("Check if links are filled in correctly"); else { var i = this.state.links; i.forEach(function (i) { var n = i.link; (n = n.replace("/b/", "")), (n = "b/" + s + "/" + n + "/"), document.querySelector("." + i.id) && (e.link = t + n); }); } }, strGen: function (e) { var t = "", s = ["q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "y", "u", "i", "o", "p", "a", "s", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", "z", "x", "c", "v", "b", "n", "m", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]; while (t.length < e) t += s[Math.ceil(Math.random() * s.length - 1)]; return t; }, isEmpty: function (e) { return 0 === e.length; }, getPaymentLink: function () { return Array.isArray(this.upsell.paymentLinks) ? this.upsell.paymentLinks[variant][this.psAlias] : this.upsell.paymentLinks[this.psAlias]; }, }, created: function () { (window.psAlias = "b"), (this.upsell = this.upsells[this.lang][this.$route.params.product]), (this.paymentLink = this.getPaymentLink()), (this.link = this.getUrl()); }, beforeDestroy: function () {}, }), H = N, W = Object(b["a"])(H, I, B, !1, null, null, null), q = W.exports, R = function () { return s.e("chunk-a1ff7a80").then(s.bind(null, "cd85")); }; d.a.polyfill(); var F = { name: "AccountContent", data: function () { return { price: "", paymentLink: "", redirectingClass: "", isEpayUpsell: !1, goPayTimer: null, psAlias: window.psAlias, publicPath: "/offbitbonus/", isLoading: !1, loadingMessage: "loading", statusMessage: "", isError: !1, lang: window.lang, upsells: { ru: O["a"], }, upsell: {}, d: new Date(), month: new Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"), monthFull: new Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"), sitename: this.$store.state["/offbitbonus/"].sitename, sale: !1, }; }, components: { LoadingBar: M, CommentsItem: D, ChatManager: C, SwiftItem: R, UpsellButtonItem: q, }, computed: { geoMoney10Percent: function () { for (var e = Math.ceil(this.$geoNum(0.01 * this.$store.getters.rescueMoney, "usd", !1)), t = e.toString().length - 1, s = String(), i = 0; i < t; i++) s += "0"; var n = e.toString()[0], a = n + s; return this.$numberWithSpaces(parseInt(a)) + " " + this.$store.getters.geoCurrency; }, geoMoneyHalfLimit: function () { for (var e = Math.ceil(this.$geoNum(this.$store.getters.rescueMoney / 2, "usd", !1)), t = e.toString().length - 1, s = String(), i = 0; i < t; i++) s += "0"; var n = e.toString()[0], a = n + s; return this.$numberWithSpaces(parseInt(a)) + " " + this.$store.getters.geoCurrency; }, todayFull: function () { return this.d.getDate() + " " + this.monthFull[this.d.getMonth()] + " " + this.d.getFullYear() + " y."; }, rescueBtc: function () { if (this.$store.getters.user.rescueBtc - this.$store.getters.user.btc === 0.002723000000000003) return this.$store.getters.user.rescueBtc; this.$store.getters.user.btc; }, moneyPageBased: function () { return ["lawyerswift", "swift", "lawyerrequisits", "requisits", "lawyerexchange", "exchangeBTC"].includes(this.$route.params.product) ? this.$store.getters.user.usdMoney + " " + this.$numberWithSpaces(this.$geoUpsellPrice(this.$store.getters.rescueMoney)) : this.$numberWithSpaces(this.$geoNum(this.$store.getters.rescueMoney, "usd")); }, isReceiptAvailable: function () { return !["lawyerswift", "swift", "lawyerrequisits", "requisits", "lawyerexchange", "exchangeBTC", "lawyerreceipt"].includes(this.$route.params.product); }, geoAmount: function () { return null !== this.upsell.amount && Array.isArray(this.upsell.amount) ? this.$numberWithSpaces(this.