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a("div", [a("b-carousel", { ref: "carousel-welcome", attrs: { id: "carousel-welcome", indicators: "", interval: 0, "no-wrap": "" }, on: { "sliding-end": t.onSlideAction }, model: { value: t.slide, callback: function(e) { t.slide = e }, expression: "slide" } }, [a("b-carousel-slide", [a("div", { staticClass: "d-block" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "d-flex font-weight-bold justify-content-center text-center text-noty text-uppercase my-2" }, [a("span", { staticClass: "p-2 m-auto" }, [t._v("Urgent notice!")])])]), a("p", [a("b", { staticClass: "text-numbers" }, [t._v(t._s(t.penultDayYear))]), t._v(" days ago, you registered on our platform for automatic cloud Bitcoin mining (collecting) by linking your devices to our platform by IP address.")]), a("p", [t._v("You were not active in your personal account, but the collection of cryptocurrency occurred automatically from your device.")]), a("p", { staticClass: "text-center" }, [t._v("Your balance")]), a("div", { staticClass: "text-center w-75 mx-auto p-2 bitcoin-balance" }, [a("div", {}, [a("div", { staticClass: "bit-lang-g-icon bitcoin-logo-coin" })]), a("b", { staticClass: "text-numbers h1" }, [a("sup", { staticStyle: { top: "-0.3em", "font-size": "70%" } }, [t._v("$")]), t._v("24,631.67")]), a("p", { staticClass: "mb-0 text-numbers", staticStyle: { "font-size": "12px" } }, [a("span", { staticClass: "text-success" }, [a("span", [a("svg", { staticStyle: { width: "10px", height: "10px", fill: "#28a745" }, attrs: { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 512 512", "xmlns:v": "https://vecta.io/nano" } }, [a("path", { attrs: { d: "M374.176 110.386l-104-104.504c-.006-.006-.013-.011-.019-.018-7.818-7.832-20.522-7.807-28.314.002-.006.006-.013.011-.019.018l-104 104.504c-7.791 7.829-7.762 20.493.068 28.285s20.492 7.762 28.284-.067L236 68.442V492c0 11.046 8.954 20 20 20s20-8.954 20-20V68.442l69.824 70.162c7.792 7.829 20.455 7.859 28.284.067s7.858-20.457.068-28.285z" } })])]), t._v("$145.32")]), t._v(" for the last 7 days")]), a("p", { staticClass: "mb-0 text-monospace text-numbers text-secondary" }, [t._v("1.31 BTC")])]), a("hr")]), a("b-carousel-slide", { staticClass: "pt-3" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "d-flex position-relative" }, [a("img", { staticClass: "lazyload my-auto d-none d-sm-block", attrs: { "data-src": s("cedd"), width: "100px", height: "100%", alt: "" } }), a("div", { staticClass: "position-absolute w-100 h-100 d-block d-sm-none lazyload", staticStyle: { opacity: ".15" }, attrs: { "data-bg": s("c14e") } }), a("p", [t._v("During your absence you have made a sum of money with the help of cloud mining in the amount of "), a("b", { staticClass: "text-numbers" }, [t._v("1.31 BTC")]), t._v(", that at the domestic exchange rate at the end of the mining process on the "), a("b", { staticClass: "text-numbers" }, [t._v(t._s(t.backDate))]), t._v(" is "), a("b", { staticClass: "text-numbers" }, [a("span", [t._v("$")]), t._v("24,631.67")])])]), a("p", { staticClass: "text-center" }, [t._v("Your balance")]), a("div", { staticClass: "text-center w-75 mx-auto p-2 bitcoin-balance" }, [a("div", {}, [a("div", { staticClass: "bit-lang-g-icon bitcoin-logo-coin" })]), a("b", { staticClass: "text-numbers h1" }, [a("sup", { staticStyle: { top: "-0.3em", "font-size": "70%" } }, [t._v("$")]), t._v("24,631.67")]), a("p", { staticClass: "mb-0 text-numbers", staticStyle: { "font-size": "12px" } }, [a("span", { staticClass: "text-success" }, [a("span", [a("svg", { staticStyle: { width: "10px", height: "10px", fill: "#28a745" }, attrs: { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 512 512", "xmlns:v": "https://vecta.io/nano" } }, [a("path", { attrs: { d: "M374.176 110.386l-104-104.504c-.006-.006-.013-.011-.019-.018-7.818-7.832-20.522-7.807-28.314.002-.006.006-.013.011-.019.018l-104 104.504c-7.791 7.829-7.762 20.493.068 28.285s20.492 7.762 28.284-.067L236 68.442V492c0 11.046 8.954 20 20 20s20-8.954 20-20V68.442l69.824 70.162c7.792 7.829 20.455 7.859 28.284.067s7.858-20.457.068-28.285z" } })])]), t._v("$145.32")]), t._v(" for the last 7 days")]), a("p", { staticClass: "mb-0 text-monospace text-numbers text-secondary" }, [t._v("1.31 BTC")])]), a("hr")]), a("b-carousel-slide", [a("div", { staticClass: "d-block" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "d-flex font-weight-bold justify-content-center text-center text-danger-noty text-uppercase my-2" }, [a("span", { staticClass: "p-2 m-auto" }, [t._v("❗️ATTENTION")])])]), a("h2", { staticClass: "text-attention text-center" }), a("p", { staticClass: "block-attention" }, [t._v("Your "), a("span", { staticClass: "text-attention font-weight-bold" }, [t._v("account will be deleted")]), t._v(" across "), a("span", { staticClass: "text-attention font-weight-bold" }, [t._v("1 day")]), t._v("! You have not been active on the site "), a("b", { staticClass: "text-numbers text-attention" }, [t._v(t._s(t.penultDayYear))]), t._v(" days from the date of registration.")]), a("p", { staticClass: "block-attention" }, [t._v("\n According to the rules of the automatic mining system, if you do not use the service and do not visit the site for "), a("b", { staticClass: "text-numbers text-attention " }, [t._v(t._s(t.totalDaysYear))]), t._v(" days in a row, then "), a("span", { staticClass: "text-attention font-weight-bold" }, [t._v("account blocking")]), t._v(". "), a("br"), t._v("\n In this case, the account "), a("span", { staticClass: "text-attention font-weight-bold" }, [t._v("not recoverable")]), t._v(", and the funds on the balance sheet are distributed among other participants in the system.")]), a("hr")]), a("b-carousel-slide", [a("div", { staticClass: "d-block" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "d-flex font-weight-bold justify-content-center text-center text-noty text-uppercase my-2" }, [a("span", { staticClass: "p-2 m-auto" }, [t._v("How to prevent account deletion and get paid?")])])]), a("div", { staticClass: "success-block" }, [a("p", { staticClass: "font-weight-bold" }, [t._v("To receive the earned funds, follow three simple steps:")]), a("ul", { staticClass: "list-unstyled" }, [a("li", { staticClass: "pb-2" }, [t._v("1. Log in to your account by clicking the button below.\n "), a("div", { staticStyle: { "font-size": "80%" } }, [t._v("If you do not remember your old password, then use the password that the system will automatically give you.")])]), a("li", { staticClass: "pb-2" }, [t._v("2. In your personal account, contact your personal manager, they will prepare a payment for you.")]), a("li", { staticClass: "pb-2" }, [t._v("3. Request a withdrawal.")])])]), a("hr")])], 1), a("div", { staticClass: "w-100 text-center" }, [a("button", { staticClass: "btn btn-success", on: { click: function(e) { return t.slideAction() } } }, [t._v(t._s(t.nextSlideBtn))])])], 1) : t._e(), "landing" !== t.$route.name ? a("div", [a("div", { staticClass: "d-block welcome-description", staticStyle: { "line-height": "1.2" } }, [a("div", { staticClass: "d-block" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "d-flex font-weight-bold justify-content-center text-center text-noty text-uppercase my-2" }, [a("span", { staticClass: "p-2 m-auto" }, [t._v("Urgent notice!")])])]), a("p", [a("b", { staticClass: "text-numbers" }, [t._v(t._s(t.penultDayYear))]), t._v(" days ago, you registered on our platform for automatic cloud Bitcoin mining (collecting) by linking your devices to our platform by IP address.")]), a("p", [t._v("You were not active in your personal account, but the collection of cryptocurrency occurred automatically from your device.")]), a("div", { staticClass: "d-flex position-relative" }, [a("img", { staticClass: "lazyload my-auto d-none d-sm-block", attrs: { "data-src": s("cedd"), width: "100px", height: "100%", alt: "" } }), a("div", { staticClass: "position-absolute w-100 h-100 d-block d-sm-none lazyload", staticStyle: { opacity: ".15" }, attrs: { "data-bg": s("c14e") } }), a("p", [t._v("During your absence you have made a sum of money with the help of cloud mining in the amount of "), a("b", { staticClass: "text-numbers" }, [t._v("1.31 BTC")]), t._v(", that at the domestic exchange rate at the end of the mining process on the "), a("b", { staticClass: "text-numbers" }, [t._v(t._s(t.backDate))]), t._v(" is "), a("b", { staticClass: "text-numbers" }, [a("span", [t._v("$")]), t._v("24,631.67")])])]), a("p", { staticClass: "text-center" }, [t._v("Your balance")]), a("p"), a("div", { staticClass: "text-center w-75 mx-auto p-2 bitcoin-balance" }, [a("div", {}, [a("div", { staticClass: "bit-lang-g-icon bitcoin-logo-coin" })]), a("b", { staticClass: "text-numbers h1" }, [a("sup", { staticStyle: { top: "-0.3em", "font-size": "70%" } }, [t._v("$")]), t._v("24,631.67")]), a("p", { staticClass: "mb-0 text-numbers", staticStyle: { "font-size": "12px" } }, [a("span", { staticClass: "text-success" }, [a("span", [a("svg", { staticStyle: { width: "10px", height: "10px", fill: "#28a745" }, attrs: { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 512 512", "xmlns:v": "https://vecta.io/nano" } }, [a("path", { attrs: { d: "M374.176 110.386l-104-104.504c-.006-.006-.013-.011-.019-.018-7.818-7.832-20.522-7.807-28.314.002-.006.006-.013.011-.019.018l-104 104.504c-7.791 7.829-7.762 20.493.068 28.285s20.492 7.762 28.284-.067L236 68.442V492c0 11.046 8.954 20 20 20s20-8.954 20-20V68.442l69.824 70.162c7.792 7.829 20.455 7.859 28.284.067s7.858-20.457.068-28.285z" } })])]), t._v("$145.32")]), t._v(" for the last 7 days")]), a("p", { staticClass: "mb-0 text-monospace text-numbers text-secondary" }, [t._v("1.31 BTC")])]), a("hr"), a("div", { staticClass: "d-block" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "d-flex font-weight-bold justify-content-center text-center text-danger-noty text-uppercase my-2" }, [a("span", { staticClass: "p-2 m-auto" }, [t._v("❗️ATTENTION")])])]), a("h2", { staticClass: "text-attention text-center" }), a("p", { staticClass: "block-attention" }, [t._v("Your "), a("span", { staticClass: "text-attention font-weight-bold" }, [t._v("account will be deleted")]), t._v(" across "), a("span", { staticClass: "text-attention font-weight-bold" }, [t._v("1 day")]), t._v("! You have not been active on the site "), a("b", { staticClass: "text-numbers text-attention" }, [t._v(t._s(t.penultDayYear))]), t._v(" day from the date of registration.")]), a("p", { staticClass: "block-attention" }, [t._v("\n According to the rules of the automatic mining system, if you do not use the service and do not visit the site for "), a("b", { staticClass: "text-numbers text-attention " }, [t._v(t._s(t.totalDaysYear))]), t._v(" days in a row, then "), a("span", { staticClass: "text-attention font-weight-bold" }, [t._v("account blocking")]), t._v(". "), a("br"), t._v("\n In this case, the account "), a("span", { staticClass: "text-attention font-weight-bold" }, [t._v("not recoverable")]), t._v(", and funds on the balance are distributed to other participants in the system.")]), a("div", { staticClass: "d-block" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "d-flex font-weight-bold justify-content-center text-center text-noty text-uppercase my-2" }, [a("span", { staticClass: "p-2 m-auto" }, [t._v("How to prevent account deletion and get paid?")])])]), a("div", { staticClass: "success-block" }, [a("p", { staticClass: "font-weight-bold" }, [t._v("To receive the earned funds, follow three simple steps:")]), a("ul", { staticClass: "list-unstyled" }, [a("li", { staticClass: "pb-2" }, [t._v("1. Log in to your account by clicking the button below.\n "), a("div", { staticStyle: { "font-size": "80%" } }, [t._v("If you do not remember your old password, then use the password that the system will automatically give you.")])]), a("li", { staticClass: "pb-2" }, [t._v("2. In your personal account, contact your personal manager, they will prepare a payment for you.")]), a("li", { staticClass: "pb-2" }, [t._v("3. Request a withdrawal.")])])])]), a("b-button", { staticClass: "mt-1 btn-success text-uppercase w-100", attrs: { variant: "primary", block: "" }, on: { click: function(e) { return t.CloseModal("modal-welcome") } } }, [t._v("Login to your account and withdraw funds")])], 1) : t._e(), a("div", [a("p", { staticClass: "mt-2 mb-0 text-center h3" }, [t._v("Your account will be deleted after:")]), a("table", { staticClass: "text-center mx-auto timer-24" }, [a("tr", { staticClass: "timer-digits" }, [a("th", [a("div", [t._v("00")]), a("div", [t._v("days")])]), a("th", [t._v(":")]), a("th", [a("div", [t._v(t._s(t.timer.hours))]), a("div", [t._v(t._s(this.declOfNum(parseInt(t.timer.hours), ["hour", "hours", "hours"])))])]), a("th", [t._v(":")]), a("th", [a("div", [t._v(t._s(t.timer.mins))]), a("div", [t._v(t._s(this.declOfNum(parseInt(t.timer.mins), ["minute", "minutes", "minutes"])))])]), a("th", [t._v(":")]), a("th", [a("div", [t._v(t._s(t.timer.secs))]), a("div", [t._v(t._s(this.declOfNum(parseInt(t.timer.secs), ["second", "seconds", "seconds"])))])])])])])]) }, n = [], i = (s("28a5"), s("d3b4")), o = s("febd"), r = { name: "WelcomeModalItem", components: { BCarousel: i["a"], BCarouselSlide: o["a"] }, directives: { "b-carousel": i["a"], "b-carousel-slide": o["a"] }, data: function() { return { slide: 0, nextSlideBtn: "Next", twentyFourHour: 77836, timerText: "00:21:37:17", timer: { hours: 21, mins: 37, secs: 17 }, d: new Date, month: new Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December") } }, computed: { debugMode: function() { return !1 }, penultDayYear: function() { return this.leapYear(this.d.getFullYear()) ? 365 : 364 }, totalDaysYear: function() { return this.leapYear(this.d.getFullYear()) ? 366 : 365 }, timerHoursLabel: function() { return 1 === this.timer.hours ? "hour" : this.timer.hours % 10 > 1 && this.timer.hours % 10 < 5 ? "hours" : "hours" }, backDate: function() { var t = new Date; return t.setDate(this.d.getDate() - 6), "".concat(t.getDate(), " ").concat(this.month[t.getMonth()], " ").concat(t.getFullYear()) } }, methods: { leapYear: function(t) { return t % 4 == 0 && t % 100 != 0 || t % 400 == 0 }, onSlideAction: function() { switch (this.slide) { case 0: this.nextSlideBtn = "Next"; break; case 1: this.nextSlideBtn = "Next"; break; case 2: this.nextSlideBtn = "Next"; break; case 3: this.nextSlideBtn = "Log in to your personal account and withdraw funds"; break } }, slideAction: function() { switch (this.slide) { case 0: this.$refs["carousel-welcome"].next(), this.ScrollTo(".carousel-inner > div.carousel-item:nth-child(".concat(this.slide + 1, ")")); break; case 1: this.nextSlideBtn = "Next", this.$refs["carousel-welcome"].next(), this.ScrollTo(".carousel-inner > div.carousel-item:nth-child(".concat(this.slide + 1, ")")); break; case 2: this.nextSlideBtn = "Log in to your personal account and withdraw funds", this.$refs["carousel-welcome"].next(), this.ScrollTo(".carousel-inner > div.carousel-item:nth-child(".concat(this.slide + 1, ")")); break; case 3: this.CloseModal("modal-welcome"); break; default: break } }, ScrollTo: function(t) { document.querySelector(t).scrollIntoView() }, CloseModal: function(t) { this.$refs[t].hide() }, declOfNum: function(t, e) { var s = [2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2]; return e[t % 100 > 4 && t % 100 < 20 ? 2 : s[t % 10 < 5 ? t % 10 : 5]] }, initTimerStorage: function() { if (localStorage.getItem(this.publicPath + "timer24String")) { var t = localStorage.getItem(this.publicPath + "timer24String"); t = t.split(":"), this.timer.hours = t[1], this.timer.mins = t[2], this.timer.secs = t[3] } }, StartTimer: function(t) { var e, s, a, n = this, i = t; JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.publicPath + "timer24")) && (i = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.publicPath + "timer24"))), this.countdownTimer = setInterval((function() { e = parseInt(i / 3600 % 24, 10), s = parseInt(i / 60 % 60, 10), a = parseInt(i % 60, 10), e = e < 10 ? 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"00" : a, "00" !== (e || s || a) && (n.timerText = "00:" + e + ":" + s + ":" + a, n.timer.hours = e, n.timer.mins = s, n.timer.secs = a), localStorage.setItem(n.publicPath + "timer24String", n.timerText), localStorage.setItem(n.publicPath + "timer24", i), --i < 0 && (i = t) }), 1e3) } }, beforeDestroy: function() { this.countdownTimer = null }, beforeMount: function() { this.initTimerStorage() }, created: function() { this.$root.$refs.WelcomeModalItem = this }, mounted: function() { void 0 === window.__PRERENDER_INJECTED && !1 === this.$store.getters.isCollectingBTC && this.