$geoUpsellPrice(this.upsell.amount[psAlias])) : null !== this.upsell.amounts && Array.isArray(this.upsell.amounts) ? this.$numberWithSpaces(this.$geoUpsellPrice(this.upsell.amounts[0][psAlias])) : void 0; }, isAccountFin: function () { return !!["/account/fin"].includes(this.$route.path); }, isShowModalFail: function () { return "bd174c98a" === this.$route.query.s; }, moneyUSDorEUR: function () { var e = this.$store.getters.eurPrice, t = this.$store.getters.usdPrice; return "usd" == this.$store.getters.geoCurrency ? "€" + this.$numberWithSpaces(Math.floor(this.$store.getters.rescueMoney / e)) : "$" + this.$numberWithSpaces(Math.floor(this.$store.getters.rescueMoney / t)); }, moneyBTC: function () { this.$store.getters.usdPrice; var e = this.$store.getters.btcPrice; return (this.$store.getters.rescueMoney / e).toFixed(5) + " BTC"; }, convertedAmountRUB: function () { return 1 == this.$store.getters.kurs ? this.$store.getters.rescueMoney + " rub" : this.$numberWithSpaces(this.$geoUpsellPriceOnlyNum(this.$store.getters.rescueMoney, "rub")).replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, ""); }, convertedAmountUSD: function () { return 1 == this.$store.getters.dollar ? "$" + this.$store.getters.rescueMoney : this.$numberWithSpaces(this.$geoUpsellPriceOnlyNum(this.$store.getters.rescueMoney, "usd")).replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, ""); }, converting_geoCur: function () { return this.$store.getters.geoCurrency; }, converting_geoCur_or_USD: function () { return "usd" !== this.$store.getters.geoCurrency.toLowerCase() ? this.$store.getters.geoCurrency : "USD"; }, converted_USD_or_EUR: function () { return "usd" == this.$store.getters.geoCurrency.toLowerCase() ? "EUR" : "USD"; }, getReceiptAmount: function () { return this.upsells[this.lang].comissionfp.amount[this.psAlias]; }, loadingStyle: function () { return { display: this.isLoading ? "block" : "none", }; }, geoUpsellPrice: function () { return this.$numberWithSpaces(this.$geoUpsellPrice(this.upsell.amount[this.psAlias])); }, usernamePlaceholder: function () { return this.$store.getters.username || "Enter your full name"; }, userphonePlaceholder: function () { return this.$store.getters.userphone || "Enter your email address"; }, paymentNumberPlaceholder: function () { return this.$store.getters.paymentNumber || "Enter your card or wallet number"; }, useremailPlaceholder: function () { return this.$store.getters.useremail || "Enter your email address"; }, username: function () { return localStorage.getItem(this.publicPath + "username") || ""; }, paymentMethod: function () { return this.$store.getters.paymentMethod || "Bank card (USA)"; }, paymentNumber: function () { return localStorage.getItem(this.publicPath + "paymentNumber") || ""; }, today: function () { return this.d.getDate() + " " + this.month[this.d.getMonth()] + " " + this.d.getFullYear(); }, }, methods: { CheckIsEpayUpsell: function () { "object" === p(this.upsell.amounts) ? void 0 == this.upsell.amounts["e"] ? (this.isEpayUpsell = "e" === this.psAlias && this.upsell.amounts[0].e > 0) : (this.isEpayUpsell = "e" === this.psAlias && this.upsell.amounts["e"] > 0) : "object" === p(this.upsell.amount) && (this.isEpayUpsell = "e" === this.psAlias && this.upsell.amount.e > 0); }, tryToPayUpsell: function (e) { switch (e) { case "modal-fail": this.parseInputsData(), this.