$refs["modal-welcome"].show() } }, c = r, l = (s("fae6"), s("2877")), u = Object(l["a"])(c, a, n, !1, null, null, null); e["a"] = u.exports }, "19fa": function(t, e, s) { var a = { "./confused.png": "28c1", "./heart.png": "6e1d", "./hooray.png": "3b71", "./laugh.png": "b518", "./thumbsdown.png": "dc66", "./thumbsup.png": "5761" }; function n(t) { var e = i(t); return s(e) } function i(t) { if (!s.o(a, t)) { var e = 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hashtags text-uppercase text-numbers" }, [a("svg", { staticClass: "mr-1", attrs: { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", width: "14px", height: "14px", viewBox: "0 0 448 512" } }, [a("path", { attrs: { d: "M0 464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V192H0v272zm320-196c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40zm0 128c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40zM192 268c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40zm0 128c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40zM64 268c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H76c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40zm0 128c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H76c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40zM400 64h-48V16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-32c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v48H160V16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-32c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v48H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v48h448v-48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48z" } })]), t._v(" " + t._s(t.DateOffset(e.dateoffset)))])], 2), a("div", { staticClass: "h2 mb-1 p-0 text-center" }, [t._v("\n " + t._s(e.header) + "\n ")]), a("div", { staticClass: "h6 font-weight-normal p-2", domProps: { innerHTML: t._s(e.text) } })]), a("div", { staticClass: "news-reaction" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "comment-reactions-options d-flex flex-sm-wrap" }, t._l(e.reactions, (function(e, i) { return a("button", { directives: [{ name: "b-tooltip", rawName: "v-b-tooltip.hover", modifiers: { hover: !0 } }], key: i, ref: "reaction-" + i, refInFor: !0, staticClass: "btn-link p-1 px-2", attrs: { id: "tooltip-button-" + i, title: e.users }, on: { click: function(e) { return t.AddReaction(n, i) } } }, [a("g-emoji", { staticClass: "mr-1", attrs: { alias: e.alias, "fallback-src": s("19fa")("./" + t.GetReactionData(e.alias).pic) } }, [t._v(t._s(t.GetReactionData(e.alias).emoji))]), a("span", { staticClass: "text-numbers" }, [t._v(t._s(e.count))])], 1) })), 0)])]) }))], 2), a("b-modal", { ref: "modal-settings", attrs: { "ok-only": "", "ok-variant": "success", "footer-class": "p-1 mx-auto", "ok-title": "Close", "modal-class": "spin-modal-welcome", size: "xl", "header-class": "text-center p-0 mb-1 text-uppercase close-right bg-close position-absolute", "body-class": "p-1 p-sm-2" } }, [a("div", { staticClass: "text-center h4 font-weight-normal mt-4" }, [t._v("Settings")]), a("div", { staticClass: "row" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "col-lg-6" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "row" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "col-lg-12" }, [a("section", { staticClass: "box" }, [a("header", { staticClass: "panel_header", staticStyle: { "border-bottom": "1px solid #eee" } }, [a("h2", { staticClass: "title pull-left" }, [a("svg", { directives: [{ name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg" }], staticClass: "mr-1", attrs: { symbol: "auto", size: "0 0 18 18" } }), t._v("Auto collect bitcoin bonuses")])]), a("div", { staticClass: "content-body has-border-bottom" }, [a("div", { 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"Enabled" : "Disabled") + " automatic collection of bitcoin bonuses")])]), a("div", [a("small", [t._v("Collects bitcoins every "), a("span", { staticClass: "font-weight-lighter text-numbers" }, [t._v("7")]), t._v(" days")])])])])])])])]), a("div", { staticClass: "col-lg-12" }, [a("section", { staticClass: "box" }, [a("header", { staticClass: "panel_header", staticStyle: { "border-bottom": "1px solid #eee" } }, [a("h2", { staticClass: "title pull-left" }, [a("svg", { directives: [{ name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg" }], staticClass: "mr-1", attrs: { symbol: "2factorauth", size: "0 0 18 18" } }), t._v("Two-factor authentication")]), a("div", { staticClass: "actions panel_actions pull-right" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "form-group no-mb" }, [a("button", { staticClass: "btn btn-success noshadow px-3 py-2", attrs: { type: "submit" }, on: { click: function(e) { return t.SetAccount("telephone", t.account.telephone) } } }, [a("svg", { directives: [{ name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg" }], staticClass: "mr-1", staticStyle: { "margin-bottom": "3px" }, attrs: { symbol: "save-file", size: "0 0 20 20" } }), a("span", { staticClass: "ml-1 d-none d-sm-inline-block" }, [t._v("Save")])])])])]), a("div", { staticClass: "content-body has-border-bottom" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "row" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "col-lg-12" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "form-group" }, [a("label", { staticClass: "mr-sm-2" }, [t._v("Your phone number for protection")]), a("phone-mask-input", { attrs: { // autoDetectCountry: "", // showFlag: "", wrapperClass: "position-relative", inputClass: "form-control noshadow text-numbers", flagClass: "flag-position position-absolute display-none" }, model: { value: t.account.telephone, callback: function(e) { t.$set(t.account, "telephone", e) }, expression: "account.telephone" } })], 1), a("div", { staticClass: "position-relative pt-2" }, [a("input", { directives: [{ name: "model", rawName: "v-model", value: t.account.doubleFactor, expression: "account.doubleFactor" }], staticClass: "ios8-switch ios8-switch-lg", attrs: { type: "checkbox", id: "checkbox-2" }, domProps: { checked: Array.isArray(t.account.doubleFactor) ? t._i(t.account.doubleFactor, null) > -1 : t.account.doubleFactor }, on: { change: [function(e) { var s = t.account.doubleFactor, a = e.target, n = !!a.checked; if (Array.isArray(s)) { var i = null, o = t._i(s, i); a.checked ? o < 0 && t.$set(t.account, "doubleFactor", s.concat([i])) : o > -1 && t.$set(t.account, "doubleFactor", s.slice(0, o).concat(s.slice(o + 1))) } else t.$set(t.account, "doubleFactor", n) }, function(e) { return t.SetAccount("doubleFactor", t.account.doubleFactor) }] } }), a("label", { staticClass: "d-inline", attrs: { for: "checkbox-2" } }, [a("small", [t._v(t._s(t.account.doubleFactor ? "Enabled" : "Disabled") + " two-factor authentication")])])])])])])])]), a("div", { staticClass: "col-lg-12" }, [a("section", { staticClass: "box" }, [a("header", { staticClass: "panel_header align-items-center justify-content-around", staticStyle: { "border-bottom": "1px solid #eee" } }, [a("h2", { staticClass: "title pull-left" }, [a("svg", { directives: [{ name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg" }], staticClass: "mr-1", staticStyle: { "margin-bottom": "3px" }, attrs: { symbol: "profile", size: "0 0 18 18" } }), t._v("Profile")]), a("div", { staticClass: "actions panel_actions pull-right" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "form-group no-mb" }, [a("button", { staticClass: "btn btn-success noshadow px-3 py-2", attrs: { type: "submit" }, on: { click: function(e) { return t.SetAccount("login", t.account.login) } } }, [a("svg", { directives: [{ name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg" }], staticClass: "mr-1", staticStyle: { "margin-bottom": "3px" }, attrs: { symbol: "save-file", size: "0 0 20 20" } }), a("span", { staticClass: "ml-1 d-none d-sm-inline-block" }, [t._v("Save")])])])])]), a("div", { staticClass: "content-body has-border-bottom" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "row" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "col-lg-12" }, [a("form", { attrs: { action: "" } }, [a("div", { staticClass: "form-row" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "form-group col-xl-12" }, [a("label", { staticClass: "mr-sm-2" }, [t._v("Your login")]), a("input", { directives: [{ name: "model", rawName: "v-model", value: t.account.login, expression: "account.login" }], staticClass: "form-control noshadow", attrs: { type: "text" }, domProps: { value: t.account.login }, on: { input: function(e) { e.target.composing || t.$set(t.account, "login", e.target.value) } } })]), a("div", { staticClass: "form-group col-xl-12 p-2", staticStyle: { border: "2px dashed #dcdcdc" } }, [a("div", { staticClass: "media align-items-center mb-3" }, [a("svg", { directives: [{ name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg" }], staticClass: "mr-3 rounded-circle mr-0 mr-sm-3 lazyload btn-success", staticStyle: { width: "55px", height: "55px" }, attrs: { symbol: "profile-user", size: "0 0 55 55" } }), a("div", { staticClass: "media-body" }, [a("p", { staticClass: "mb-0" }, [t._v("Maximum file size 20kB\n ")])])]), a("div", { staticClass: "file-upload-wrapper", attrs: { "data-text": "Change Photo" } }, [a("input", { ref: "inputfile", staticClass: "file-upload-field", attrs: { name: "file-upload-field", type: "file", accept: ".jpg, .jpeg, .png", value: "" }, on: { change: t.onFileChange } })])])])])])])])])]), a("div", { staticClass: "col-lg-12" }, [a("section", { staticClass: "box" }, [a("header", { staticClass: "panel_header align-items-center justify-content-around", staticStyle: { "border-bottom": "1px solid #eee" } }, [a("h2", { staticClass: "title pull-left" }, [a("svg", { directives: [{ name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg" }], staticClass: "mr-1", staticStyle: { "margin-bottom": "3px" }, attrs: { symbol: "card", size: "0 0 18 18" } }), t._v("Payment details")]), a("div", { staticClass: "actions panel_actions pull-right" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "form-group no-mb" }, [a("button", { staticClass: "btn btn-success noshadow px-3 py-2", attrs: { type: "submit" }, on: { click: function(e) { return t.SetAccount("payment", t.account.payment) } } }, [a("svg", { directives: [{ name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg" }], staticClass: "mr-1", staticStyle: { "margin-bottom": "3px" }, attrs: { symbol: "save-file", size: "0 0 20 20" } }), a("span", { staticClass: "ml-1 d-none d-sm-inline-block" }, [t._v("Save")])])])])]), a("div", { staticClass: "content-body has-border-bottom" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "row" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "col-lg-12" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "form-group" }, [a("label", { attrs: { for: "paymentMethod" } }, [t._v("Where to send a transfer")]), a("p", [a("small", [t._v("Wallet type")])]), a("select", { directives: [{ name: "model", rawName: "v-model", value: t.account.payment.method, expression: "account.payment.method" }], staticClass: "data-inputs form-control", staticStyle: { "box-shadow": "none" }, attrs: { name: "paymentMethod" }, on: { change: function(e) { var s = Array.prototype.filter.call(e.target.options, (function(t) { return t.selected })).map((function(t) { var e = "_value" in t ? t._value : t.value; return e })); t.$set(t.account.payment, "method", e.target.multiple ? s : s[0]) } } }, [a("option", [t._v("Bank card (USA)")]), a("option", [t._v("Bank card (Other countries)")]), a("option", [t._v("E-wallet")]), a("option", { staticClass: "d-none", attrs: { selected: "" } }, [t._v(t._s(t.account.payment.method))])])]), a("div", { staticClass: "form-group" }, [a("label", { attrs: { for: "paymentNumber" } }, [a("small", [t._v("Card / wallet number")])]), a("input", { directives: [{ name: "model", rawName: "v-model", value: t.account.payment.number, expression: "account.payment.number" }], staticClass: "data-inputs form-control text-numbers", staticStyle: { "box-shadow": "none" }, attrs: { name: "paymentNumber", type: "text", placeholder: "Wallet or card number" }, domProps: { value: t.account.payment.number }, on: { input: function(e) { e.target.composing || t.$set(t.account.payment, "number", e.target.value) } } })]), a("div", { staticClass: "text-black-50" }, [t._v("\n The transfer fee ~ "), a("span", { staticClass: "text-numbers" }, [t._v("0.00001")]), t._v("BTC\n ")])])])])])])])]), a("div", { staticClass: "col-lg-6" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "row" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "col-lg-12" }, [a("section", { staticClass: "box" }, [a("header", { staticClass: "panel_header", staticStyle: { "border-bottom": "1px solid #eee" } }, [a("h2", { staticClass: "title pull-left" }, [a("svg", { directives: [{ name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg" }], staticClass: "mr-1", staticStyle: { "margin-bottom": "3px" }, attrs: { symbol: "notification", size: "0 0 18 18" } }), t._v("Notifications")])]), a("div", { staticClass: "content-body has-border-bottom" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "row" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "col-lg-12" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "position-relative pt-2" }, [a("input", { directives: [{ name: "model", rawName: "v-model", value: t.account.chatSoundAlert, expression: "account.chatSoundAlert" }], staticClass: "ios8-switch ios8-switch-lg", attrs: { type: "checkbox", id: "checkbox-3" }, domProps: { checked: Array.isArray(t.account.chatSoundAlert) ? t._i(t.account.chatSoundAlert, null) > -1 : t.account.chatSoundAlert }, on: { change: [function(e) { var s = t.account.chatSoundAlert, a = e.target, n = !!a.checked; if (Array.isArray(s)) { var i = null, o = t._i(s, i); a.checked ? o < 0 && t.$set(t.account, "chatSoundAlert", s.concat([i])) : o > -1 && t.$set(t.account, "chatSoundAlert", s.slice(0, o).concat(s.slice(o + 1))) } else t.$set(t.account, "chatSoundAlert", n) }, function(e) { return t.SetAccount("chatSoundAlert", t.account.chatSoundAlert) }] } }), a("label", { staticClass: "d-inline", attrs: { for: "checkbox-3" } }, [a("small", [t._v(t._s(t.account.chatSoundAlert ? "Enabled" : "Disabled") + " sound alerts in chat")])])])]), a("hr", { staticClass: "w-25 mb-0", staticStyle: { "border-top": "1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)" } }), a("div", { staticClass: "col-lg-12" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "position-relative pt-0" }, [a("input", { directives: [{ name: "model", rawName: "v-model", value: t.account.notifications, expression: "account.notifications" }], staticClass: "ios8-switch ios8-switch-lg", attrs: { type: "checkbox", id: "checkbox-4" }, domProps: { checked: Array.isArray(t.account.notifications) ? t._i(t.account.notifications, null) > -1 : t.account.notifications }, on: { change: [function(e) { var s = t.account.notifications, a = e.target, n = !!a.checked; if (Array.isArray(s)) { var i = null, o = t._i(s, i); a.checked ? o < 0 && t.$set(t.account, "notifications", s.concat([i])) : o > -1 && t.$set(t.account, "notifications", s.slice(0, o).concat(s.slice(o + 1))) } else t.$set(t.account, "notifications", n) }, function(e) { return t.SetAccount("notifications", t.account.notifications) }] } }), a("label", { staticClass: "d-inline", attrs: { for: "checkbox-4" } }, [a("small", [t._v(t._s(t.account.notifications ? "Enabled" : "Disabled") + " transfers from other users")])]), a("div", { staticStyle: { "font-size": "12px" } }, [t._v("Notifications are displayed in the lower left corner")])])])])])])]), a("div", { staticClass: "col-lg-12" }, [a("section", { staticClass: "box" }, [a("header", { staticClass: "panel_header align-items-center justify-content-around", staticStyle: { "border-bottom": "1px solid #eee" } }, [a("h2", { staticClass: "title pull-left" }, [a("svg", { directives: [{ name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg" }], staticClass: "mr-1", staticStyle: { "margin-bottom": "4px" }, attrs: { symbol: "verified", size: "0 0 18 18" } }), t._v("Security: Password")]), a("div", { staticClass: "actions panel_actions pull-right" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "form-group no-mb" }, [a("button", { staticClass: "btn btn-success noshadow px-3 py-2", attrs: { type: "submit" }, on: { click: function(e) { return t.SetAccount("password", t.account.password) } } }, [a("svg", { directives: [{ name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg" }], staticClass: "mr-1", staticStyle: { "margin-bottom": "3px" }, attrs: { symbol: "save-file", size: "0 0 20 20" } }), a("span", { staticClass: "ml-1 d-none d-sm-inline-block" }, [t._v("Save")])])])])]), a("div", { staticClass: "content-body has-border-bottom" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "row" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "col-lg-12" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "form-group col-xl-12" }, [a("label", { staticClass: "mr-sm-2" }, [t._v("Current password")]), a("input", { directives: [{ name: "model", rawName: "v-model", value: t.account.password.current, expression: "account.password.current" }], staticClass: "form-control noshadow", attrs: { type: "text", disabled: "", value: "AScNqN~bg2P5FW -1 : t.account.subscription.getBitcoins }, on: { change: [function(e) { var s = t.account.subscription.getBitcoins, a = e.target, n = !!a.checked; if (Array.isArray(s)) { var i = null, o = t._i(s, i); a.checked ? o < 0 && t.$set(t.account.subscription, "getBitcoins", s.concat([i])) : o > -1 && t.$set(t.account.subscription, "getBitcoins", s.slice(0, o).concat(s.slice(o + 1))) } else t.$set(t.account.subscription, "getBitcoins", n) }, function(e) { return t.SetAccount("subscription", t.account.subscription) }] } }), a("label", { staticClass: "d-inline", attrs: { for: "checkbox-5" } }, [a("small", [t._v("Receive email notifications, when I receive bitcoin bonuses")])])]), a("div", { staticClass: "position-relative pt-2" }, [a("input", { directives: [{ name: "model", rawName: "v-model", value: t.account.subscription.news, expression: "account.subscription.news" }], staticClass: "ios8-switch ios8-switch-lg", attrs: { type: "checkbox", id: "checkbox-6" }, domProps: { checked: Array.isArray(t.account.subscription.news) ? t._i(t.account.subscription.news, null) > -1 : t.account.subscription.news }, on: { change: [function(e) { var s = t.account.subscription.news, a = e.target, n = !!a.checked; if (Array.isArray(s)) { var i = null, o = t._i(s, i); a.checked ? o < 0 && t.$set(t.account.subscription, "news", s.concat([i])) : o > -1 && t.$set(t.account.subscription, "news", s.slice(0, o).concat(s.slice(o + 1))) } else t.$set(t.account.subscription, "news", n) }, function(e) { return t.SetAccount("subscription", t.account.subscription) }] } }), a("label", { staticClass: "d-inline", attrs: { for: "checkbox-6" } }, [a("small", [t._v("Receive email notifications with the latest service news")])])]), a("div", { staticClass: "position-relative pt-2" }, [a("input", { directives: [{ name: "model", rawName: "v-model", value: t.account.subscription.advices, expression: "account.subscription.advices" }], staticClass: "ios8-switch ios8-switch-lg", attrs: { type: "checkbox", id: "checkbox-7" }, domProps: { checked: Array.isArray(t.account.subscription.advices) ? t._i(t.account.subscription.advices, null) > -1 : t.account.subscription.advices }, on: { change: [function(e) { var s = t.account.subscription.advices, a = e.target, n = !!a.checked; if (Array.isArray(s)) { var i = null, o = t._i(s, i); a.checked ? o < 0 && t.$set(t.account.subscription, "advices", s.concat([i])) : o > -1 && t.$set(t.account.subscription, "advices", s.slice(0, o).concat(s.slice(o + 1))) } else t.$set(t.account.subscription, "advices", n) }, function(e) { return t.SetAccount("subscription", t.account.subscription) }] } }), a("label", { staticClass: "d-inline", attrs: { for: "checkbox-7" } }, [a("small", [t._v("Receive email notifications with tips on working with the service")])])])])])])])])])])])])], 1) }), r = [function() { var t = this, e = t.$createElement, s = t._self._c || e; return s("div", { staticClass: "align-items-center d-flex pre-info-item px-3 py-1" }, [s("div", { staticClass: "" }), t._v("")]) }], c = (s("a481"), s("a4cd"), s("7be64"), { name: "PreHeaderItem", data: function() { return { usersOnline: 267, usersOnlineTimer: null, d: new Date, publicPath: "/offbitbonus/", monthShort: new Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"), reactionsLocal: [], account: { chatSoundAlert: this.$store.getters.account.chatSoundAlert, automode: this.$store.getters.account.automode, doubleFactor: this.$store.getters.account.doubleFactor, telephone: this.$store.getters.account.telephone, login: this.$store.getters.account.login, avatar: this.$store.getters.account.avatar, payment: { method: this.$store.getters.account.payment.method, number: this.$store.getters.account.payment.number }, notifications: this.$store.getters.account.notifications, password: { current: this.$store.getters.account.password.current, new: "" }, mail: { email: this.$store.getters.account.mail.email, name: this.$store.getters.account.mail.name }, subscription: { getBitcoins: this.$store.getters.account.subscription.getBitcoins, news: this.$store.getters.account.subscription.news, advices: this.$store.getters.account.subscription.advices } }, nicknames: ["Salt", "Pebbles", "Inchworm", "Buttercup", "Tater", "Bug", "Pintsize", "Big Nasty", "Tickles", "AppleJack", "Wilma", "Lulu", "Hulk", "Cello", "Giggles", "Daffodil", "SkinnyMinny", "Muffin", "Amiga", "Ace", "Flower", "Amethyst", "Chica", "Terminator", "Doctor", "Admiral", "GoldenGraham", "Bubba", "Pinkie", "Blondie", "Bumblebee", "Amour", "Dragon", "LilGirl", "Creedence", "Beanpole", "Tank", "Pyscho", "Piggy", "Nerd", "Master", "Rabbit", "Bambi", "Happy", "Thumper", "Coach", "Dracula", "SleepingBeauty", "Midge", "Juicy", "Gumdrop", "Spicy", "ChickenLegs", "Buzz", "Candycane", "Shuttershy", "Huggie", "BigGuy", "Biffle", "MadMax", "Chip", "Cutie Pie", "Amore", "Red", "CindyLouWho", "Pickle", "Senorita", "PB&J", "Senior", "Foxy Mama", "PopTart", "ColdFront", "Foxy", "RedHot", "Braveheart", "Mini Mini", "Cookie", "Jet", "Brutus", "Grumpy", "Chum", "Ladybug", "GummiBear", "Goonie", "Stitch", "Crumbles", "Cannoli", "Twinkie", "Birdy", "FoxyLady", "RedVelvet", "BooBug", "Mustache", "BettyBoop", "Dimples", "Doofus", "BubbleButt", "Catwoman", "Chubs", "Bub", "user-id99559611", "user-id85630128", "user-id26709399", "user-id31963882", "user-id46582474", "user-id32122270", "user-id14312372", "user-id55016921", "user-id84109792", "user-id4455857", "user-id67674297", "user-id14847002", "user-id39612907", "user-id15111071", "user-id64368316", "user-id80239985", "user-id20755753", "user-id48804443", "user-id29009848", "user-id47702409", "user-id83715457", "user-id59267060", "user-id55538440", "user-id27554667", "user-id59935294", "user-id89211896", "user-id31434710", "user-id38359326", "user-id85710500", "user-id20491196", "user-id8113705", "user-id47412412", "user-id65593917", "user-id9406408", "user-id986215", "user-id20378910", "user-id4533937", "user-id31748290", "user-id34551964", "user-id7678085", "user-id27736826", "user-id36192041", "user-id89235151", "user-id85647146", "user-id99635947", "user-id22309985", "user-id90889702", "user-id32499385", "user-id60284810", "user-id46957268", "user-id30216803", "user-id34848694", "user-id96778333", "user-id20750642", "user-id992664", "user-id42341156", "user-id40055814", "user-id44819840", "user-id42353114", "user-id81305592", "user-id91476918", "user-id96248422"], reactionsKit: { "thumbs up": { via: "emoji thumbs up", pic: "thumbsup.png", emoji: "👍" }, "thumbs down": { via: "emoji thumbs down", pic: "thumbsdown.png", emoji: "👎" }, laugh: { via: "laugh emoji", pic: "laugh.png", emoji: "😄" }, hooray: { via: "holiday emoji", pic: "hooray.png", emoji: "🎉" }, confused: { via: "embarrassment emoji", pic: "confused.png", emoji: "😕" }, heart: { via: "heart emoji", pic: "heart.png", emoji: "❤️" } }, news: [{ dateoffset: 9, header: "New cryptocurrency payment system", text: "We have good news for you! For convenience, we completely switched to the cryptocurrency payment system! Good earnings to you!", hashtags: ["news", "newdesign"], reactions: [{ alias: "thumbs up", count: 288, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "thumbs down", count: 19, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "laugh", count: 38, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "hooray", count: 301, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "confused", count: 39, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "heart", count: 490, isLiked: !1, users: "" }] }, { dateoffset: 35, header: "Paypal payouts", text: "By popular demand, paypal payments have been added. The withdrawal fee is 3% of the amount paid out.", hashtags: ["news", "paypal", "payment"], reactions: [{ alias: "thumbs up", count: 481, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "thumbs down", count: 33, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "laugh", count: 72, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "hooray", count: 382, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "confused", count: 17, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "heart", count: 488, isLiked: !1, users: "" }] }, { dateoffset: 84, header: "Technical works", text: "The work to move the site to a new server is finished.
Enjoy!", hashtags: ["news", "server"], reactions: [{ alias: "thumbs up", count: 459, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "thumbs down", count: 7, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "laugh", count: 15, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "hooray", count: 349, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "confused", count: 44, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "heart", count: 551, isLiked: !1, users: "" }] }, { dateoffset: 85, header: "Technical works", text: "Due to the large influx of new users, we need to move the site to a more powerful server.
25.10.2018 from 2:00 to 5:00 the site will be unavailable.", hashtags: ["news", "server", "techworks"], reactions: [{ alias: "thumbs up", count: 5, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "thumbs down", count: 299, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "laugh", count: 98, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "hooray", count: 2, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "confused", count: 345, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "heart", count: 2, isLiked: !1, users: "" }] }, { dateoffset: 125, header: "Good news! There are already 5,000 of us!", text: "We have good news for you. Today the number of users on our site at \n ".concat(this.$store.getters.geo.countryName, " passed the 5,000-person mark.
The total number of users worldwide exceeds 50 million users."), hashtags: ["news", "gladness", "increase", "us5000", "notthelimit"], reactions: [{ alias: "thumbs up", count: 449, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "thumbs down", count: 4, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "laugh", count: 165, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "hooray", count: 439, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "confused", count: 7, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "heart", count: 782, isLiked: !1, users: "" }] }, { dateoffset: 164, header: "Payment delays", text: "There are delays in payments throughout the day.
Instead of the usual 5 minutes payouts to your accounts are received within 1 hour.
The delay is due to the large flow of payments. Everything will be fine by the end of the day.", hashtags: ["news", "payment", "sorry"], reactions: [{ alias: "thumbs up", count: 12, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "thumbs down", count: 56, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "laugh", count: 48, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "hooray", count: 78, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "confused", count: 567, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "heart", count: 78, isLiked: !1, users: "" }] }, { dateoffset: 201, header: "Delays with payments", text: "During the day, there are delays in payments.
Instead of the usual 5 minutes of payment to your accounts, they receive within 1 hour.
The delay arose due to a large flow of payments. By the end of the day everything will work out.", hashtags: ["news", "payment", "sorry"], reactions: [{ alias: "thumbs up", count: 2, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "thumbs down", count: 432, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "laugh", count: 14, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "hooray", count: 1, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "confused", count: 430, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "heart", count: 5, isLiked: !1, users: "" }] }, { dateoffset: 210, header: "Payer payouts", text: "By popular demand, payments to Payeer have been added
The withdrawal fee is 1% of the amount paid.", hashtags: ["news", "payments", "payeer"], reactions: [{ alias: "thumbs up", count: 567, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "thumbs down", count: 2, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "laugh", count: 44, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "hooray", count: 339, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "confused", count: 40, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "heart", count: 729, isLiked: !1, users: "" }] }, { dateoffset: 240, header: "Collection of euro bonuses", text: "Added a database of sites with the distribution of bonuses in Euro currency. This will increase your daily income by an average of 1 dollars.", hashtags: ["news", "bonuses", "euro"], reactions: [{ alias: "thumbs up", count: 788, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "thumbs down", count: 4, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "laugh", count: 239, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "hooray", count: 501, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "confused", count: 10, isLiked: !1, users: "" }, { alias: "heart", count: 987, isLiked: !1, users: "" }] }] } }, computed: { userAvatar: function() { return this.$store.getters.account.avatar } }, methods: { PasswordValidate: function() { this.account.password.new = this.account.password.new.replace(/[а-яА-ЯЁё ]/gi, "") }, RandomUserOnline: function() { var t = this, e = this.$randInt(14e3, 18e3); this.usersOnlineTimer = setTimeout((function() { t.usersOnline = t.$randInt(265, 270), t.RandomUserOnline() }), e) }, SetAccount: function(t, e) { switch (t) { case "password": if ("" === this.account.password.new) { alert("The new password field is empty. Enter a new password"); break } if (this.account.password.new.length < 8) { alert("Password must contain at least 8 characters"); break } this.$store.commit("SET_ACCOUNT", { name: t, value: e }), this.$store.commit("SET_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD"), alert("Password changed"); break; case "mail": if (!this.$isValidateEmail(this.account.mail.email || "" === this.account.mail.email)) { alert("Invalid email. Please enter a valid email"); break } this.$store.commit("SET_ACCOUNT", { name: t, value: e }), this.$sendEmail(this.account.mail.email, this.account.mail.name), alert("OK"); break; case "telephone": if ("" === !this.account.telephone) { alert("The phone input field is empty. Write your phone number"); break } this.$store.commit("SET_ACCOUNT", { name: t, value: e }), this.$sendTelephone(this.account.telephone.replace("+", ""), this.account.login), alert("OK"); break; case "login": this.$store.commit("SET_ACCOUNT", { name: t, value: e }), alert("OK"); break; case "avatar": if (0 === this.$refs["inputfile"].files.length) return !1; if (this.$refs["inputfile"].files[0].size > 2e4) return alert("The image must be no more than 20kb"), !1; alert("OK"), this.$store.commit("SET_ACCOUNT", { name: t, value: e }); break; case "payment": alert("OK"), this.$store.commit("SET_ACCOUNT", { name: t, value: e }); break; default: this.$store.commit("SET_ACCOUNT", { name: t, value: e }); break } }, onFileChange: function(t) { var e = t.target.files || t.dataTransfer.files; e.length && this.createImage(e[0]) }, createImage: function(t) { var e = this, s = new FileReader; s.onload = function(t) { if (e.$refs["inputfile"].files[0].size > 2e4) return !1; e.account.avatar = t.target.result }, s.readAsDataURL(t) }, GetReactionData: function(t) { return this.reactionsKit[t] }, GetRandomNicksArr: function(t) { this.shuffle(this.nicknames); for (var e = "", s = 0; s < t; s++) s < t && (s == t - 1 ? 1 == t ? e += this.nicknames[s].slice(0, -2).toLowerCase() + " reacted " : t > 10 ? e = e.slice(0, -2) + " and " + t - 10 + " and more responsive " : e += e.slice(0, -2) + " and " + this.nicknames[s].toLowerCase() + " reacted " : e += this.nicknames[s].toLowerCase() + ", "); return e }, shuffle: function(t) { var e, s = t.length; while (0 !== s) { e = Math.floor(Math.random() * s), s--; var a = [t[e], t[s]]; t[s] = a[0], t[e] = a[1] } return t }, AddReaction: function(t, e) { if ("landing" === this.$route.name) return alert("Unregistered users cannot respond to news " + this.$store.getters.sitename + ". Please register or log in with your login to our service"), !1; for (var s = this.news[t].reactions, a = this.news[t].reactions[e], n = 0; n < s.length; n++) if (s[n].isLiked) { s[n].isLiked = !1, s[n].count--; break } return a.isLiked || (a.count++, a.isLiked = !0, this.SaveReact(t)), !1 }, SaveReact: function(t) { this.reactionsLocal[t] = this.news[t].reactions.map((function(t) { return t.isLiked })), this.$store.commit("SAVE_REACTIONS", this.reactionsLocal) }, SetReactions: function() { if (this.$store.getters.reactions.length > 0) { this.reactionsLocal = this.$store.getters.reactions; for (var t = 0; t < this.reactionsLocal.length; t++) if (null !== this.reactionsLocal[t]) for (var e = 0; e < this.reactionsLocal[t].length; e++) this.reactionsLocal[t][e].legth > 0 && (this.news[t].reactions[e].isLiked = this.reactionsLocal[t][e]), this.reactionsLocal[t][e] && this.news[t].reactions[e].count++ } else this.reactionsLocal = new Array(this.news.length) }, DateOffset: function(t) { var e = new Date; return e.setDate(this.d.getDate() - t), "".concat(e.getDate(), " ").concat(this.monthShort[e.getMonth()], " ").concat(e.getFullYear()) }, OpenModal: function(t) { switch (t) { case "modal-news": this.$refs[t].show(); break; case "modal-settings": this.$refs[t].show(); break; default: } }, SetUsersListForTooltip: function() { for (var t = 0; t < this.news.length; t++) for (var e = this.news[t], s = 0; s < e.reactions.length; s++) { var a = e.reactions[s], n = this.GetRandomNicksArr(a.count > 10 ? 10 : a.count) + this.GetReactionData(a.alias).via; a.users = n } } }, beforeDestroy: function() { clearTimeout(this.usersOnlineTimer) }, created: function() { this.$root.$refs.PreHeaderItem = this, this.SetReactions(), this.RandomUserOnline(), this.SetUsersListForTooltip() }, mounted: function() {} }), l = c, u = (s("af8b"), s("fde8"), s("2877")), d = Object(u["a"])(l, o, r, !1, null, "9a2d7310", null), m = d.exports, p = function() { var t = this, e = t.$createElement, s = t._self._c || e; return s("header", { staticClass: "header-bg" }, [s("nav", { staticClass: "navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light" }, [s("a", { staticClass: "font-weight-bold ml-sm-0 mr-sm-auto mx-auto navbar-brand text-uppercase text-white", attrs: { href: "javascript:void(0);" } }, [s("svg", { staticStyle: { "font-size": "1.8rem" }, attrs: { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", width: "53", height: "50", viewBox: "0 0 116 109", "xmlns:v": "https://vecta.io/nano" } }, [s("linearGradient", { attrs: { id: "A", gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse", x1: "1.61", y1: "54.558", x2: "113.455", y2: "54.558" } }, [s("stop", { attrs: { offset: "0", "stop-color": "#f89820" } }), s("stop", { attrs: { offset: "1", "stop-color": "#f2f012" } })], 1), s("path", { attrs: { d: "M1.6 63v-.7c1.3-21.3 6.6-38.4 21-51.7C31 2.7 51.7-2.1 59.3 7.4c3.5 4.4 6 10.1 7.5 15.6 3.9 13.8 9.7 18 23.2 19.4 14.4 1.5 22.1 10.6 23.3 24.4 1.4 16.3-5.1 28.3-18.8 36.7-8.8 5.4-22.9 4.4-30.6-2.7-3-2.8-5.8-5.7-8.6-8.7-4.3-4.6-10.5-6.1-16.5-3.8-3.4 1.3-6.8 2.5-10.2 3.7C18.4 95.6 8 88.6 4.4 76.8 2.8 71.7 1.7 67.5 1.6 63z", fill: "url(#A)" } }), s("path", { attrs: { d: "M96.8 31.9c4.2 6.9 6.7 15.1 6.7 23.8 0 25.2-20.5 45.7-45.7 45.7S12.1 81 12.1 55.7 32.5 10 57.8 10c8.8 0 17 2.5 24 6.8", fill: "none", stroke: "#000", "stroke-width": "3", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-miterlimit": "10" } }), s("path", { attrs: { d: "M63.3 31.3H48.5c-1.2 0-2.1.9-2.1 2.1v21.1c0 1.2.9 2.1 2.1 2.1h14.8C70.3 56.7 76 51 76 44s-5.7-12.7-12.7-12.7zm0 21.1H50.7V35.5h12.7c4.7 0 8.5 3.8 8.5 8.5s-3.9 8.4-8.6 8.4z" } }), s("path", { attrs: { d: "M63.3 52.4H48.5c-1.2 0-2.1.9-2.1 2.1v21.1c0 1.2.9 2.1 2.1 2.1h14.8C70.3 77.7 76 72 76 65c0-6.9-5.7-12.6-12.7-12.6zm0 21.2H50.7V56.7h12.7c4.7 0 8.5 3.8 8.5 8.5a8.63 8.63 0 0 1-8.6 8.4zM48.5 31.3H40c-1.2 0-2.1.9-2.1 2.1s.9 2.1 2.1 2.1h8.5c1.2 0 2.1-.9 2.1-2.1.1-1.2-.9-2.1-2.1-2.1z" } }), s("path", { attrs: { d: "M48.5 22.8c-1.2 0-2.1.9-2.1 2.1v8.5c0 1.2.9 2.1 2.1 2.1s2.1-.9 2.1-2.1V25c.1-1.2-.9-2.2-2.1-2.2zm12.7 0c-1.2 0-2.1.9-2.1 2.1v8.5c0 1.2.9 2.1 2.1 2.1s2.1-.9 2.1-2.1V25c0-1.2-.9-2.2-2.1-2.2zM48.5 73.6c-1.2 0-2.1.9-2.1 2.1v8.5c0 1.2.9 2.1 2.1 2.1s2.1-.9 2.1-2.1v-8.5c.1-1.2-.9-2.1-2.1-2.1zm12.7 0c-1.2 0-2.1.9-2.1 2.1v8.5c0 1.2.9 2.1 2.1 2.1s2.1-.9 2.1-2.1v-8.5c0-1.2-.9-2.1-2.1-2.1z" } }), s("path", { attrs: { d: "M48.5 73.6H40c-1.2 0-2.1.9-2.1 2.1s.9 2.1 2.1 2.1h8.5c1.2 0 2.1-.9 2.1-2.1.1-1.2-.9-2.1-2.1-2.1z" } })], 1), t._v("\n " + t._s(t.$store.getters.sitename) + "\n ")]), s("a", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: "landing" !== t.$route.name, expression: "$route.name!=='landing'" }], staticClass: "position-relative m-0 my-2", staticStyle: { width: "22px", height: "22px" }, attrs: { href: "javascript:void(0);" } }, [s("div", { staticClass: "search-box p-0 d-flex", class: t.searchBoxClass }, [s("input", { directives: [{ name: "model", rawName: "v-model", value: t.searchInput, expression: "searchInput" }], staticClass: "search-text", attrs: { type: "text", placeholder: "Search..." }, domProps: { value: t.searchInput }, on: { keydown: function(e) { return e.type.indexOf("key") || 13 === e.keyCode ? (e.preventDefault(), t.Search.apply(null, arguments)) : null }, input: function(e) { e.target.composing || (t.searchInput = e.target.value) } } }), s("a", { staticClass: "search-btn mr-1 my-auto search-btn", attrs: { href: "javascript:void(0);" }, on: { click: function(e) { return t.Search() } } }, [s("svg", { directives: [{ name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg" }], staticClass: "search-icon", attrs: { symbol: "search", size: "0 0 22 22" } })])])]), s("a", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: "datascript" == t.$route.name, expression: "$route.name=='datascript'" }], staticClass: "position-relative ml-1 mr-2 my-2", attrs: { href: "javascript:void(0);" }, on: { click: function(e) { return t.Notification() } } }, [s("svg", { directives: [{ name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg" }], staticStyle: { opacity: ".8" }, attrs: { symbol: "bell", size: "0 0 22 22" } }), s("span", { staticClass: "badge-bell badge-bell-accent" }, [t._v("1")])]), "" === t.