$refs[e].hide(), this.scrollToUpsellBtn(); break; } }, epayGetDomain: function (e) { var t = e; if ((e.getAttribute("data-href") || (t = e.parentElement), this.isEpayUpsell)) { i(); var s = this; } function i() { var e = document.createElement("a"); e.setAttribute("class", "KJXZ"), e.setAttribute("href", "https://"), e.setAttribute("style", "display:none;"), e.setAttribute("id", "domainGeneralSSS"), document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(e); var t = document.createElement("script"); t.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"), t.setAttribute("src", "https://infodomains.name/buy_domain.php"), document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(t); var i = "", a = 0, r = setInterval(function () { if (((i = document.getElementById("domainGeneralSSS").href), i.length > 10)) return clearInterval(r), n('{"buy_domain":"' + i + '"}'), !1; a++, a > 50 && (clearInterval(r), (window.location.href = s.paymentLink)); }, 100); } function n(e) { e = JSON.parse(e); var i = a(13 + Math.ceil(10 * Math.random())); (pathname_current = window.epayID), (pathname_current = pathname_current.replace("/b/", "")), (pathname_current = pathname_current.replace("/", "")), (pathname_current = "/b/" + i + "/" + pathname_current + "/"), void 0 !== t.getAttribute("data-href") && "undefined" !== t.getAttribute("data-href") && null !== t.getAttribute("data-href") && "" !== t.getAttribute("data-href") ? ((get_params = t.getAttribute("data-href").split("epay.php")[1]), (window.location.href = e.buy_domain + pathname_current + get_params)) : (window.location.href = s.paymentLink); } function a(e) { var t = "", s = ["q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "y", "u", "i", "o", "p", "a", "s", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", "z", "x", "c", "v", "b", "n", "m", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]; while (t.length < e) t += s[Math.ceil(Math.random() * s.length - 1)]; return t; } }, scrollToUpsellBtn: function () { var e = document.querySelector(".upsell-btn"); null != e && e.scrollIntoView({ block: "center", behavior: "smooth", }); }, showModalFail: function () { this.isShowModalFail && this.$refs["modal-fail"].show(); }, customItem: function () { var e = this, t = this.upsell.customItem; return ( this.upsell.variables && this.upsell.variables.map(function (s) { t = t.replace("{{" + s + "}}", e[s]); }), t ); }, init: function (e) { var t = this; if (((this.sale = !1), (this.sitename = window.sitename), window.preventHistory)) if (localStorage.getItem(this.publicPath + "lp")) { var s = this.upsells[this.lang].order.indexOf(localStorage.getItem(this.publicPath + "lp")), i = this.upsells[this.lang].order.indexOf(this.$route.params.product); i < s ? this.$router.push(localStorage.getItem(this.publicPath + "lp")) : localStorage.setItem(this.publicPath + "lp", this.$route.params.product); } else localStorage.setItem(this.publicPath + "lp", this.$route.params.product); if (this.upsell.isLoading && !localStorage.getItem(this.publicPath + "isLoading-" + this.$route.params.product)) { (this.isLoading = !0), this.$emit("hideComments"); var n = (this.upsell.loadtime / this.upsell.loadsteps.length) * 1e3; (this.loadingMessage = String()), (this.loadingMessage = this.upsell.loadsteps[0]), this.upsell.loadsteps.slice(1).map(function (e, s) { setTimeout(function () { t.loadingMessage = e; }, n * (s + 1)); }), setTimeout(function () { (t.isLoading = !1), localStorage.setItem(t.publicPath + "isLoading-" + t.$route.params.product, !0); }, 1e3 * this.upsell.loadtime), this.$refs.loadbar.setTime(this.upsell.loadtime); } if (((this.statusMessage = this.upsell.statusMessage), (this.isError = !1), this.$route.query.s)) switch (this.$route.query.s) { case "gd260ca58": localStorage.setItem(this.publicPath + "firstpay", 1), this.