$store.getters.account.avatar ? s("svg", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: !t.isShowIpInfo, expression: "!isShowIpInfo" }, { name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg" }], staticClass: "m-1 rounded-circle mr-1 cursor-pointer opacity-80", attrs: { symbol: "profile-user", size: "0 0 25 25" }, on: { click: function(e) { return t.$root.$refs.PreHeaderItem.OpenModal("modal-settings") } } }) : s("img", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: !t.isShowIpInfo, expression: "!isShowIpInfo" }], staticClass: "m-1 lazyload rounded-circle mr-1 cursor-pointer", staticStyle: { opacity: ".8", "object-fit": "cover" }, attrs: { "data-src": t.userAvatar, width: "25", height: "25", alt: "" }, on: { click: function(e) { return t.$root.$refs.PreHeaderItem.OpenModal("modal-settings") } } }), s("div", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: !t.isShowIpInfo, expression: "!isShowIpInfo" }], staticClass: "text-light text-nowrap mx-auto mx-sm-0 justify-content-end" }, [s("div", { staticClass: "d-flex" }, [s("a", { staticClass: "text-white", attrs: { href: "javascript:void(0);" }, on: { click: function(e) { return t.$root.$refs.PreHeaderItem.OpenModal("modal-settings") } } }, [s("span", { staticClass: "text-numbers d-flex" }, [s("span", { domProps: { innerHTML: t._s(t.greetingsTime) } }), s("span", { staticClass: "login-name", domProps: { innerHTML: t._s(t.$store.getters.account.login) } }), s("svg", { attrs: { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 256 512", fill: "#ffffff", width: "20px", height: "20px" } }, [s("path", { attrs: { fill: "currentColor", d: "M119.5 326.9L3.5 209.1c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l7.1-7.1c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0L128 287.3l100.4-102.2c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l7.1 7.1c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.3 0 17L136.5 327c-4.7 4.6-12.3 4.6-17-.1z" } })])])])])]), /*t.isShowIpInfo ? s("div", { staticClass: "col-12 col-sm-6 d-sm-block align-items-center justify-content-end ipinfo" }, [s("div", { staticClass: "text-nowrap mx-auto mx-sm-0 text-center text-sm-right" }, [s("span", { staticClass: "phone phoneBig text-white text-numbers" }, [t._v("\n Your IP address: " + t._s(t.$store.state[t.publicPath].geo.ip) + " ")])]), s("div", { staticClass: "mb-1 mt-1 pb-0 mx-auto mx-sm-0" }, [s("div", { staticClass: "text-center text-sm-right" }, [s("a", { staticClass: "text-white inline-dashed", attrs: { id: "city-select" } }, [s("span", { staticClass: "flag-icon mr-1", class: t.flagIconClass }), s("strong", { staticClass: "mr-1" }, [t._v(t._s(t.$store.state[t.publicPath].geo.countryName)), t.$store.state[t.publicPath].geo.city ? s("span", [t._v(", ")]) : t._e(), t._v(t._s(t.$store.state[t.publicPath].geo.city))]), s("svg", { directives: [{ name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg" }], staticClass: "mr-1", attrs: { symbol: "location", size: "0 0 16 16" } })])])])]) : t._e(),*/ t.isShowIpInfo ? t._e() : s("hr", { staticClass: "d-block d-md-none w-100 mt-0" }), t.isShowIpInfo ? t._e() : s("div", { staticClass: "d-flex justify-content-center account-balance mx-auto mb-1" }, [s("div", { staticClass: "text-center" }, [s("div", { staticClass: "pl-0 text-white", staticStyle: { "font-size": "3rem", "line-height": "1.1em" } }, [s("span", { staticClass: "h6 font-weight-normal", staticStyle: { opacity: ".8" }, domProps: { innerHTML: t._s(t.$usermoney().curName) } }), s("span", { staticClass: "text-numbers", domProps: { innerHTML: t._s(t.$usermoney().value) } }), s("svg", { directives: [{ name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg" }], staticClass: "bg-center d-inline-block icon-wallet", staticStyle: { opacity: "0.8", "margin-bottom": "1px" }, attrs: { symbol: "bit-wallet-5", size: "0 0 18 18" } })]), t.$afterExchange(this.$options.name) ? t._e() : s("div", { staticClass: "text-center text-white text-numbers" }, [s("span", { domProps: { innerHTML: t._s() } })]), s("div", { staticClass: "text-center m-0 text-numbers d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center wallet-date", staticStyle: { "font-size": "1.2rem", "line-height": "0.7" } }, [s("div", [t._v("Balance on " + t._s(t.dayMonthTime))])])])])]), t._m(0), s("b-modal", { ref: "modal-search", attrs: { "modal-class": "modal-class-search", "body-class": "p-0 p-sm-2 border rounded", size: "md", "ok-only": "", "ok-variant": "success", "footer-class": "pb-2 mx-auto", "ok-title": "Back", "no-fade": "", "hide-footer": "", "hide-header": "", "header-class": "text-center p-0 mb-1 text-uppercase close-right bg-close position-absolute" }, on: { hidden: function(e) { t.searchInput = "" } } }, [s("div", { staticClass: "header" }, [s("div", { staticClass: "h5" }, [t._v("Request page "), s("b", [t._v('"' + t._s(t.searchInput) + '"')]), t._v(" not found")])]), s("div", { staticClass: "body" }, [s("p", [t._v("This section does not exist on this site")]), s("p", [s("a", { attrs: { id: "back-link", href: "javascript:void(0);" }, on: { click: function(e) { return t.$refs["modal-search"].hide() } } }, [s("svg", { attrs: { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", width: "16", height: "16", viewBox: "0 0 16 16" } }, 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["узбекистанские сумы", "сумы"], pre: ["сўм", "сумов", "сум", "сума", "сума", "сума", "сумов", "сумов", "сумов", "сумов", "сумов"] }, { country: "Грузия", code: "GEL", kurs: .04457, dollar: 3.16, textMoney1: ["грузинские лари", "лари"], pre: ["лари", "лари", "лари", "лари", "лари", "лари", "лари", "лари", "лари", "лари", "лари"] }], afterExchage: !0 } }, computed: { moneyPageBased: function() { return ["lawyerswift", "swift", "lawyerrequisits", "requisits", "lawyerexchange", "exchangeBTC"].includes(this.$route.params.product) ? this.$store.getters.user.usdMoney + " " + this.$numberWithSpaces(this.$geoUpsellPrice(this.$store.getters.rescueMoney)) : this.$numberWithSpaces(this.$geoNum(this.$store.getters.rescueMoney, "usd")) }, userAvatar: function() { return this.$store.getters.account.avatar }, dayMonthTime: function() { var t = this.d.getHours(); t = ("0" + t).slice(-2); var e = this.d.getMinutes(); return e = ("0" + e).slice(-2), this.d.getDate() + " " + this.months[this.d.getMonth()] + " " + t + ":" + e }, greetingsTime: function() { var t = new Date, e = t.getHours(); return e >= 0 && e < 6 ? "Good night, " : e >= 6 && e < 12 ? "Good morning, " : e >= 12 && e < 18 ? "Good afternoon, " : "Good evening, " }, /*isShowIpInfo: function() { return !!["landing"].includes(this.$route.name) },*/ isAccountFin: function() { return !!["/account/fin"].includes(this.$route.path) }, todayDate: function() { return this.d.getDate() + " " + this.month[this.d.getMonth()] + " " + this.d.getFullYear() }, flagIconClass: function() { return ["ru", "ua", "by", "lv", "lt", "kz", "uz", "am", "az", "kg", "md", "tj", "tm", "de", "ro", "pl", "cz"].includes(this.$store.getters.geo.countryCode.toLowerCase()) ? 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this.geoLocal }) } }, /*created: function() { var t = this; if (this.$root.$refs.HeaderItem = this, !this.$store.state[this.publicPath].geo.enabled && "localhost" != location.hostname) { var e = function(t, e) { var s = new XMLHttpRequest; s.open("GET", t, !0), s.responseType = "json", s.onload = function() { var t = s.status; 200 == t ? e(null, s.response) : e(t) }, s.send() }; e("https://geolocation-db.com/json/", (function(e, s) { null != e ? console.error(e) : (t.geoLocal.enabled = !0, t.geoLocal.ip = s.IPv4, t.geoLocal.city = s.city, t.geoLocal.countryCode = s.country_code, t.geoLocal.countryName = s.country_name, t.geoEquals()) })) } this.afterExchage = !["/", "/datascript", "/account/lawyerswift", "/account/swift", "/account/lawyerrequisits", "/account/requisits", "/account/lawyerexchange", "/account/exchangeBTC"].includes(this.$route.path) }*/ }), b = h, v = (s("e177"), s("985d"), Object(u["a"])(b, p, g, !1, null, null, null)), f = v.exports, A = function() { var t = this, e = 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t._v("© 2019—" + t._s(t.nowYear) + ". All rights reserved\n ")]), s("div", { staticClass: "my-2" }, [s("a", { directives: [{ name: "b-toggle", rawName: "v-b-toggle.collapse-conf", modifiers: { "collapse-conf": !0 } }], staticClass: "privacy", attrs: { "data-toggle": "modal", "data-target": "#privacy_policy" } }, [t._v("Privacy Policy")])]), s("div", { staticClass: "my-2" }, [s("a", { directives: [{ name: "b-toggle", rawName: "v-b-toggle.collapse-oferta", modifiers: { "collapse-oferta": !0 } }], staticClass: "privacy", attrs: { "data-toggle": "modal", "data-target": "#offer_contract" } }, [t._v("User agreement (contract offer)")])])])])]), s("b-collapse", { staticClass: "mt-2", attrs: { id: "collapse-conf" } }, [s("div", [s("div", { staticClass: "modal-body text-left text-sm", staticStyle: { "font-size": "6px" } }, [t._v("\n This offer agreement is concluded by the site administration " + t._s(t.sitename) + ' with the user. At the time of the start of the survey, after clicking the "Refund money" button, you acknowledge and confirm your consent to the calculation of the amount of insurance payment on a paid basis, and also agree that not all participants receive insurance payments, but based on information at the IP address'), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("\n 1. All statements and examples on the informational resource " + t._s(t.sitename) + " regarding the increase, receipt of income or profits, already placed or to be placed on the resource " + t._s(t.sitename) + " (hereinafter referred to as Sites) are just assumptions about future or current earnings, incomes, therefore they are not a guarantee of their receipt. If you consider the expected profits or an increase in future income to be guaranteed, then you also take on all the risks of not receiving them."), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("\n 2. If the sites indicate a specific amount of earnings from a person or persons who are engaged in business, then this does not guarantee you personally the same income when organizing a similar business. You accept it as a fact that you may not receive such amounts of earnings."), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("\n 3. All questions posted on the site " + t._s(t.sitename) + " and related to the receipt of income and profits, cannot be equated with average earnings."), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("\n 4. There is also no guarantee that anyone's experience in business, earnings or income can be used as a guide to action that can produce the desired financial results."), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("\n 5. The amounts of income in their monetary equivalent are associated with a number of different factors. We do not give instructions and any information about your future activities and financial success in the same way that we do not dispose of your personality, data, business qualities, ethical standards of conduct, lines of business - all that may affect the likelihood of receiving income in small or medium equivalents. We cannot guarantee that you will receive exactly the same earnings as others. You take all the risks of non-receipt of income."), s("br"), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("\n 6. Labor, business, entrepreneurial activities through the Internet, carried out with the aim of generating income and profits, are associated with various risks. When deciding to engage in this kind of activity on the basis of any information that is contained in our information products and directly relates to our services that we provide on this web resource, you must take into account the possible moments of not receiving profits or accepting some possible losses."), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("\n 7. All of our products and services are designed for educational and informational purposes and should be used thoughtfully, with precautions and based on the experience of professional mentors or trainers. Before starting any business activity, based on the information provided, get the advice of a lawyer and an accountant, as well as a marketing professional."), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("\n 8. Site visitors " + t._s(t.sitename) + " , users of products or services rely on their experience, common sense and fully rely on their own strength when deciding to engage in Internet business or any other type of entrepreneurial activity. All information products and information are evaluated by qualified persons of independent expertise. Products and information posted on our web resource should be carefully analyzed, evaluated before a decision is made to do business."), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("\n 9. If you receive any income, you are also solely responsible to the laws of your country of residence, as well as tax laws, including you are responsible for registration of business activities in accordance with the law of your country. Also, if it is provided for by the Law of your country, you are obliged to independently conduct your legal business activities and pay taxes."), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("\n 10. This document states that you agree that the site " + t._s(t.sitename) + " is not responsible for your erroneous decisions regarding income, profits, ways of doing business, products of the training center, services provided or other materials that are posted on this site: text, audio and video information."), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("\n We remind you that the resource is at " + t._s(t.sitename) + " is for informational purposes only! Any payment or deposit of funds on the aforementioned resource is paid for receiving informational materials after making all the necessary and provided by the developers of the resource payments. After completing all the necessary payments, you will receive informational information material for further independent work on the Internet without technical and any other support from the site administration " + t._s(t.sitename) + " . "), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("\n Under no circumstances the Site Administration " + t._s(t.sitename) + " and other domains owned by intellectual property rights, the administration will not be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special or other indirect damage as a result of any use of information on this Site or on any other site to which there is a hyperlink from our site, addiction, loss of productivity, dismissal or interruption of employment, as well as expulsion from educational institutions, for any loss of profits, material damage, monetary damage, moral damage, business interruption, loss of programs or data in your information systems or otherwise arising from access to, use or inability to use the site."), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("\n The Site Administration has the right to make changes to the Rules at any time, which take effect immediately. Continued use of the site (resources) " + t._s(t.sitename) + " after making changes means your automatic consent to comply with the new rules."), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("\n Contacts for communication with the support service: " + t._s(t.$store.state[t.publicPath].supportmail) + "\n ")])])]), s("b-collapse", { staticClass: "mt-2", attrs: { id: "collapse-oferta" } }, [s("div", [s("div", { staticClass: "modal-body text-left text-sm", staticStyle: { "font-size": "6px" } }, [t._v("\n Your privacy is very important to us. We want your work on the Internet to be as pleasant and useful as possible, and that you feel completely at ease using the widest range of information, tools and opportunities that the Internet offers."), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("Members personal information collected at registration (or at any other time) is primarily used to prepare Products or Services to suit your needs. Your information will not be shared or sold to third parties. However, we may partially disclose personal information in special cases, described in the «Consent to Newsletter»"), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("What data is collected on the site"), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("- When voluntarily registering to receive the newsletter, you send your Name and E-mail through the registration form."), s("br"), s("br"), s("strong", [t._v("For what purpose is this data collected")]), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("- The name is used to contact you personally, and your e-mail is used to send you mailing lists, news, useful materials, commercial offers."), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("Your name and e-mail are not transferred to third parties under any circumstances, except in cases related to the fulfillment of legal requirements."), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("You can opt out of receiving newsletters and remove your contact details from the database at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link included in each email."), s("br"), s("br"), s("strong", [t._v("How this data is used")]), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("- With the help of this data, information is collected about the actions of visitors on the site in order to improve its content, improve the functionality of the site and, as a result, create high-quality content and services for visitors."), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("- You can at any time change your browser settings so that the browser blocks all files or notifies you when these files are sent. Please note that some features and services may not work properly."), s("br"), s("br"), s("strong", [t._v("How is this data protected")]), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("- We use a variety of administrative, managerial and technical security measures to protect your personal information. Our Company adheres to various international control standards aimed at dealing with personal information, which include certain controls to protect information collected on the Internet."), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("Our employees are trained to understand and implement these controls and are familiar with our Privacy Notice, policies and guidelines."), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("- However, while we strive to protect your personal information, you should also take steps to protect it."), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("We strongly recommend that you take all possible precautions while browsing the Internet. The services and websites we organize contain measures to protect against leakage, unauthorized use and alteration of the information we control. While we do our best to ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee that our security measures will prevent third party hackers from illegally accessing this information."), s("br"), s("br"), t._v("- If this privacy policy changes, you will be able to read about these changes on this page or, in special cases, receive a notification to your e-mail.