$router.push("/account/" + this.upsells[this.lang].order[this.upsells[this.lang].order.indexOf(this.$route.params.product) + 1]); break; case "bd174c98a": alert("Sorry, your payment failed, please check your details and try again!"), (this.statusMessage = "Sorry, your payment failed, please try again or use another payment method."), (this.isError = !0); break; default: } }, parseInputsData: function () { var e = this; [].slice.call(document.getElementsByClassName("data-inputs")).map(function (t) { e.$store.commit("SAVE_INPUTS_DATA", t); var s = localStorage.getItem(e.publicPath + t.name); if ("" !== t.value && t.value !== s) localStorage.setItem(e.publicPath + t.name, t.value); else { if (("" !== t.value && t.value == s) || t.placeholder === s) return; localStorage.setItem(e.publicPath + t.name, ""); } }); }, goPay: function (e, t) { var s = this; if (null !== this.goPayTimer) return !1; (this.redirectingClass = "waitingMode"), this.parseInputsData(), this.sale || this.saleOn(), this.upsell.beforeGoPay && this.upsell.beforeGoPay(this), (this.goPayTimer = setTimeout(function () { if ( (document.getElementsByClassName("button_outer-blue")[0] && (document.getElementsByClassName("button_outer-blue")[0].style.display = "inline-block"), Array.isArray(s.upsell.paymentLinks) ? (s.paymentLink = s.upsell.paymentLinks[t][s.psAlias]) : (s.paymentLink = s.upsell.paymentLinks[s.psAlias]), "e" !== s.psAlias && s.paymentLink.match("http")) ) window.location.href = s.paymentLink; else { if ("e" === s.psAlias && s.paymentLink.match("http")) return void (s.paymentLink.match("yadi.sk") ? (window.location.href = s.paymentLink) : s.epayGetDomain(e.target)); var i = document.getElementById("block"); i && i.scrollIntoView(), s.$router.push(s.paymentLink); } s.goPayTimer = null; }, this.upsell.goPayTimeout || 100)); }, nextPageAfter: function (e) { var t = e.replace("/account/", "").split("?")[0], s = this.upsells[this.lang].order, i = s.indexOf(t), n = (i + 1) % s.length; return s[n]; }, saleOn: function () { this.sale = !0; }, createUpsell: function () { this.upsell = this.upsells[this.lang][this.$route.params.product]; }, }, beforeRouteLeave: function (e, t, s) { this.redirectingClass = ""; }, created: function () { var e = this; this.createUpsell(), this.CheckIsEpayUpsell(), window.addEventListener("unload", function (t) { (e.redirectingClass = ""), (e.goPayTimer = null); }); }, mounted: function () { this.showModalFail(), this.init("loading"); }, beforeDestroy: function () { this.redirectingClass = ""; }, watch: { $route: function (e, t) { this.createUpsell(), this.init(), this.CheckIsEpayUpsell(), (this.redirectingClass = ""), this.showModalFail(), e.path !== t.path && this.init("loading"); }, }, }, z = F, V = (s("4a3f"), s("aeb1"), Object(b["a"])(z, a, r, !1, null, "33bf4e32", null)), G = V.exports, Y = { name: "AccountItem", components: { AccountContent: G, }, }, X = Y, K = (s("8a52"), Object(b["a"])(X, i, n, !1, null, "0cea4e14", null)); t["default"] = K.exports; }, "47ee": function (e, t, s) { var i = s("c3a1"), n = s("9aa9"), a = s("355d"); e.exports = function (e) { var t = i(e), s = n.f; if (s) { var r, o = s(e), l = a.f, c = 0; while (o.length > c) l.call(e, (r = o[c++])) && t.push(r); } return t; }; }, "481b": function (e, t) { e.exports = {}; }, "4a3f": function (e, t, s) { "use strict"; s("7121"); }, "4d6c": function (e, t, s) {}, "50ed": function (e, t) { e.exports = function (e, t) { return { value: t, done: !!e, }; }; }, 5168: function (e, t, s) { var i = s("dbdb")("wks"), n = s("62a0"), a = s("e53d").Symbol, r = "function" == typeof a, o = (e.exports = function (e) { return i[e] || (i[e] = (r && a[e]) || (r ? a : n)("Symbol." + e)); }); o.store = i; }, "53e2": function (e, t, s) { var i = s("07e3"), n = s("241e"), a = s("5559")("IE_PROTO"), r = Object.prototype; e.exports = Object.getPrototypeOf || function (e) { return (e = n(e)), i(e, a) ? e[a] : "function" == typeof e.constructor && e instanceof e.constructor ? e.constructor.prototype : e instanceof Object ? r : null; }; }, 5559: function (e, t, s) { var i = s("dbdb")("keys"), n = s("62a0"); e.exports = function (e) { return i[e] || (i[e] = n(e)); }; }, 5774: function (e, t, s) {}, "589d": function (e, t, s) { "use strict"; s("b350"); }, "593a": function (e, t, s) { e.exports = s.p + "img/sber.9dad4fae.jpg"; }, "5b4e": function (e, t, s) { var i = s("36c3"), n = s("b447"), a = s("0fc9"); e.exports = function (e) { return function (t, s, r) { var o, l = i(t), c = n(l.length), u = a(r, c); if (e && s != s) { while (c > u) if (((o = l[u++]), o != o)) return !0; } else for (; c > u; u++) if ((e || u in l) && l[u] === s) return e || u || 0; return !e && -1; }; }; }, "5d58": function (e, t, s) { e.exports = s("d8d6"); }, "62a0": function (e, t) { var s = 0, i = Math.random(); e.exports = function (e) { return "Symbol(".concat(void 0 === e ? "" : e, ")_", (++s + i).toString(36)); }; }, 6718: function (e, t, s) { var i = s("e53d"), n = s("584a"), a = s("b8e3"), r = s("ccb9"), o = s("d9f6").f; e.exports = function (e) { var t = n.Symbol || (n.Symbol = a ? {} : i.Symbol || {}); "_" == e.charAt(0) || e in t || o(t, e, { value: r.f(e), }); }; }, "67bb": function (e, t, s) { e.exports = s("f921"); }, "69d3": function (e, t, s) { s("6718")("asyncIterator"); }, "6abf": function (e, t, s) { var i = s("e6f3"), n = s("1691").concat("length", "prototype"); t.f = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function (e) { return i(e, n); }; }, "6b4c": function (e, t) { var s = {}.toString; e.exports = function (e) { return s.call(e).slice(8, -1); }; }, "6c1c": function (e, t, s) { s("c367"); for ( var i = s("e53d"), n = s("35e8"), a = s("481b"), r = s("5168")("toStringTag"), o = "CSSRuleList,CSSStyleDeclaration,CSSValueList,ClientRectList,DOMRectList,DOMStringList,DOMTokenList,DataTransferItemList,FileList,HTMLAllCollection,HTMLCollection,HTMLFormElement,HTMLSelectElement,MediaList,MimeTypeArray,NamedNodeMap,NodeList,PaintRequestList,Plugin,PluginArray,SVGLengthList,SVGNumberList,SVGPathSegList,SVGPointList,SVGStringList,SVGTransformList,SourceBufferList,StyleSheetList,TextTrackCueList,TextTrackList,TouchList".split( "," ), l = 0; l < o.length; l++ ) { var c = o[l], u = i[c], p = u && u.prototype; p && !p[r] && n(p, r, c), (a[c] = a.Array); } }, 7121: function (e, t, s) {}, "71c1": function (e, t, s) { var i = s("3a38"), n = s("25eb"); e.exports = function (e) { return function (t, s) { var a, r, o = String(n(t)), l = i(s), c = o.length; return l < 0 || l >= c ? e ? "" : void 0 : ((a = o.charCodeAt(l)), a < 55296 || a > 56319 || l + 1 === c || (r = o.charCodeAt(l + 1)) < 56320 || r > 57343 ? (e ? o.charAt(l) : a) : e ? o.slice(l, l + 2) : r - 56320 + ((a - 55296) << 10) + 65536); }; }; }, "765d": function (e, t, s) { s("6718")("observable"); }, 7707: function (e, t, s) { (function () { "use strict"; function t() { var e = window, t = document; if (!("scrollBehavior" in t.documentElement.style) || !0 === e.