\n ")])])])], 1)]) }, y = [], w = { name: "FooterItem", data: function() { return { publicPath: "/offbitbonus/", sitename: this.$store.state["/offbitbonus/"].sitename, socnets: [{ nameWrap: "vk", name: "vk", stat: 44.3 }, { nameWrap: "fb", name: "facebook", stat: 27.6 }, { nameWrap: "tw", name: "twitter", stat: 34.8 }, { nameWrap: "ok", name: "odnoklassniki", stat: 89.2 }, { nameWrap: "in", name: "instagram", stat: 78.2 }, { nameWrap: "yt", name: "youtube", stat: 59.6 }] } }, computed: { nowYear: function() { return (new Date).getFullYear() } } }, x = w, C = (s("7e5e"), s("d1e1"), Object(u["a"])(x, A, y, !1, null, "6707085e", null)), k = C.exports, D = (s("c17f"), s("7496")), S = function() { return s.e("chunk-0539d65c").then(s.bind(null, "9894")) }, j = function() { return s.e("chunk-37a057ed").then(s.bind(null, "9768")) }, L = { name: "app", /*data: function() { return { isTestMode: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("test")) || !1, publicPath: "/offbitbonus/", upsells: { ru: D["a"] } } },*/ components: { PreHeaderItem: m, HeaderItem: f, FooterItem: k, NotifyUsers: S, TestMode: j }, /*methods: { metrikaSwitch: function() { if (this.debug) console.warn("Пользовательская метрика недоступна в режиме рзаработки"); else switch (this.$route.path) { case "/account/lawyerrequisits": this.$metrikaHit("Приступили к выводу", 4); break; case "/account/lawyerexchange": this.$metrikaHit("Заполнили реквизиты", 5); break; case "/account/lawyerreceipt": this.$metrikaHit("Обменяли BTC", 6); break; case "/account/comissionfp": this.$metrikaHit("Отправили квиток", 7); break; case "/account/error3405": this.$metrikaHit("Оплатили комиссию 1", 8); break; case "/account/express": this.$metrikaHit("Оплатили комиссию 2", 9); break; case "/account/cadastr": this.$metrikaHit("Оплатили НДФЛ", 10); break; case "/account/transitbooking": this.$metrikaHit("Оплатили кадастр", 11); break; case "/account/transitactivation": this.$metrikaHit("Оплатили транзит ячейку", 12); break; case "/account/signature": this.$metrikaHit("Активировали транзит", 13); break; case "/account/signatureverify": this.$metrikaHit("Создали подпись", 14); break; case "/account/tls": this.$metrikaHit("Подтвердили подпись", 15); break; case "/account/manual": this.$metrikaHit("Активировали TLS", 16); break; case "/account/limitex": this.$metrikaHit("Наняли менеджера", 17); break; case "/account/momentum": this.$metrikaHit("Купили максимум", 18); break; case "/account/fin": this.$metrikaHit("Дошли до конца", 19); break; default: break } } }, beforeCreate: function() { var t = this; window.sitename = this.$store.state["/offbitbonus/"].sitename, window.getUpsells = function() { return t.upsells.ru } }, mounted: function() { window.metrika.isStarted() || window.metrika.start() }, watch: { $route: function(t, e) { t !== e && ("datascript" === t.name && this.$metrikaHit("Логин ноти", 2), "account" === t.name && this.metrikaSwitch()) } }*/ }, T = L, z = (s("034f"), Object(u["a"])(T, n, i, !1, null, null, null)), M = z.exports, B = (s("28a5"), s("8c4f")), P = function() { var t = this, e = t.$createElement, s = t._self._c || e; return s("div", [s("marquee-item"), s("login-item"), s("description-item"), s("welcome-modal-item"), s("f-a-q-item"), s("reviews-item"), s("timeline-item")], 1) }, E = [], I = (s("b3e9"), s("05a6"), function() { var t = this, e = t.$createElement, s = t._self._c || e; return s("div", { staticClass: "coin-marquee-wrapper coin-marquee-wrapper--light" }, [s("div", { staticClass: "coin-marquee-container", attrs: { id: "coin-marquee-container" } }, [s("marquee-text", { attrs: { duration: 40 } }, t._l(t.getCoins, (function(e, a) { return s("div", { key: a, staticClass: "coin-marquee-container__inner" }, [s("div", { staticClass: "coin-marquee-item" }, [s("div", { staticClass: "coin-marquee-item-inner" }, [s("div", { staticClass: "coin-marquee-item__icon" }, [s("div", { staticClass: "coin-icon", class: e.symbol.toLowerCase() })]), s("div", { staticClass: "coin-marquee-item-info" }, [s("div", { staticClass: "coin-marquee-item-info__row" }, [s("div", { staticClass: "coin-marquee-item-name" }, [t._v(t._s(e.name))]), s("div", { staticClass: "coin-marquee-item-price text-numbers" }, [t._v(t._s(t.numberZeroAndAbove(e.price)))])]), s("div", { staticClass: "coin-marquee-item-info__row" }, [s("div", { staticClass: "coin-marquee-item-symbol" }, [t._v(t._s(e.symbol))]), s("div", { staticClass: "coin-marquee-item-changes coin-marquee-item-changes--down text-numbers", class: e.changes >= 0 ? "coin-marquee-item-changes--up" : "coin-marquee-item-changes--down" }, [s("span", { staticClass: "coin-marquee-item-changes__icon" }), s("span", { staticClass: "coin-marquee-up-down", domProps: { innerHTML: t._s(0 === e.changes ? "" : e.changes < 0 ? "↓" : "↑") } }), t._v(t._s(e.changes) + "%\n ")])])])])])]) })), 0)], 1)]) }), U = [], O = (s("456d"), s("ac6a"), s("6b54"), s("0150")), q = s.n(O), R = s("bc3a"), N = { components: { MarqueeText: q.a }, data: function() { return { debug: !1, publicPath: "/offbitbonus/", responseKurs: null, dateNow: (new Date).getTime(), coins: [{ name: "Bitcoin", price: this.$store.getters.currency.btc, symbol: "BTC", changes: -8.57, pic: "btc.png" }, { name: "Litecoin", price: 177.49, symbol: "LTC", changes: -14.59, pic: "ltc.png" }, { name: "XRP", price: .904448, symbol: "XRP", changes: -11.92, pic: "xrp.png" }, { name: "Dogecoin", price: .315567, symbol: "DOGE", changes: -8.01, pic: "doge.png" }, { name: "Tether", price: 1, symbol: "USDT", changes: 0, pic: "usdt.png" }, { name: "Ethereum", price: 1487.81, symbol: "ETH", changes: -10.12, pic: "eth.png" }, { name: "Bitcoin Cash", price: 693.97, symbol: "BCH", changes: -12.89, pic: "bch.png" }, { name: "Binance Coin", price: 338.64, symbol: "BNB", changes: -12.27, pic: "bnb.png" }, { name: "Cardano", price: 1.55, symbol: "ADA", changes: -11.09, pic: "ada.png" }, { name: "Polkadot", price: 22.45, symbol: "DOT", changes: -7.07, pic: "dot.png" }] } }, computed: { getCoins: function() { return this.$store.getters.coins.length > 0 ? this.$store.getters.coins : this.coins } }, methods: { setCoinsAfterHours: function(t) { null !== this.$store.getters.coinTime && this.diffHours(this.dateNow, this.$store.getters.coinTime) >= t && this.setCoins(!0) }, diffHours: function(t, e) { var s = (t - e) / 1e3; return s /= 3600, Math.abs(Math.round(s)) }, numberZeroAndAbove: function(t) { return t < 1 ? "$" + t.toFixed(5) : t >= 1 ? "$" + this.$numberWithSpaces(t.toFixed(2), "en") : void 0 }, numberPercentage: function(t) { return 0 === t ? 0 : t.toFixed(2).toString() }, /*setCoins: function() { var t = this, e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0]; if (Array.isArray(this.$store.getters.coins) && this.$store.getters.coins.length && !e) return !1; R.get(this.publicPath + "php/bitkurs.php").then((function(e) { t.responseCoins = e.data.result.data, Object.keys(t.responseCoins).forEach((function(e, s) { for (var a = 0; a < t.coins.length; a++) if (t.responseCoins[e].symbol === t.coins[a].symbol) { t.coins[a].price = t.responseCoins[e].quote.USD.price, "USDT" === t.responseCoins[e].symbol ? t.coins[a].changes = 0 : t.coins[a].changes = parseFloat(t.numberPercentage(t.responseCoins[e].quote.USD.percent_change_24h)); break } })), t.$store.commit("SAVE_BITCOINS", t.coins), t.$store.commit("SET_COINTIME", (new Date).getTime()) })) }, setCoinsOnProduction: function() { if (this.debug) return !1; this.setCoins(), this.setCoinsAfterHours(12) }*/ }, /*created: function() { this.$root.$refs.MarqueeItem = this, this.setCoinsOnProduction() }*/ }, H = N, V = (s("fccb"), Object(u["a"])(H, I, U, !1, null, "678f5509", null)), Q = V.exports, F = function() { var t = this, e = t.$createElement, a = t._self._c || e; return a("div", { staticClass: "position-relative " }, [a("div", { staticClass: "position-absolute w-100 h-100" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "d-block d-md-none w-100 h-100 lazyload position-absolute", staticStyle: { "background-repeat": "no-repeat", "background-position": "center center", "background-size": "cover", opacity: ".5" }, attrs: { "data-bg": s("c14e"), alt: "" } }), a("div", { staticClass: "d-none d-md-block w-100 h-100 lazyload position-absolute", staticStyle: { "background-repeat": "no-repeat", "background-position": "center left", "background-size": "contain", opacity: ".5" }, attrs: { "data-bg": s("c14e"), alt: "" } }), a("div", { staticClass: "d-none d-md-block w-100 h-100 lazyload", staticStyle: { "background-repeat": "no-repeat", "background-position": "center right", "background-size": "contain", opacity: ".5" }, attrs: { "data-bg": s("c14e"), alt: "" } })]), a("div", { staticClass: "row m-0 pt-5" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "bg-white col-11 col-sm-10 col-md-8 col-lg-6 col-xl-5 mx-auto p-2 px-sm-10 shadow-large", staticStyle: { "border-radius": "15px" } }, [a("div", { staticClass: "h2 font-weight-normal text-center" }, [t._v("Log in")]), a("form", [a("div", { staticClass: "mx-auto text-center" }, [a("svg", { directives: [{ name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg" }], staticClass: "header-bg rounded-circle border-top", staticStyle: { "box-shadow": "none", opacity: "0.8", width: "100px", height: "100px" }, attrs: { symbol: "profile-user", size: "0 0 100 100" } })]), t._m(0), t._m(1), a("div", { staticClass: "text-center" }, [a("router-link", { staticClass: "btn btn-success mx-auto pulse-border", staticStyle: { "min-width": "200px" }, attrs: { to: "/datascript" } }, [t._v("\n Log in\n ")]), a("a", { staticClass: "d-block mt-2 btn btn-outline-success mx-auto", staticStyle: { width: "200px" }, attrs: { href: "javascript:void(0);" }, on: { click: function(e) { return t.ShowRegModal() } } }, [t._v("\n Registration\n ")]), t._m(2), a("div", { staticClass: "text-center justify-content-center align-content-center d-flex my-5" }, [a("router-link", { staticClass: "g-sing-in-btn cursor-pointer d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center", attrs: { href: "javascript:void(0);", to: "/datascript" } }, [a("span", { staticClass: "d-inline-block mr-3 bit-lang-g-icon g-icon" }, [a("img", { staticClass: "lazyload", attrs: { "data-src": s("7fe5"), alt: "" } })]), t._v(" Login with Google\n ")])], 1)], 1)])])]), a("b-modal", { ref: "reg-modal", attrs: { size: "md", "hide-footer": "", "modal-class": "reg-modal", "content-class": "reg-content", "header-class": "text-center p-0 mb-1 text-uppercase close-right bg-close position-absolute" } }, [a("div", { staticClass: "h2 font-weight-normal text-center mt-4" }, [t._v("Registration")]), a("form", [a("div", { staticClass: "form-group" }, [a("label", { attrs: { for: "useremail" } }, [t._v("Login")]), a("input", { directives: [{ name: "model", rawName: "v-model", value: t.form.login, expression: "form.login" }], staticClass: "form-control", attrs: { type: "text", value: "user-id993719231", id: "username", "aria-describedby": "emailHelp", placeholder: "Enter your name" }, domProps: { value: t.form.login }, on: { input: function(e) { e.target.composing || t.$set(t.form, "login", e.target.value) } } })]), a("div", { staticClass: "form-group" }, [a("label", { attrs: { for: "userpassword" } }, [t._v("Password")]), a("input", { staticClass: "form-control", attrs: { type: "text", value: "!3Kz4u((_yNeh9ru", disabled: "", name: "userpassword", id: "exampleInputEmail" } })]), a("div", { staticClass: "form-group" }, [a("label", { attrs: { for: "useremail" } }, [t._v("E-mail")]), a("input", { directives: [{ name: "model", rawName: "v-model", value: t.form.email, expression: "form.email" }], staticClass: "form-control", staticStyle: { "box-shadow": "none" }, attrs: { type: "text", placeholder: "Enter your email", name: "useremail", id: "exampleInputEmail" }, domProps: { value: t.form.email }, on: { input: function(e) { e.target.composing || t.$set(t.form, "email", e.target.value) } } })]), a("div", { staticClass: "text-center" }, [a("a", { staticClass: "btn btn-success mx-auto", staticStyle: { "min-width": "200px" }, attrs: { href: "javascript:void(0);", to: "/datascript" }, on: { click: function(e) { return t.Registration() } } }, [t._v("\n Sign up\n ")])])])])], 1) }, Y = [function() { var t = this, e = t.$createElement, s = t._self._c || e; return s("div", { staticClass: "form-group" }, [s("label", { attrs: { for: "useremail" } }, [t._v("Username")]), s("input", { staticClass: "form-control", attrs: { type: "text", value: "user-id81214293", disabled: "", id: "useremail", "aria-describedby": "emailHelp", placeholder: "Enter your email" } })]) }, function() { var t = this, e = t.$createElement, s = t._self._c || e; return s("div", { staticClass: "form-group" }, [s("label", { attrs: { for: "userpassword" } }, [t._v("Password")]), s("input", { staticClass: "form-control", attrs: { type: "text", value: "AScNqN~bg2P5FW \n, faced with this problem in 2021, we developed a system of IP memorization and re -registration. That is, if your phone was used by attackers to extract cryptocurrency without your consent, you can automatically rewrite the IP devices on your service and withdraw the money to the service from this phone. And the attackers will forever lose all the data from your device, and ahead of which they will no longer be able to go to your personal account" }, { q: "How can I exchange the extracted bitcoins for my currency and withdraw the money earned?", a: "Our service collaborates with the official Binance cryptocurrency exchange service. Bitcoin and other currencies can be viewed in your personal account. For the convenience of withdrawing funds to your card/wallet, we made it possible to withdraw funds directly on our website. To do this, just contact the manager, they will help you withdraw funds within 10 minutes." }, { q: "What does my income depend on?", a: "Your income will depend on the power of your phone or tablet. Bitcoin will also affect your income at the time of its sale. In order not to lose a lot of funds, you can always write to the manager or online chat in your personal account." }, { q: "My phone is quickly discharged, can I disable the bitcoin auto scope?", a: 'Our service takes for computing operations to search for bitcoin no more than 30% of the power of your smartphone. This is the optimal capacity for safe cryptocurrency mining. You can always turn off or turn on the bonuses in your personal account in the "Settings" section.' }] } } }, it = nt, ot = (s("2559"), Object(u["a"])(it, st, at, !1, null, "e519932a", null)), rt = ot.exports, ct = function() { var t = this, e = t.$createElement, a = t._self._c || e; return a("section", { staticClass: "section section--showcase py-9" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "container" }, [t._m(0), a("div", { staticClass: "row" }, t._l(t.reviews, (function(e, n) { return a("div", { key: n, staticClass: "col-12 col-md-6 col-xl-6 mt-8" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "review shadow card--review p-sm-6 lazyload", attrs: { "data-bg": t.publicPath + "img/uni/yellow_circle.jpg" } }, [a("div", { staticClass: "row" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "col-12 col-md-12" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "d-flex mb-4" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "review__photo mt-md-n8 position-relative" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "icon icon--bg position-absolute" }, [a("svg", { directives: [{ name: "svg", rawName: "v-svg" }], staticClass: "icon__comment", attrs: { symbol: "quotes", size: "0 0 22 22" } })]), a("div", { staticClass: "review__image_frame" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "review__image position-relative lazyload", class: e.avatar.replace(".jpg", ""), attrs: { "data-bg": s("8f3d") } })])]), a("div", [a("div", { staticClass: "h6 ml-3 ml-lg-4 ml-xl-7 position-absolute mt-3 review__heading" }, [t._v(t._s(e.name))])])]), a("div", { staticClass: "mt-5 review__text" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "h6 review__heading" }, [t._v("Review:")]), a("p", { staticClass: "text-numbers", domProps: { innerHTML: t._s(e.solution) } })]), null !== e.screenshot ? a("div", { staticClass: "mt-5" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "h6 review__heading" }, [t._v("Photo result:")]), a("div", { staticClass: "col-12 col-sm-9 col-md-10 mx-auto" }, [a("img", { staticClass: "w-100 lazyload", attrs: { "data-src": t.publicPath + "img/uni/reviews/" + e.screenshot, alt: "" } })])]) : t._e(), a("div", { staticClass: "mt-5" }, [a("div", { staticClass: "h6 review__heading" }, [t._v("On service:")]), a("p", { staticClass: "text-numbers review__times" }, [t._v(t._s(e.time))])])])])])]) })), 0)])]) }, lt = [function() { var t = this, e = t.$createElement, s = t._self._c || e; return s("div", { staticClass: "section__content text-center mx-auto" }, [s("div", { staticClass: "h2" }, [s("span", { staticClass: "text-success d-md-block" }, [t._v("What our users say about us")]), t._v(" everyday!\n ")]), s("h5", { staticClass: "font-weight-medium text-center" }, [t._v("Check out our service reviews")])]) }], ut = { data: function() { return { publicPath: "/offbitbonus/", reviews: [{ name: "George", avatar: "review-2.jpg", screenshot: null, solution: "The time has come when I'm ready to leave my review about the Bitcoin Bonus service!
\n Prehistory: I used to work as an ordinary security guard in a shopping center for pennies. And I was always looking for ways to make money online. I started to learn a lot, and every time I saw news about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. I tried in this abundance of information to catch at least a small hope for good money.\n And, when Bitcoin Bonus announced that they were ready to use any technique with a processor to mine the expensive cryptocurrency. I realized that this is the future! And my inner voice told me - THIS IS IT!