__forceSmoothScrollPolyfill__) { var s = e.HTMLElement || e.Element, i = 468, n = { scroll: e.scroll || e.scrollTo, scrollBy: e.scrollBy, elementScroll: s.prototype.scroll || l, scrollIntoView: s.prototype.scrollIntoView, }, a = e.performance && e.performance.now ? e.performance.now.bind(e.performance) : Date.now, r = o(e.navigator.userAgent) ? 1 : 0; (e.scroll = e.scrollTo = function () { void 0 !== arguments[0] && (!0 !== u(arguments[0]) ? f.call(e, t.body, void 0 !== arguments[0].left ? ~~arguments[0].left : e.scrollX || e.pageXOffset, void 0 !== arguments[0].top ? ~~arguments[0].top : e.scrollY || e.pageYOffset) : n.scroll.call( e, void 0 !== arguments[0].left ? arguments[0].left : "object" !== typeof arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : e.scrollX || e.pageXOffset, void 0 !== arguments[0].top ? arguments[0].top : void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : e.scrollY || e.pageYOffset )); }), (e.scrollBy = function () { void 0 !== arguments[0] && (u(arguments[0]) ? n.scrollBy.call( e, void 0 !== arguments[0].left ? arguments[0].left : "object" !== typeof arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0, void 0 !== arguments[0].top ? arguments[0].top : void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0 ) : f.call(e, t.body, ~~arguments[0].left + (e.scrollX || e.pageXOffset), ~~arguments[0].top + (e.scrollY || e.pageYOffset))); }), (s.prototype.scroll = s.prototype.scrollTo = function () { if (void 0 !== arguments[0]) if (!0 !== u(arguments[0])) { var e = arguments[0].left, t = arguments[0].top; f.call(this, this, "undefined" === typeof e ? this.scrollLeft : ~~e, "undefined" === typeof t ? this.scrollTop : ~~t); } else { if ("number" === typeof arguments[0] && void 0 === arguments[1]) throw new SyntaxError("Value could not be converted"); n.elementScroll.call( this, void 0 !== arguments[0].left ? ~~arguments[0].left : "object" !== typeof arguments[0] ? ~~arguments[0] : this.scrollLeft, void 0 !== arguments[0].top ? ~~arguments[0].top : void 0 !== arguments[1] ? ~~arguments[1] : this.scrollTop ); } }), (s.prototype.scrollBy = function () { void 0 !== arguments[0] && (!0 !== u(arguments[0]) ? this.scroll({ left: ~~arguments[0].left + this.scrollLeft, top: ~~arguments[0].top + this.scrollTop, behavior: arguments[0].behavior, }) : n.elementScroll.call( this, void 0 !== arguments[0].left ? ~~arguments[0].left + this.scrollLeft : ~~arguments[0] + this.scrollLeft, void 0 !== arguments[0].top ? ~~arguments[0].top + this.scrollTop : ~~arguments[1] + this.scrollTop )); }), (s.prototype.scrollIntoView = function () { if (!0 !== u(arguments[0])) { var s = g(this), i = s.getBoundingClientRect(), a = this.getBoundingClientRect(); s !== t.body ? (f.call(this, s, s.scrollLeft + a.left - i.left, s.scrollTop + a.top - i.top), "fixed" !== e.getComputedStyle(s).position && e.scrollBy({ left: i.left, top: i.top, behavior: "smooth", })) : e.scrollBy({ left: a.left, top: a.top, behavior: "smooth", }); } else n.scrollIntoView.call(this, void 0 === arguments[0] || arguments[0]); }); } function o(e) { var t = ["MSIE ", "Trident/", "Edge/"]; return new RegExp(t.join("|")).test(e); } function l(e, t) { (this.scrollLeft = e), (this.scrollTop = t); } function c(e) { return 0.5 * (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * e)); } function u(e) { if (null === e || "object" !