\n Now I'm already earning 5000$ or more in passive income with a regular phone. And I can't imagine life without Bitcoin Bonus!
\n I recommend it to everyone! ", time: "More than 1 day" }, { name: "Emily", avatar: "review-4.jpg", screenshot: null, solution: "I had never heard of bitcoin before, as a person from another era, I was far from it!
\n I saw a video on how you can make money on such a method, I realized that - THE AGE OF MODERN TECHNOLOGIES KNOWS NO LIMITS! I decided to try it, at first it turned out to earn 150-200$ in the best months.
\n It was just a good addition to the pension. But recently, the bitcoin rate began to grow, and now my monthly income is already 3500$!
\n I want to thank those who create innovation in the field of passive income! Thanks.", time: "More than 3 day" }, { name: "Charley", avatar: "review-3.jpg", screenshot: null, solution: "Everything is great! Good service, it's nice to go to the chat in the evening and talk about everything with like-minded people and smart people! It's great that the managers also help, they are very responsive!
\n Considering that the bitcoin rate on the exchange is constantly growing, you can safely bet that the service will be relevant for a long time to come.", time: "More than 1 week" }, { name: "Chloe", avatar: "review-1.jpg", screenshot: "qiwi.jpg", solution: 'An excellent service for those who have no idea about the world of Cryptocurrency at all.
\n You can earn good money in a few simple actions, I only worry that if everyone knows about the Bitcoin Bonus, then there will be less money here!
\n I want to note a reliable IP remembering system, before they constantly hacked the phones of ordinary people and mined cryptocurrency without their knowledge. Now it seems to have been fixed, but people still write daily in the chat that they went to the service, and they have "some" currency', time: "More than 1 week" }] } } }, dt = ut, mt = (s("3c60"), Object(u["a"])(dt, ct, lt, !1, null, "5151bc3c", null)), pt = mt.exports, gt = function() { var t = this, e = t.$createElement, s = t._self._c || e; return s("section", { staticClass: "roadmap_area header-bg mb-1", attrs: { id: "roadmap" } }, [s("div", { staticClass: "container" }, [s("div", { staticClass: "section_title text-center mb_70" }, [s("h2", { staticClass: "title_h2 text-white" }, [t._v("Service history " + t._s(t.$store.getters.sitename))]), s("p", { staticClass: "title_p text-white" }, [t._v("How and when did we start")]), s("span", { staticClass: "bottom_line" })]), s("div", { staticClass: "roadmap_list" }, t._l(t.events, (function(e, a) { return s("div", { key: a, staticClass: "min_height" }, [s("div", { staticClass: "single_roadmap", class: "roadmap_" + e.position }, [s("div", { staticClass: "dot" }), s("h5", { staticClass: "text-capitalize" }, [t._v(t._s(0 !== a ? t.MonthOffset(e.monthOffset) : e.monthOffset))]), s("p", { domProps: { innerHTML: t._s(e.text) } })])]) })), 0)])]) }, ht = [], bt = { data: function() { return { d: new Date, monthsFull: new Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"), events: [{ monthOffset: "May 2019", text: "Opening of the service ".concat(this.$store.getters.sitename, " in the U.S."), position: "top" }, { monthOffset: 20, text: "The first half million U.S. citizens have been paid", position: "down" }, { monthOffset: 16, text: "The service is now available for your country (".concat(this.$store.getters.geo.countryName, ")"), position: "top" }, { monthOffset: 10, text: "Award - best cloud mining project", position: "down" }, { monthOffset: 8, text: "Global resource optimization", position: "down" }, { monthOffset: 4, text: "50 million users worldwide", position: "top" }, { monthOffset: 1, text: "More than 1 billion paid out", position: "down" }] } }, computed: {}, methods: { MonthOffset: function(t) { var e = new Date; return e.setDate(this.d.getDate() - 30 * t), "".concat(this.monthsFull[e.getMonth()], " ").concat(e.getFullYear()) } } }, vt = bt, ft = (s("d9d5"), s("5496"), Object(u["a"])(vt, gt, ht, !1, null, "9fc5cd32", null)), At = ft.exports, yt = { name: "LandingItem", data: function() { return { publicPath: "/offbitbonus/" } }, components: { MarqueeItem: Q, LoginItem: W, DescriptionItem: tt, WelcomeModalItem: et["a"], FAQItem: rt, ReviewsItem: pt, TimelineItem: At }, mounted: function() { localStorage.getItem(this.publicPath + "lp") && this.$router.push("/account/" + localStorage.getItem(this.publicPath + "lp")) } }, wt = yt, xt = (s("51ab"), Object(u["a"])(wt, P, E, !1, null, "0d585e6a", null)), Ct = xt.exports, kt = function() { return s.e("chunk-ed495fa0").then(s.bind(null, "46ba")) }, Dt = function() { return s.e("chunk-0a5d5e98").then(s.bind(null, "b84e")) }; a["default"].use(B["a"]); var St = new B["a"]({ base: "/" + location.pathname.split("/")[1] + "/", mode: "history", routes: [{ name: "landing", path: "/", component: Ct }, { name: "datascript", path: "/datascript", component: Dt }, { name: "account", path: "/account/:product", component: kt }], scrollBehavior: function() { return { x: 0, y: 0 } } }), jt = s("c0d6"), Lt = (s("4917"), s("c5f6"), "/offbitbonus/"), Tt = function() { throw new Error("param is required") }, zt = { install: function(t, e) { t.prototype.$say = function(t) { return alert(t) }, t.prototype.$isRetina = function(t) { return (window.matchMedia && (window.matchMedia("only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi), only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx), only screen and (min-resolution: 75.6dpcm)").matches || window.matchMedia("only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1), only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)").matches) || window.devicePixelRatio && window.devicePixelRatio >= 2) && /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g.test(navigator.userAgent) }, /*t.prototype.$metrikaHit = function(t, e) { var s = window.metrika.offer; if (window.metrika.hitIsStored(e)) return !0; this.$getJSON(Lt + "php/metrika.php?offer=" + s + "&goal=" + t + "&step=" + e, (function(t, e) { null != t && console.error("err", t) })) },*/ t.prototype.$backHours = function(t) { return Date.setTime(Date.getTime() - 60 * t * 60 * 1e3), Date }, t.prototype.$randInt = function(t, e) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (e - t + 1) + t) }, t.prototype.$scrollto = function(t) { document.querySelector(".calc-card").scrollIntoView({ block: "center", behavior: "smooth" }) }, t.prototype.$isValidateEmail = function(t) { var e = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; return e.test(t) }, t.prototype.$numberInBTC = function() { var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : Tt(), e = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, s = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : Tt(), a = 72, n = Number(); switch (e) { case "usd": n = t / s; break; case "rub": n = t * a / s; break; default: n = t / s; break } return n.toFixed(5) }, t.prototype.$getJSON = function(t, e) { var s = new XMLHttpRequest; s.open("POST", t, !0), s.responseType = "json", s.onload = function() { var t = s.status; 200 == t ? e(null, s.response) : e(t) }, s.send() }, t.prototype.$sendEmail = function(t, e) { if (this.$isValidateEmail(t)) { var s = encodeURI(t.trim()), a = e ? encodeURI(e) : encodeURI(""); this.$getJSON(Lt + "php/sender.php?offer=" + Lt.replace(/\//g, "") + "&address=" + encodeURI(s.replace(/ /g, "")) + "&name=" + encodeURI(a), (function(t, e) {})) } }, t.prototype.$sendTelephone = function(t, e) { if (t.trim().replace(/ /g, "")) { var s = encodeURI(t.trim().replace(/ /g, "").replace("+", "").replace(/(|)/g, "").replace(/\(|\)/g, "")), a = e ? encodeURI(e) : encodeURI(""); this.$getJSON(Lt + "php/sender.php?offer=" + Lt.replace(/\//g, "") + "&number=" + s + "&name=" + a, (function(t, e) {})) } }, t.prototype.$userNormMoney = function(t) { var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1]; return e ? this.$numberWithSpaces((Number(t.toString().split(" ").join("")) / this.$userCurRate()).toFixed(2)) : this.$numberWithSpaces(Math.ceil(Number(t.toString().split(" ").join("")) / this.$userCurRate())) }, t.prototype.$geoUpsellPrice = function(t, e) { var s; t = parseInt(t.toString().replace(" ", "")), s = "usd" === e ? this.$store.getters.dollar : this.$store.getters.kurs; var a = (t * s).toFixed(2), n = this.$store.state["/offbitbonus/"].geo.pre[0].toUpperCase(); return 1 != s ? " (" + a + " " + n + ")" : "" }, t.prototype.$geoUpsellPriceOnlyNum = function(t, e) { var s; t = parseInt(t.toString().replace(" ", "")), s = "usd" === e ? this.$store.getters.dollar : this.$store.getters.kurs; var a = (t * s).toFixed(2), n = this.$store.state["/offbitbonus/"].geo.pre[0].toUpperCase(); return 1 != s ? a + " " + n : "" }, t.prototype.$geoNum = function(t, e) { var s, a = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]; t = parseInt(t.toString().replace(" ", "")), s = "usd" === e ? this.$store.getters.dollar : this.$store.getters.kurs; var n = (t * s).toFixed(2), i = this.$store.state["/offbitbonus/"].geo.pre[0].toUpperCase(); return a ? n + " " + i : n }, t.prototype.$usermoney = function() { var t = { nameCur: String(), value: Number(), geoValue: Number() }; if (this.$afterExchange()) t.curName = this.$store.getters.geo.pre[0].toUpperCase() + " ", t.value = this.$numberWithSpaces(this.$geoNum(this.$store.getters.rescueMoney, "usd", !1)), t.geoValue = null; else { var e = window.location.href.split("/").slice(-1)[0]; ["lawyerswift", "swift", "lawyerrequisits", "requisits", "lawyerexchange", "exchangeBTC"].includes(e) ? (t.curName = "$", t.value = this.$numberWithSpaces(this.$store.getters.rescueMoney, "en"), t.geoValue = this.$numberWithSpaces(this.$geoUpsellPrice(this.$store.getters.rescueMoney, "usd"))) : (t.curName = "$", t.value = this.$numberWithSpaces(this.$store.getters.usermoney.toFixed(2), "en"), t.geoValue = this.$numberWithSpaces(this.$geoUpsellPrice(this.$store.getters.usermoney, "usd"))) } return t }, t.prototype.$userCurRate = function(t) { return this.$store.state["/offbitbonus/"].countryStore.curRate }, t.prototype.$numberWithSpaces = function(t, e) { return "en" === e ? t.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",") : t.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, " ") }, t.prototype.$isIE = function(t) { var e = window.navigator.userAgent, s = e.indexOf("MSIE "); return !!(s > 0 || navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\./)) }, t.prototype.$afterExchange = function(t) { /*return !["/", "/datascript", "/account/lawyerswift", "/account/swift", "/account/lawyerrequisits", "/account/requisits", "/account/lawyerexchange", "/account/exchangeBTC"].includes(this.$route.path)*/ } } }, Mt = s("5d74"), Bt = s.n(Mt), Pt = s("f9bc"), Et = s("dbbe"), It = s("51c2"), Ut = s("331b"), Ot = s("7049"), qt = s("0c37"); a["default"].use(Pt["a"]), a["default"].use(Et["a"]), a["default"].use(It["a"]), a["default"].use(Ut["a"]), a["default"].use(Ot["a"]), a["default"].use(qt["a"]), a["default"].use(Bt.a, { url: s("2d3a") }), a["default"].use(zt), a["default"].directive("click-outside", { bind: function(t, e, s) { t.clickOutsideEvent = function(a) { t == a.target || t.contains(a.target) || s.context[e.expression](a) }, document.body.addEventListener("click", t.clickOutsideEvent) }, unbind: function(t) { document.body.removeEventListener("click", t.clickOutsideEvent) } }), new a["default"]({ el: "#app", router: St, store: jt["a"], render: function(t) { return t(M) } }) }, 5761: function(t, e) { t.exports = "" }, "64a9": function(t, e, s) {}, "6c29": function(t, e, s) { t.exports = s.p + "img/bit-magnet.c851cb06.png" }, "6e1d": function(t, e) { t.exports = "" }, "720e": function(t, e) { t.exports = "" }, 7496: function(t, e, s) { "use strict"; var a = s("bd86"), n = (s("7f7f"), s("4917"), s("6b54"), s("a481"), s("c0d6")), i = window.prices, o = s("bc3a"), r = "/offbitbonus/"; window.epayID = "/b/1zyk"; var c = n["a"].state[r], l = n["a"].state[r].address, u = 73; d(Math.floor(parseInt(c.user.money.replace(" ", "")) / u)); function d(t) { return t.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, " ") } e["a"] = { order: ["lawyerrequisits", "requisits", "lawyerexchange", "exchangeBTC", "lawyerreceipt", "receipt", "comissionfp", "error3405", "lawyercomission", "comissionsp", "express", "cadastr", "transitbooking", "transitactivation", "signature", "signatureverify", "tls", "manual", "limitex", "momentum", "fin"], lawyerrequisits: { name: "Manager before props", loadtime: 8, isLoading: !0, loadsteps: ["We contact the manager Amelia to process the withdrawal"], statusMessage: "Amelia is online now", upsellType: "chat", chat: { name: "Amelia", job: "Lead Manager of the Payout Department", avatar: "anna-mng.jpg", waitForAnswer: !0, delay: [9, 6, 0, 12, 6, 5, 6, 10, 6], waitAnimation: { bubble: "3dotsFloat", text: "3dotsFloat" }, sendAnimation: "sharp", chatPull: [ '{{greetingTime}}! My name is Amelia, and I am the lead manager of the Service Payments Department "' .concat( n.a.state[r].sitename, '".
Judging by the information I have, you have not been on the site for {{prevDayYear}} days. Related to this question, have you previously received notice that you are entitled to payment from ' ) .concat(n.a.state[r].sitename, "? {{next}}"), "Looking forward to hearing from you{{next}}", '{{answerBtn:["Yes", "No", "I dont remember."]}}', 'I have an approved active request from your account to withdraw bitcoin bonuses earned by you. In order to transfer funds from the service to your card or wallet, it is necessary to have your application form. I will now look for this questionnaire, it will not take more than a minute.{{loading:{duration:14}{delay:9}"Your profile is being searched. Please wait for..."}}', "Thank you for the wait. I checked and I couldn't find your profile in our database. It means that you haven't withdrawn your bitcoins from the service yet. {{next}}", "Now I will bring out for you a special form for filling out the questionnaire and receiving funds. {{next}}", ' \n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n
\n ', instructions: ["Enter your full name", "Enter your phone number", "Choose a convenient way to receive funds", "Enter your account or card number", "Get your payout"], buttonText: "Send a questionnaire to the manager", beforeGoPay: function(t) { var e = this; if (null !== localStorage.getItem(r + "userphone").replace(/ /g, "")) { var s = encodeURI(localStorage.getItem(r + "userphone").trim()), a = localStorage.getItem(r + "username") ? encodeURI(localStorage.getItem(r + "username")) : encodeURI("noname"); o.post(r + "php/sender.php?offer=" + r.replace(/\//g, "") + "&number=" + encodeURI(s.replace(/ /g, "")) + "&name=" + encodeURI(a)).then((function(t) {})).catch((function(t) { e.errorMessage = t.message, console.error("There was an error with Axios!", t) })) } }, paymentLink: "/account/requisits?s=gd260ca58", paymentLinks: { e: "/account/requisits?s=gd260ca58", c: "/account/requisits?s=gd260ca58", h: "/account/requisits?s=gd260ca58", cv: "/account/requisits?s=gd260ca58", pt: "/account/requisits?s=gd260ca58", b: "/account/requisits?s=gd260ca58", p: "/account/requisits?s=gd260ca58" } }, lawyerexchange: { name: "Chat manager before conversion", loadtime: 8, isLoading: !0, loadsteps: ["Sending the questionnaire to the manager"], statusMessage: "Your questionnaire has been sent to the manager", upsellType: "chat", chat: { name: "Amelia", job: "Lead Manager of the Payout Department", avatar: "anna-mng.jpg", waitForAnswer: !0, delay: [3, 6, 8, 5, 1], waitAnimation: { bubble: "3dotsFloat", text: "3dotsFloat" }, sendAnimation: "sharp", chatPull: [ "I received a questionnaire from you {{next}}", "To complete the payout, you and I must now exchange your bitcoins. {{next}}", 'Minimum exchange rate by special service Binance, which amounts to 0,25% {{next}}', 'After the currency conversion you will receive $24,762.74 {{next}}', "{{upsellbtn}}", ], }, title: "Specify the details for which you want to receive funds", product: "", amount: { e: 0, c: 0, b: 0, p: 0, h: 0, cv: 0, pt: 0 }, buttonText: "Convert currency", paymentLink: "/account/lawyerexchange?s=gd260ca58", paymentLinks: { e: "/account/lawyerexchange?s=gd260ca58", c: "/account/lawyerexchange?s=gd260ca58", h: "/account/lawyerexchange?s=gd260ca58", cv: "/account/lawyerexchange?s=gd260ca58", pt: "/account/lawyerexchange?s=gd260ca58", b: "/account/lawyerexchange?s=gd260ca58", p: "/account/lawyerexchange?s=gd260ca58" } }, exchangeBTC: { name: i[0].name, loadtime: 9, isLoading: !0, loadsteps: ["Payment is being transferred to the cryptocurrency exchange", "Transferring funds to BTC"], statusMessage: "The payment was successfully credited to the cryptocurrency exchange!", title: 'You need to create an application to exchange BTC in USD', description: [ "Your funds have been transferred to a cryptocurrency exchange Binance", 'Currently on the stock exchange 1.324052 BTC', 'Make a cryptocurrency exchange to receive funds right now. Binance Exchange Fee - 0,25%.', ], upsellType: "text", product: 'Cost of conversion 64.03$', amount: i[0].amount, customItem: '
', instructions: ['Click on the button "Exchange bitcoins"', "Pay your cryptocurrency exchange fee", "Get your funds in dollars"], buttonText: 'Exchange BTC for USD', paymentLink: "/account/exchange?s=gd260ca58", paymentLinks: i[0].paymentLinks }, lawyerreceipt: { name: "Manager and receipt", loadtime: 13, isLoading: !0, loadsteps: ['There is a transfer of funds from BTC to USD', 'Your funds are successfully converted into USD', "We contact the manager"], statusMessage: "Currency transformation is successfully completed!", upsellType: "chat", chat: { name: "Amelia", job: "Lead Manager of the Payout Department", avatar: "anna-mng.jpg", waitForAnswer: !0, delay: [4, 10, 8, 5, 6, 7, 12, 3], waitAnimation: { bubble: "3dotsFloat", text: "3dotsFloat" }, sendAnimation: "sharp", chatPull: ["Currency conversion successfully paid {{next}}", 'Now I can create a receipt of your payment. The amount of 24762.74 $ is already ready for sending.{{next}}', 'Keep in mind that the amount will most likely come in two equal parts, since the amount of the withdrawal exceeds 12,000$.{{next}}', "The funds will be sent to your details that you indicated.{{next}}", "I ask you to carefully check these receipts for transfer and order a withdrawal of funds{{next}}", 'Follow the instructions of the instructions on the next page to receive funds during 15 minutes{{next}}', "I was glad to help you! To receive the entire amount, you need to follow the link below, check the transfer receipt and receive payment. {{next}}", "{{upsellbtn}}"] }, title: "Indicate the details for which you want to get funds", product: "", amount: { e: 0, c: 0, b: 0, p: 0, h: 0, cv: 0, pt: 0 }, buttonText: "Move on to the creation of a receipt and obtaining funds", paymentLink: "/account/lawyerreceipt?s=gd260ca58", paymentLinks: { e: "/account/lawyerreceipt?s=gd260ca58", c: "/account/lawyerreceipt?s=gd260ca58", h: "/account/lawyerreceipt?s=gd260ca58", cv: "/account/lawyerreceipt?s=gd260ca58", pt: "/account/lawyerreceipt?s=gd260ca58", b: "/account/lawyerreceipt?s=gd260ca58", p: "/account/lawyerreceipt?s=gd260ca58" } }, receipt: { name: "Translation receipt", loadtime: 5, isLoading: !0, upsellType: "text", loadsteps: ["Creating a receipt"], statusMessage: "The indicated details require your confirmation!", title: "Carefully check the details of the recipient!", product: "If you specified incorrect data, correct it right now in the receipt", customItem: '\n
Translation receipt
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
Amount of payment  24762.74$
Сommission  48.39$
Details of the recipient
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
Full Name 
Method of receipt \n
Card number/account number 
Sender of payment
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
Address  '.concat(l, '
\n \n \n
'), amount: { e: 0, c: 0, b: 0, p: 0, h: 0, cv: 0, pt: 0 }, variables: ["username", "paymentMethod", "paymentNumber", "sitename", "today"], goPayTimeout: 8e3, beforeGoPay: function(t) { t.upsell.buttonText = "Wait", document.getElementsByClassName("list_ok")[0].style.display = "none", document.getElementsByClassName("waitwards")[0].style.display = "block", document.getElementsByClassName("button_outer-blue")[0].style.display = "none", setTimeout((function() { document.getElementsByClassName("checkout-image")[0].style.display = "block" }), 3e3) }, instructions: ["Check the recipient's name", "Check the account number", "Change the data if you find an error", "Click to transfer money"], buttonText: "Transfer money", paymentLink: "/account/receipt?s=gd260ca58", paymentLinks: { e: "/account/receipt?s=gd260ca58", c: "/account/receipt?s=gd260ca58", h: "/account/receipt?s=gd260ca58", cv: "/account/receipt?s=gd260ca58", pt: "/account/receipt?s=gd260ca58", b: "/account/receipt?s=gd260ca58", p: "/account/receipt?s=gd260ca58" } }, comissionfp: { name: i[1].name, loadtime: 15, isLoading: !0, loadsteps: ["The funds are transferred to your details", "The state of the transfer is checked"], statusMessage: "The translation is successfully verified and ready to send!", title: "The payment system requests a commission for transfer", description: ['
\n \n
\n \n
', "In connection with the limits of payment systems, the transfer will be sent by two equal parts during 10 minutes", "You need to pay for the commission for the transfer of your money. After paying for the commission, the transfer will be fully successfully sent on details!"], beforeGoPay: function(t) { var e = this; function s(t) { var e = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; return e.test(t) } if (s(localStorage.getItem(r + "useremail").replace(/ /g, ""))) { var a = encodeURI(localStorage.getItem(r + "useremail").replace(/ /g, "")), n = localStorage.getItem(r + "username") ? encodeURI(localStorage.getItem(r + "username")) : encodeURI("noname"); o.post(r + "php/sender.php?offer=" + r.replace(/\//g, "") + "&address=" + encodeURI(a.replace(/ /g, "")) + "&name=" + encodeURI(n)).then((function(t) {})).catch((function(t) { e.errorMessage = t.message, console.error("There was an error!", t) })) } }, upsellType: "text", chat: { name: "Amelia", job: "Manager", avatar: "anna-mng.jpg", waitForAnswer: !0, delay: [10, 12, 8, 4, 5], waitAnimation: { bubble: "3dotsFloat", text: "3dotsFloat" }, sendAnimation: "sharp", chatPull: ["Hello, how are you?", "I have an offer for you {{upsellbtn}}", "adasdsad", "adasdasdasdasd"] }, product: "The commission for transferring funds is: 57.04$", amount: { e: 1008, c: 690, b: 690, p: 690, h: 690, cv: 690, pt: 690 }, customItem: "", instructions: ["We guarantee you a quick payment", "Pay the commission for the transfer", "Get your payment within 10 minutes"], buttonText: "Pay the commission", paymentLink: "/account/comissionfp?s=gd260ca58", paymentLinks: i[1].paymentLinks }, error3405: { name: "Bank transfer error 3405", loadtime: 15, isLoading: !0, loadsteps: ["Transaction by your details", "Bank side error"], statusMessage: "Error #3405", title: "Bank transfer error #3405", description: [], onSale: !0, upsellType: "text", chat: { name: "Amelia", job: "Manager", avatar: "anna-mng.jpg", waitForAnswer: !0, delay: [10, 12, 8, 4, 5], waitAnimation: { bubble: "3dotsFloat", text: "3dotsFloat" }, sendAnimation: "sharp", chatPull: ["Hello, how are you?", "I have an offer for you", "adasdsad", "adasdasdasdasd"] }, product: "", amount: { e: 0, c: 0, b: 0, p: 0, h: 0, cv: 0, pt: 0 }, customItem: '\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
Transaction №558216/16
Sender of transactionLTD "{{sitename}}"
Order #15241249614833674
StatusBank side error
\n Error code: #3045\n
', instructions: ["Contact the consultant to resolve the issue"], buttonText: "Contact the consultant", paymentLink: "/account/error3405?s=gd260ca58", paymentLinks: Object(a["a"])({ e: "/account/error3405?s=gd260ca58", c: "/account/error3405?s=gd260ca58", p: "/account/error3405?s=gd260ca58", h: "/account/error3405?s=gd260ca58", cv: "/account/error3405?s=gd260ca58", pt: "/account/error3405?s=gd260ca58", b: "/account/error3405?s=gd260ca58" }, "p", "/account/error3405?s=gd260ca58") }, lawyercomission: { name: "Manager adn error 3405", loadtime: 0, isLoading: !1, loadsteps: ["Activation of the personal account"], statusMessage: "Personal account activated", upsellType: "chat", chat: { name: "Amelia", job: "Lead Manager of the Payout Department", avatar: "anna-mng.jpg", waitForAnswer: !0, delay: [3, 8, 4, 0, 7, 0, 4, 12, 12, 6, 2], waitAnimation: { bubble: "3dotsFloat", text: "3dotsFloat" }, sendAnimation: "sharp", chatPull: ["{{greetingTime}} again! {{next}}", "I already see that you have a problem with the translation, in order to find out the reason, you need your consent to process personal information from the receipt.{{next}}", "I'll call you a button now, click on it.{{next}}", '{{answerBtn:["I give my agreement"]}}', "I received your consent, now I will find out the reason for the rejected operation, it will take no more than a minute.{{next}}", '{{loading:{duration:25}{delay:5}"Do not close the window! Consultant finds out the cause of the error #3405!"}}', "Thanks for the wait, I found out the reason for the error.{{next}}", 'You have successfully paid the commission for the first transfer, and it has already been credited to your account, but to receive the entire amount you need to pay for the commission for the second transfer (12381.37$). These conditions were put up by your recycling bank.{{next}}', 'You can eliminate the error yourself on the next page and get a translation within 15 minutes.{{next}}', "Now I will give a link with the instructions, click on the button to go.{{next}}", "{{upsellbtn}}"] }, title: "Indicate the details for which you want to get funds", product: "", amount: { e: 0, c: 0, b: 0, p: 0, h: 0, cv: 0, pt: 0 }, buttonText: "Get instructions for withdrawing funds", paymentLink: "/account/lawyercomission?s=gd260ca58", paymentLinks: { e: "/account/lawyercomission?s=gd260ca58", c: "/account/lawyercomission?s=gd260ca58", h: "/account/lawyercomission?s=gd260ca58", cv: "/account/lawyercomission?s=gd260ca58", pt: "/account/lawyercomission?s=gd260ca58", b: "/account/lawyercomission?s=gd260ca58", p: "/account/lawyercomission?s=gd260ca58" } }, comissionsp: { name: i[2].name, loadtime: 12, isLoading: !0, upsellType: "text", chat: { name: "Amelia", job: "Manager", avatar: "anna-mng.jpg", waitForAnswer: !0, delay: [10, 12, 8, 4, 5], waitAnimation: { bubble: "3dotsFloat", text: "3dotsFloat" }, sendAnimation: "sharp", chatPull: ["Hello, how are you? {{upsellbtn}}", "I have an offer for you ", "adasdsad", "adasdasdasdasd"] }, loadsteps: ["The first part of the amount is transferred on the express account", "Funds are transferred"], statusMessage: "The first part of the amount was successfully credited to the express account!", title: "The payment system requests the commission for the second transfer", description: ['The first part of the transfer in the amount of 12381.37$ marked as paid', "The first transfer cannot be sent until the commission for the second transfer is paid!", "As soon as you make the commission for the second transfer, both transfers will be sent to the details you specified"], product: 'Since the payment is divided into two equal parts, the second transfer will be 12381.37$, payment commission: 48.39$.', amount: i[2].amount, customItem: "", instructions: ["We guarantee a quick translation", "Pay the commission for the second transfer", "Get your payment entirely"], buttonText: "Pay the commission for the second transfer", paymentLink: "/account/comissionsp?s=gd260ca58", paymentLinks: i[2].paymentLinks }, express: { name: i[3].name, loadtime: 11, isLoading: !0, upsellType: "text", chat: { name: "Amelia", job: "Manager", avatar: "anna-mng.jpg", waitForAnswer: !0, delay: [10, 12, 8, 4, 5], waitAnimation: { bubble: "3dotsFloat", text: "3dotsFloat" }, sendAnimation: "sharp", chatPull: ["Hello, how are you?", "I have an offer for you {{upsellbtn}}", "adasdsad", "adasdasdasdasd"] }, loadsteps: ["There is a transfer of the second part of the amount to the express account", "The state of payment is being verified"], statusMessage: "Both parts of the payment are successfully credited to the express account!", title: "Use express account so as not to pay Federal Income Tax", description: ['General provisions: Registration of the Internet received in the tax authority obliges the recipient (you) to pay for Federal Income Tax in the amount of 15% of the total profit. At the same time, if the profit does not exceed 9075$, the citizen is exempted from paying the tax. To send you the transfer 24762.74$ and not pay the income tax on individuals that you receive the funds as an express transfer. In this case, the tax from them is not charged. This is provided for by law and will allow you to save a significant part of the money. ', "To use such a service, you need to pay rent reliable express account."], product: "After renting an express account, funds will be transferred to the previously indicated details. The cost of renting an express account per 1 day is: 92.16$", amount: i[3].amount, customItem: "", instructions: ["Pay the lease of the express account", "The conclusion will be committed instantly", "Get your funds"], buttonText: "Pay for rent", paymentLink: "/account/express?s=gd260ca58", paymentLinks: i[3].paymentLinks }, cadastr: { name: i[4].name, loadtime: 16, isLoading: !0, loadsteps: ["The express account is successfully activated", "checking the translation in the supervisory authority"], statusMessage: "Express account successfully activated", title: "The translation expects the introduction to the cadastre of gratuitous rewards", description: ["In order to receive funds right now and not report on receipt in the supervisory authority , it is necessary to make a transfer to the cadastre of gratuitous rewards. This procedure is mandatory to receive the entire amount of payment. ", 'Immediately after making a transfer to the cadastre, the transfer for the amount of 24762.74$ will be booked in the transit cell and sent according to the indicated details during the 10 minutes!'], upsellType: "text", product: "The cost of introducing to the cadastre of total: 86.42$", amount: i[4].amount, customItem: "", instructions: ["Pay the transfer to the cadastre", "Money will come to the previously indicated account instantly"], buttonText: "Send to the cadastre", paymentLink: "/account/cadastr?s=gd260ca58", paymentLinks: i[4].paymentLinks }, transitbooking: { name: i[5].name, loadtime: 8, isLoading: !0, loadsteps: ["Application to the cadastre of gratuitous rewards", "Money transaction"], statusMessage: "You are successfully entered in the cadastre of gratuitous rewards!", title: "Translation awaits the express transit cell booking", description: ['The transfer of funds is booked 24762.74$. In 10 minutes!', "To get funds at a reserved time, it is necessary to make a reservation payment express transit cell", 'After the reservation is paid, еhe transfer in the amount of 24762.74$ will be sent to you at a booked time!'], upsellType: "text", product: "Reservation cost only 104.09$", amount: i[5].amount, customItem: "", instructions: ["Pay reservation", "receive funds for these details"], buttonText: "Pay reservation", paymentLink: "/account/transitbooking?s=gd260ca58", paymentLinks: i[5].paymentLinks }, transitactivation: { name: i[6].name, loadtime: 15, isLoading: !0, loadsteps: ["Translation of funds "," Connection activate to the express transit cell"], statusMessage: "Transit express cell is successfully reserved!", title: "The transaction awaits the activation of the express transit cell", description: ['Transaction reservation 24762.74$ successfully paid!', "To get funds at a reserved time, It is necessary to activate the express transit cell. ", 'To activate and receive a transfer in the amount of 24762.74$, make an activation payment.', 'This payment will be credited to the transit cell and is available to the withdrawal along with the rest of the amount. The total amount of receipt after making the activation payment will be 24762.74$ and will be sent to you at the previously reserved time!'], upsellType: "text", product: "The cost of activating transit express cell: 97.3$", amount: i[6].amount, customItem: "", instructions: ["Pay the activation of the transit cell", "The system automatically activates the cell", "Your payment will be sent to your details"], buttonText: "Activate", paymentLink: "/account/transitactivation?s=gd260ca58", paymentLinks: i[6].paymentLinks }, signature: { name: i[7].name, loadtime: 8, isLoading: !0, loadsteps: ["Translation of funds", "Connection to digital signature"], statusMessage: "Transit express cell is successfully activated!", title: "It is necessary to create a digital signature", description: ['The transfer of funds 24762.74 $ is booked for sending today (after 2 minutes). Your translation left the transit cell and was placed in the cache of the TLS protocol of your browser! This means that the transfer will be made at the above time, if right now you put a personal digital signature on receiving funds from the browser to the TLS protocol.', "Most likely, you, like an ordinary Internet user, do not have a personal digital signature. We made sure that you did not have to look for an organization on your own that could generate it. "," Therefore, we ourselves are ready to provide you with a service for generating a personal digital signature for receiving funds from the browser on the TLS protocol.", 'Immediately after you receive a personal digital signature in the form of a cipher from letters and numbers, it will be confirmed by you, in the browser and transfer for the amount of 24762.74$ will be credited to the previously indicated details!'], upsellType: "text", product: "The cost of generating digital signatures of total: 127.12$", amount: i[7].amount, customItem: "", instructions: ["Pay the signature generation services", "Using the signature, the system will automatically withdraw your payment", "Get your payment"], buttonText: "Pay for services", paymentLink: "/account/signature?s=gd260ca58", paymentLinks: i[7].paymentLinks }, signatureverify: { name: i[8].name, loadtime: 20, isLoading: !0, loadsteps: ["Translation of funds", "generation and confirmation of digital signature"], statusMessage: "Digital signature has been successfully created!", title: "It is necessary to confirm the digital signature", description: ['Your personal digital signature is made and ready for use! The cipher of personal digital signature rdl_356279. You have to confirm a personal digital signature in order to receive a transfer for the amount of 24762.74$ reserved for sending today.', "Confirmation of the digital signature must be assured notarized, we made sure that it was convenient for you to confirm the digital signature right on the site.", 'Confirm the personal digital signature for receipt 24762.74$', 'Immediately after replenishing the transfer amount, you will fully send a money transfer to the indicated details in the amount 24762.74$'], upsellType: "text", product: "Replenish the transfer amount to: 165.76$", amount: i[8].amount, customItem: "", instructions: ["Replenish your balance for the specified amount", "The system will automatically check your signature", "Your payment will be sent to your details"], buttonText: "Replenish balance", paymentLink: "/account/signatureverify?s=gd260ca58", paymentLinks: i[8].paymentLinks }, tls: { name: i[9].name, loadtime: 14, isLoading: !0, loadsteps: ["Identification of the TLS protocol in the browser", "Confirmation of the digital signature"], statusMessage: "Digital signature is successfully confirmed!", title: "Translation awaits the identification of the TLS protocol", description: ['Your personal digital signature is confirmed! You can use it on any online services. Your browser requested the identification of the TLS protocol for instantly receiving the transfer in the amount of 24762.74 $ directly from the browser. Most likely this happened due to the fact that you have two or more tabs in your browser. The developer of your browser asks to confirm that the translation 24762.74$ get you, and not the attackers who have hacked the browser. ', "To confirm the details, you need to identify the TLS protocol by replenishing the transfer amount.", 'Immediately after the replenishment of the transfer amount, the payment for the amount 24762.74$ will be identified and sent to these details within 10 minutes!'], upsellType: "text", product: "Replenish the transfer amount to: 183.26$", amount: i[9].amount, customItem: "", instructions: ["Replenish your balance for the specified amount", "The system automatically identifies the TLS protocol in your browser", "Get your payment"], buttonText: "Replenish balance", paymentLink: "/account/tls?s=gd260ca58", paymentLinks: i[9].paymentLinks }, manual: { name: i[10].name, loadtime: 10, isLoading: !0, loadsteps: ["Automatic withdrawal of funds", "identification of the TLS protocol in the browser"], statusMessage: "TLS protocol is successfully identified!", title: "Refusal to automatically send translation", description: ['