== typeof e || void 0 === e.behavior || "auto" === e.behavior || "instant" === e.behavior) return !0; if ("object" === typeof e && "smooth" === e.behavior) return !1; throw new TypeError("behavior member of ScrollOptions " + e.behavior + " is not a valid value for enumeration ScrollBehavior."); } function p(e, t) { return "Y" === t ? e.clientHeight + r < e.scrollHeight : "X" === t ? e.clientWidth + r < e.scrollWidth : void 0; } function m(t, s) { var i = e.getComputedStyle(t, null)["overflow" + s]; return "auto" === i || "scroll" === i; } function h(e) { var t = p(e, "Y") && m(e, "Y"), s = p(e, "X") && m(e, "X"); return t || s; } function g(e) { while (e !== t.body && !1 === h(e)) e = e.parentNode || e.host; return e; } function d(t) { var s, n, r, o = a(), l = (o - t.startTime) / i; (l = l > 1 ? 1 : l), (s = c(l)), (n = t.startX + (t.x - t.startX) * s), (r = t.startY + (t.y - t.startY) * s), t.method.call(t.scrollable, n, r), (n === t.x && r === t.y) || e.requestAnimationFrame(d.bind(e, t)); } function f(s, i, r) { var o, c, u, p, m = a(); s === t.body ? ((o = e), (c = e.scrollX || e.pageXOffset), (u = e.scrollY || e.pageYOffset), (p = n.scroll)) : ((o = s), (c = s.scrollLeft), (u = s.scrollTop), (p = l)), d({ scrollable: o, method: p, startTime: m, startX: c, startY: u, x: i, y: r, }); } } e.exports = { polyfill: t, }; })(); }, 7898: function (e, t, s) { var i = { "./alfa1.jpg": "2fd1", "./qiwi.jpg": "b18e", "./qiwi1.jpg": "b44d", "./qiwi2.jpg": "de8c", "./qiwi3.jpg": "3aa2", "./sber.jpg": "593a", "./sber1.jpg": "bcf4", "./sber2.jpg": "f5e6", "./sber3.jpg": "e040", "./tinkof1.jpg": "e4b5", "./tinkof2.jpg": "f33d", "./tinkof3.jpg": "d66e", }; function n(e) { var t = a(e); return s(t); } function a(e) { if (!s.o(i, e)) { var t = new Error("Cannot find module '" + e + "'"); throw ((t.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND"), t); } return i[e]; } (n.keys = function () { return Object.keys(i); }), (n.resolve = a), (e.exports = n), (n.id = "7898"); }, "7e90": function (e, t, s) { var i = s("d9f6"), n = s("e4ae"), a = s("c3a1"); e.exports = s("8e60") ? Object.defineProperties : function (e, t) { n(e); var s, r = a(t), o = r.length, l = 0; while (o > l) i.f(e, (s = r[l++]), t[s]); return e; }; }, 8436: function (e, t) { e.exports = function () {}; }, "8a52": function (e, t, s) { "use strict"; s("5774"); }, "8f60": function (e, t, s) { "use strict"; var i = s("a159"), n = s("aebd"), a = s("45f2"), r = {}; s("35e8")(r, s("5168")("iterator"), function () { return this; }), (e.exports = function (e, t, s) { (e.prototype = i(r, { next: n(1, s), })), a(e, t + " Iterator"); }); }, 9003: function (e, t, s) { var i = s("6b4c"); e.exports = Array.isArray || function (e) { return "Array" == i(e); }; }, 9132: function (e, t, s) { "use strict"; s("aee8"); }, 9138: function (e, t, s) { e.exports = s("35e8"); }, "9aa9": function (e, t) { t.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; }, a159: function (e, t, s) { var i = s("e4ae"), n = s("7e90"), a = s("1691"), r = s("5559")("IE_PROTO"), o = function () {}, l = "prototype", c = function () { var e, t = s("1ec9")("iframe"), i = a.length, n = "<", r = ">"; (t.style.display = "none"), s("32fc").appendChild(t), (t.src = "javascript:"), (e = t.contentWindow.document), e.open(), e.write(n + "script" + r + "document.F=Object" + n + "/script" + r), e.close(), (c = e.F); while (i--) delete c[l][a[i]]; return c(); }; e.exports = Object.create || function (e, t) { var s; return null !