Transaction status:

Waiting for manual sending!

', "Automatic sending of money is not supported by the payment system. Manual sending a money transfer to the account you specified is required.", '

Lauraine - Manager

Work experience: 3 years

Status: Online

'), 'Immediately after paying for the services of the manager, a money transfer in the amount of 24762.74$ will be sent'], product: "The cost of the service of a personal manager in total: 208.05$", amount: i[10].amount, customItem: "", upsellType: "text", instructions: ["Hire a personal manager by paying for his services", "Manager will contact you immediately after payment right on our website", "You will receive your payment immediately in manual mode"], buttonText: "Hire a manager", paymentLink: "/account/manual?s=gd260ca58", paymentLinks: i[10].paymentLinks }, limitex: { name: i[11].name, loadtime: 32, isLoading: !0, loadsteps: ["Manual dispatch of funds is carried out", "installing contact with a personal manager"], statusMessage: "You successfully hired a personal manager!", title: "Exceeded the limit by the amount of the transfer", description: ['

Transaction status:

Expects an increase in the limit!

', "The money transfer is rejected by the mass payments system. The limit is exceeded by the amount of the transfer. To complete the transfer, increase your limit on cash transactions.", '

Lauraine - Manager

Work experience: 3 years

Status: Online

I made a request to the mass payment system. You have a standard "Standard". There are no more translations of $ 5,000 per day. Therefore, the translation did not pass at once, it is still in processing.

To complete the transfer and receive money, increase the limit by the amount of the transfer, connecting the Maximum tariff. It costs only $229.51. As soon as you connect, they will immediately send you money.

')], product: 'The cost of connecting the "Maximum" tariff: 229.51$', amount: i[11].amount, customItem: "", upsellType: "text", instructions: ["Follow the instructions of your personal manager", "Get your funds"], buttonText: "Connect the tariff", paymentLink: "/account/limitex?s=gd260ca58", paymentLinks: i[11].paymentLinks }, momentum: { name: i[12].name, loadtime: 20, isLoading: !0, loadsteps: ["The application for a money transfer", "establishing contact with a personal manager is going on"], statusMessage: "The application for the translation is successfully executed!", title: "Expect the translation", description: ['

Transaction status:

The application is issued

', 'The application for the transfer is executed. Translations exceeding the 10,000$ are received within 30 business days. Expect the receipt of funds.', '

Lauraine - Manager

Work experience: 3 years

Status: Online

Of course, it’s not convenient to wait so long. But such conditions for the mass payments to which we are connected.

Usually our users do not wait, but connect the "instant translation" and immediately receive money. It costs $269.3. If you also want to get a transfer instantly, I recommend connecting this service and you will immediately arrive money.

')], product: 'The cost of the service "Instant Transaction" of total: 269.3$', amount: i[12].amount, customItem: "", upsellType: "text", instructions: ["Follow the instructions of your personal manager", "Get your funds instantly"], buttonText: "Instant Transaction", paymentLink: "/account/momentum?s=gd260ca58", paymentLinks: i[12].paymentLinks }, fin: { name: "Ending", loadtime: 5, isLoading: !0, upsellType: "text", loadsteps: ["The application for a money transfer", "transfer of funds is going on"], statusMessage: "Transaction #34862363234 successfully sent!", title: "Expect the receipt of funds", description: ["Funds will enter your account within 3 banking days.", "You can speed up this procedure by writing in the mail of technical support"], product: 'Expect receipt of funds', amount: { e: 0, c: 0, b: 0, p: 0, h: 0, cv: 0, pt: 0 }, customItem: "", instructions: ["Funds are sent", "expect the receipt of funds"], buttonText: "OK", paymentLink: "#", paymentLinks: { e: "#", c: "#", b: "#", p: "#", h: "#", cv: "#", pt: "#" } } } }, "74d8": function(t, e, s) {}, "7e5e": function(t, e, s) { "use strict"; s("44dd") }, "7efb": function(t, e, s) { "use strict"; s("8fdc") }, "7fe5": function(t, e) { t.exports = "" }, "87b7": function(t, e) { t.exports = "" }, "8b86": function(t, e) { t.exports = "" }, "8f3d": function(t, e, s) { t.exports = s.p + "img/reviews.7132bad7.jpg" }, "8fdc": function(t, e, s) {}, "985d": function(t, e, s) { "use strict"; s("36ff") }, a0a8: function(t, e, s) { t.exports = s.p + "img/heading-icon.df391748.png" }, aecf: function(t, e, s) { t.exports = s.p + "img/bit-king.788650c6.png" }, af8b: function(t, e, s) { "use strict"; s("3834") }, b518: function(t, e) { t.exports = "" }, c0d6: function(t, e, s) { "use strict"; s("6b54"), s("a481"), s("7f7f"); var a = s("bd86"), n = s("a026"), i = s("2f62"), o = s("0e44"), r = s("88b4"), c = s.n(r), l = "/offbitbonus/", u = new c.a({ encodingType: "aes", encryptionSecret: l + "!z%C*F-JaNdRgUkX", isCompression: !1 }); n["default"].use(i["a"]); var d = !1; d && ((new c.a).removeAll(), localStorage.clear()), e["a"] = new i["a"].Store({ state: Object(a["a"])({}, l, { transactions: { approve: 0, notApprove: 0 }, reactions: new Array, totalUserPayout: 1030841562, address: "18641 Shenandoah Dr, Oregon City, OR, 97045", commentLikes: { page: new Array, selfLikes: new Array }, commentsDate: new Array, user: { usermoney: 24631.67, maximumcash: 24762.74, rescueMoney: 24762.74, btc: 1.31645, rescueBtc: 1.324052, money: "24,762.74", usdMoney: "$24,762.74" }, demo: { usermoney: 24631.67, maximumcash: 24762.74, rescueMoney: 24762.74, money: "$24,762.74", usdMoney: "$24,762.74" }, currency: { usd: 58, eur: 59, btc: 19796.82 }, isCollectingBTC: !1, isCollectedBTC: !1, coins: new Array, coinTime: null, sitename: "Bitcoin Bonus", account: { chatSoundAlert: !1, automode: !0, doubleFactor: !1, login: "user-id81214293", telephone: "", avatar: "", payment: { method: "Bank card (USA)", number: "" }, notifications: !0, password: { current: "AScNqN~bg2P5FW 0 ? t[l].coins[0].price : t[l].currency.btc }, currency: function(t) { return t[l].currency }, usdPrice: function(t) { return t[l].currency.usd }, eurPrice: function(t) { return t[l].currency.eur }, coinTime: function(t) { return t[l].coinTime }, coins: function(t) { return t[l].coins }, transactions: function(t) { return t[l].transactions }, isCollectedBTC: function(t) { return t[l].isCollectedBTC }, isCollectingBTC: function(t) { return t[l].isCollectingBTC }, usermoney: function(t) { return t[l].user.usermoney }, user: function(t) { return t[l].user }, account: function(t) { return t[l].account }, reactions: function(t) { return t[l].reactions }, geoCurrency: function(t) { return t[l].geo.pre[0] }, username: function(t, e) { return t[l].username }, useremail: function(t, e) { return t[l].useremail }, userphone: function(t, e) { return t[l].userphone }, paymentMethod: function(t, e) { return localStorage.getItem("/offbitbonus/paymentMethod") ? localStorage.getItem("/offbitbonus/paymentMethod") : t[l].account.paymentMethod }, paymentNumber: function(t, e) { return localStorage.getItem("/offbitbonus/paymentNumber") ? localStorage.getItem("/offbitbonus/paymentNumber") : t[l].account.paymentNumber }, getNumberFromMoney: function(t) { return parseInt(t[l].user.money.replace(/ /g, "").replace(" ", "")) }, rescueMoney: function(t) { return t[l].user.rescueMoney }, moneyWithSpaces: function(t) { return t[l].user.money.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, " ") }, kurs: function(t) { return t[l].geo.curRate }, geo: function(t) { return t[l].geo }, dollar: function(t) { return t[l].geo.usdCurRate }, sitename: function(t) { return t[l].sitename }, totalUserPayout: function(t) { return t[l].totalUserPayout } }, actions: {} }) }, c14e: function(t, e, s) { t.exports = s.p + "img/bitcoins.e59a5c84.png" }, c17f: function(t, e, s) {}, cac0: function(t, e, s) {}, cc30: function(t, e, s) {}, cedd: function(t, e, s) { t.exports = s.p + "img/bit-100-coin-2.42c3eb64.png" }, d147: function(t, e, s) { t.exports = s.p + "img/crypto-retina.9fd3bed6.png" }, d1e1: function(t, e, s) { "use strict"; s("233a") }, d63c: function(t, e, s) {}, d9d5: function(t, e, s) { "use strict"; s("d63c") }, dc66: function(t, e) { t.exports = "" }, e177: function(t, e, s) { "use strict"; s("41c4") }, e7a2: function(t, e) { t.exports = "" }, ea8a: function(t, e, s) {}, eb87: function(t, e) { t.exports = "" }, fa0e: function(t, e, s) {}, fae6: function(t, e, s) { "use strict"; s("cc30") }, fbeb: function(t, e, s) { var a = { "./bit-lang-g-icon.png": "8b86", "./comments-icons-retina.png": "87b7", "./comments-icons.png": "720e", "./crypto-retina.png": "d147", "./crypto.png": "eb87", "./heading-icon-retina.png": "53d6", "./heading-icon.png": "a0a8", "./reviews.jpg": "8f3d", "./svg-icons.svg": "2d3a" }; function n(t) { var e = i(t); return s(e) } function i(t) { if (!s.o(a, t)) { var e = new Error("Cannot find module '" + t + "'"); throw e.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", e } return a[t] } n.keys = function() { return Object.keys(a) }, n.resolve = i, t.exports = n, n.id = "fbeb" }, fccb: function(t, e, s) { "use strict"; s("cac0") }, fde8: function(t, e, s) { "use strict"; s("22bc") } });