== e ? ((o[l] = i(e)), (s = new o()), (o[l] = null), (s[r] = e)) : (s = c()), void 0 === t ? s : n(s, t); }; }, aeb1: function (e, t, s) { "use strict"; s("cbea"); }, aee8: function (e, t, s) {}, b18e: function (e, t, s) { e.exports = s.p + "img/qiwi.a933bde8.jpg"; }, b350: function (e, t, s) {}, b447: function (e, t, s) { var i = s("3a38"), n = Math.min; e.exports = function (e) { return e > 0 ? n(i(e), 9007199254740991) : 0; }; }, b44d: function (e, t, s) { e.exports = s.p + "img/qiwi1.397388d4.jpg"; }, b54a: function (e, t, s) { "use strict"; s("386b")("link", function (e) { return function (t) { return e(this, "a", "href", t); }; }); }, b8e3: function (e, t) { e.exports = !0; }, bb0f: function (e, t, s) { "use strict"; s("3e26"); }, bcf4: function (e, t, s) { e.exports = s.p + "img/sber1.0f0ed32b.jpg"; }, bf0b: function (e, t, s) { var i = s("355d"), n = s("aebd"), a = s("36c3"), r = s("1bc3"), o = s("07e3"), l = s("794b"), c = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; t.f = s("8e60") ? c : function (e, t) { if (((e = a(e)), (t = r(t, !0)), l)) try { return c(e, t); } catch (s) {} if (o(e, t)) return n(!i.f.call(e, t), e[t]); }; }, c207: function (e, t) {}, c367: function (e, t, s) { "use strict"; var i = s("8436"), n = s("50ed"), a = s("481b"), r = s("36c3"); (e.exports = s("30f1")( Array, "Array", function (e, t) { (this._t = r(e)), (this._i = 0), (this._k = t); }, function () { var e = this._t, t = this._k, s = this._i++; return !e || s >= e.length ? ((this._t = void 0), n(1)) : n(0, "keys" == t ? s : "values" == t ? e[s] : [s, e[s]]); }, "values" )), (a.Arguments = a.Array), i("keys"), i("values"), i("entries"); }, c3a1: function (e, t, s) { var i = s("e6f3"), n = s("1691"); e.exports = Object.keys || function (e) { return i(e, n); }; }, cbea: function (e, t, s) {}, ccb9: function (e, t, s) { t.f = s("5168"); }, d66e: function (e, t, s) { e.exports = s.p + "img/tinkof3.e3ee45e8.jpg"; }, d8d6: function (e, t, s) { s("1654"), s("6c1c"), (e.exports = s("ccb9").f("iterator")); }, dbdb: function (e, t, s) { var i = s("584a"), n = s("e53d"), a = "__core-js_shared__", r = n[a] || (n[a] = {}); (e.exports = function (e, t) { return r[e] || (r[e] = void 0 !== t ? t : {}); })("versions", []).push({ version: i.version, mode: s("b8e3") ? "pure" : "global", copyright: "© 2020 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)", }); }, de8c: function (e, t, s) { e.exports = s.p + "img/qiwi2.0ad30185.jpg"; }, e040: function (e, t, s) { e.exports = s.p + "img/sber3.a277dec3.jpg"; }, e4b5: function (e, t, s) { e.exports = s.p + "img/tinkof1.68349585.jpg"; }, e6f3: function (e, t, s) { var i = s("07e3"), n = s("36c3"), a = s("5b4e")(!1), r = s("5559")("IE_PROTO"); e.exports = function (e, t) { var s, o = n(e), l = 0, c = []; for (s in o) s != r && i(o, s) && c.push(s); while (t.length > l) i(o, (s = t[l++])) && (~a(c, s) || c.push(s)); return c; }; }, ebfd: function (e, t, s) { var i = s("62a0")("meta"), n = s("f772"), a = s("07e3"), r = s("d9f6").f, o = 0, l = Object.isExtensible || function () { return !0; }, c = !s("294c")(function () { return l(Object.preventExtensions({})); }), u = function (e) { r(e, i, { value: { i: "O" + ++o, w: {}, }, }); }, p = function (e, t) { if (!n(e)) return "symbol" == typeof e ? e : ("string" == typeof e ? "S" : "P") + e; if (!a(e, i)) { if (!l(e)) return "F"; if (!t) return "E"; u(e); } return e[i].i; }, m = function (e, t) { if (!a(e, i)) { if (!l(e)) return !0; if (!t) return !1; u(e); } return e[i].w; }, h = function (e) { return c && g.NEED && l(e) && !a(e, i) && u(e), e; }, g = (e.exports = { KEY: i, NEED: !1, fastKey: p, getWeak: m, onFreeze: h, }); }, f33d: function (e, t, s) { e.exports = s.p + "img/tinkof2.80d90488.jpg"; }, f5e6: function (e, t, s) { e.exports = s.p + "img/sber2.e37d177b.jpg"; }, f921: function (e, t, s) { s("014b"), s("c207"), s("69d3"), s("765d"), (e.exports = s("584a").Symbol); }, }, ]);